Big Data Cultivation

Chapter 188: 188: Hand Over Your WeChat ID

Chapter 188: Chapter 188: Hand Over Your WeChat ID

Isn’t it said that destiny has its own arrangements? This phrase couldn’t be truer; Feng Jun racked his brain trying to find Liu Hong, only to have that guy expose himself directly before him—truly, there are no coincidences that do not lead to a story.

Therefore, Feng Jun once again got up and nodded to Zhang Caixin, “I’m going to the restroom again.”

“My goodness, you,” Zhang Caixin sighed helplessly, “so young and like this… Could it be kidney deficiency?”

Feng Jun pretended not to hear and quickly turned to leave.

With the guidance of the red dot, finding Liu Hong was really too easy.

Behind the Dynasty Disco, there was a semi-open courtyard with a simple two-story building that appeared to be a temporary structure constructed during the development phase.

Feng Jun, taking advantage of the night, walked past sticking close to the wall. He knew that the first floor was a warehouse, so he went directly to the second floor, which had two rooms with lights on.

In the two rooms, there were a total of six people. After checking again, Feng Jun could confirm that none of these six were Liu Hong.

At that moment, Liu Hong was about ten meters away from him, but… exactly where was that guy?

Just as he was tensely analyzing the situation, the sound of high heels tapping on the concrete floor came from not far off. Feng Jun reacted swiftly, with a light leap, he jumped down from the second floor, landing silently, as light as a feather.

Then, there was the sound of a door being opened, and a woman’s voice could be heard complaining that Brother Hong wanted to be alone to clear his mind and that others shouldn’t slack off and should keep a lookout.

“No need to be so tense,” someone responded nonchalantly with a robust voice, expressing disdainfully, “I’m more afraid that the kid won’t come. Even if he’s skilled, can he outdo a gun? As long as he dares to come, we dare to bury him!”

Feng Jun clenched his teeth in secret: You keep showing off like this, believe it or not, I’ll take you down on the spot?

He had figured it out; that woman must have come down from the stairs, which meant… Liu Hong was on the rooftop of the second floor.

Having determined the location, Feng Jun didn’t even bother with the stairs and leaped upward.

Passing by the second floor, his toes tapped on the railing of the balcony, and then, as he reached the rooftop, he lightly touched with his hand, allowing his body to float gently and land on the roof without making a sound.

He was being so stealthy because he didn’t want to alarm anyone; otherwise, with his High-Rank Martial Master cultivation level, he could have jumped straight up there.

Upon reaching the rooftop, sure enough, his guess was spot-on. Liu Hong was sitting in an armchair, staring in the direction of the courtyard gate of the Dynasty Disco.

To the left of Liu Hong was a small coffee table with some snacks and drinks, and to his right, a low stool with a shotgun lying across it.

True to his seasoned experience in the underworld, his intuition was extremely strong. Despite Feng Jun’s light movements, Liu Hong felt something was amiss. He leaned forward, reaching out for the shotgun while simultaneously turning his head.

However, in the next moment, something cold and hard pressed against his forehead—an unmistakable sensation. As a man of the underworld, he knew exactly what it was—the barrel of a gun!

His body stiffened for a moment, and he decisively abandoned any idea of resisting. If it had been in his younger days, he might have dared to dodge slightly, to trade injury for injury—perhaps the other party wouldn’t dare shoot, right?

But now, it wasn’t possible… He had aged, and although he sometimes went to the gym, he had to admit that his reactions were truly not what they once were.

Liu Hong slowly relaxed the grip of his right hand on the shotgun, indicating he had no intention of resisting. However, when he saw the sunglasses on his opponent’s face, he couldn’t help but feel some disdain in his heart.

Therefore, he bared his teeth in a grin, “Nice moves… I’m sure you know there are a few guns downstairs, right?”

Feng Jun’s hand twitched, the gun barrel moved away from the opponent’s forehead, and then the butt of the gun smashed brutally into the opponent’s face.

Liu Hong’s teeth were immediately knocked out, and he was sent spinning out of the armchair, landing on the ground with his right cheek swelling visibly.

Once again, the gun barrel pressed against his forehead. Only then did Feng Jun speak slowly, “And then?”

Liu Hong was certainly tough; after suffering such a heavy blow, he merely grunted without screaming.

Of course, he was acutely aware of the consequences of shouting, so after he was stunned for a moment and composed himself, he spoke again, “Alright, you’re ruthless, this time you win. I won’t bother you anymore in the future.”

Feng Jun’s hand shook, and he followed with another butt stroke to the face before baring his teeth in a smile, “Should I thank you then for showing mercy?”

To tell the truth, he was most annoyed by this kind of arrogance. Last time at the police station, the guy had threatened him, challenged him not to leave the police station. And now, “won’t bother me in the future”—damn it, who do you think you are?

From his energy, Liu Hong keenly sensed the killing intent, his heart suddenly clenched, and he immediately made a choice, “It’s not that I wanted to trouble you, it was Wu Jianguo’s son, he wanted someone to mess with you.”

Feng Jun laughed coldly, “Then you should have come directly to me. Taking it out on others… what kind of hero does that make you?”

Liu Hong’s face began to swell, making his speech increasingly unclear, “I…I couldn’t find you.”

His words were somewhat disingenuous; although Feng Jun was not easy to find, if he really wanted to, it wouldn’t be that difficult.

Liu Hong chose to target Li Qiang precisely to lure out Feng Jun. He had not underestimated the guy, which was why, after beating him up, he spread rumors, planning to set the battlefield in a place familiar to him.

Of course, as things stood, he realized he had still underestimated his opponent and began to regret it.

I was already off the hook, why did I have to provoke this guy again?

As he was filled with regret, the other party’s question reached his ears, “What’s your WeChat ID?”

What? Liu Hong could hardly believe his ears. We’re in this situation now… You want to add me on WeChat?

Despite what he was thinking, he dared not show any odd expression on his face. The situation was stronger than he was, so he could only respond vaguely, “It’s my mobile number.”

Feng Jun raised a hand, and firmly jabbed the gun barrel against Liu Hong’s forehead, “How much loose change do you have in your WeChat wallet?”

“Thirty to fifty thousand, I think. I don’t remember exactly,” Liu Hong honestly didn’t remember; such a trifle amount of money was not significant to him.

As long as he could get out of this predicament, he didn’t care if he gave all the money to the other party. Of course, if his adversary asked for much more, he would consider asking for a change to another WeChat ID for payment, which could turn the situation around.

But unfortunately, the next thing Feng Jun said was, “Book a plane ticket to Yang City… Don’t tell me you don’t know how.”

Liu Hong’s mouth fell open in shock—although due to the congestion, he truly couldn’t open it too wide, “A… plane ticket?”

“Using your ID card!” Feng Jun had no interest in explaining further, casually smashing down with the gun butt again—honestly, he felt that talking with the gun butt was more effective than using the mouth.

Is this… Sister Hong’s plane ticket? Liu Hong rolled on the ground, but his mind couldn’t help wandering.

This legend had quite a market in Zhengyang’s underworld and was becoming more and more mystified.

Liu Hong had heard of it before but hadn’t completely believed it; he only had a sense of awe. Only after hearing it from Feng Jun’s mouth did he have an epiphany: If this man was her henchman, then her plane ticket was indeed very dangerous.

Of course, he didn’t want to take such a one-way plane, but with a gun to his head, he didn’t have the guts to refuse.

Fortunately, he could find another excuse, “This… I’m on a blacklist and can’t take planes.”

“Hm?” Feng Jun frowned upon hearing this, “Are you kidding me? The airline blacklist is a company measure. Just switch companies!”

“It’s not like that,” Liu Hong hastily defended, “It’s the security check that always gets me stuck, I can’t get through… I’m not quite sure what the issue is, what’s going on?”

How would I know what’s going on? Feng Jun could guess that if he couldn’t get through security, it wasn’t likely related to the airline but probably an issue with his identity information, otherwise they wouldn’t even sell him a ticket.

But he wasn’t interested in pondering and just snorted coldly, “I told you to get through security… Hurry up and buy a ticket, for a week from now!”

Liu Hong still didn’t want to buy a ticket. He always felt that something terrible would happen after he did.

Thus, he could only plead earnestly, speaking not too loudly, “President Feng, Brother Feng, fate brings people together, spare a line of mercy for a future reunion, I know I’ve wronged, and I beg you to spare me this once.”

Brother Hong had always been known for his ferocity in the underworld, so for him to speak such pleading words was indeed rare.

In fact, Liu Hong had always looked down on such cowards.

Whenever he heard about the notorious mafia bosses begging pitifully after being caught by the police, he was utterly disdainful: Begging or not, you’re going to die anyway, why make such a dismal spectacle for others to laugh at?

However, when he faced such a situation himself, he truly understood: If there was even a sliver of possibility to avoid death, who could face it with equanimity?

Of course, he didn’t believe that the other party would definitely sentence him to death. Killing had its costs, but thinking of the terrifying legend of Sister Hong’s plane ticket, he couldn’t help but plead aloud.

Fate brings people together? These words only enraged Feng Jun even more. Since you knew “spare a line of mercy for a future reunion,” what then was the relentless threatening at the police station about?

And what about sending people to attack Li Qiang yesterday?

But he couldn’t be bothered to say more and jabbed forcefully with the gun barrel before speaking coldly, “Not buying a plane ticket, huh? Fine… It saves me the trouble of finding someone to help you through security.”

Upon hearing the words “through security,” Liu Hong shivered and quickly came to his senses. Indeed, if the other party was willing to help him through security, it meant that before landing, he wouldn’t face much threat.

In fact, since the ticket was for next week, he might have a chance to find an escape during this time.

It’s just a plane ticket, what’s the big deal? So he gritted his teeth and nodded, “Fine, I’ll buy it.”

(Updated, calling for monthly tickets.)

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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