Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game

Volume 9 - Ch 156

Extra Chapter, Three

Translated by boilpoil

Edited by boilpoil

X Beijin only learned after leaving the Tower, that each member of the galaxy has only one unique avatar on the galaxy-wide internet.

Therefore, after he and Lin Qin accepted the cyborg bodies the Maertons prepared for them, their avatars also equally reflected how they were in the Tower

It does remind them of their life in the Tower a lot, but they got used to it.

And really, theyre already used to using that avatar in the game. They might feel off otherwise.

Though their friend, Olai, would remark that he gets spooked every time he sees him.

It was then that X Beijin learned that the humanoid form really is oddly prevalent in the legends and myths of the many species of the universe, as an antagonistic, evil or devilish force.

X Beijin really cant help but suspect ancient humans were involved in something. Maybe thehorror saga of the bipedal apestill continues?

Though thanks to that, their forms made their stream quite popular across the internet. Many different interplanetary species were here to check out this interesting new lifeform.

Lin Qin also joined the streams in the form of what the viewers refer to as the dalaos cold and cool boyfriend, since he couldnt be bothered with viewer interaction.

Meanwhile, the earliest viewers, those humans, after finally learning about who X Beijin actually was and what the humans trapped in the Tower endured, were all bawling for several streams straight.

Bei! oh my Bei! this is so sad!!!

tears wont stop flowing from my eyes

just knowing Beibei was handling the truth alone in the tower hurts so bad

Beibei, you could have confided in us though I doubt you could do that. Sigh, but really, its all in the past now.

thats right! oh my Bei, you and the little apple deserve so much better

X Beijin was amused by these comments, and thanked them for their company a lot.

Yes, everything was in the past. The world moves on, life moves on, time stops for no one.

Of course, all the news and rumours, official and unofficial, that accompanied the sudden collapse of the Fyecan nation contributed to the popularity of X Beijins stream for quite some time then, during which X Beijin made quite a bit of dosh.

He had got himself quite the financial leeway then already.

It was quite a relief, too, because it was pretty stressful after returning to reality, not knowing how the world would react that they were left behind for centuries.

Hey, at least they could earn a living.

Lin Qin even went for jobs without telling X Beijin at first some competition held online, like wrestling or other forms of competitive brawling.

It has to be said that, at the heyday of the Fyecan domination, they and the Maertons could do whatever they want virtually; meaning, their boosting the physical stats of Lin Qin was actually quite preposterous in scale.

This is something that was also preserved because the Maertons simply copied and pasted data.

It meant that Lin Qin shot into prominence almost immediately, becoming some kind of star contestant many adored.

That was when Lin Qin finally told X Beijin about it like a good boi after a mishap.

X Beijin

Wait, so you mean his little apple became an overnight celebrity?!

Because even in the virtual net, there were designs put into place that made users unable to use force exceeding that of their natural limit.

In other words, how they perform there is also a telling sign of their species performance.

Lin Qin had many internet users who didnt know any better to proclaim a new monstrous species is here!

Of course, it was just coincidence all along, and Lin Qin, after earning the money he needed and the reputation he didnt need in a very short period of time, he left without a trace.

And he only participated in legal ring fights held for entertainment purposes, so no organisers were too concerned to try and dig too deeply into their information.

Though after his departure as sudden as when he came, the fans he gained those few competitions decided to call him the Crownless King, believing that even though he never participated in officially sanctioned tournaments, he was still unparalleled.

X Beijin found it hilarious, telling Lin Qin, oh little apple, are you never going to shake the label of being a crownless King off of you?

Lin Qin

He was almost going to retort by asking if X Beijin was never going to shake the addiction of streaming games.

But never mind. He didnt want to remind X Beijin of what he didnt like to remember either.

And that was in the short period immediately following their departure from the Tower. After the events died down, X Beijin and Lin Qin both became recluses and were not actively participating in outside events anymore. Theyre quite used to being outside the spotlight.

X Beijin would still stream every now and again, as he has a group of loyal viewers; his stream is also what the descendents on Earth occasionally tune in to watch, like some open secret.

The kids could boast about stuff like my grandpa/grandma has watched his streams when they were young! He must be some kind of immortal vampire!

Well, all the viewers are extremely well-mannered in X Beijins streams, though, always acting cutesy with their words. If X Beijin knew what they were talking about behind the hosts back Well, even if he did, hed probably just laugh it off as childish antics.

Ah, really, X Beijin feels like hes old already.

Though Lin Qin would not hesitate to contradict him, even though youre really passionate when it comes to other things.

X Beijin

He swears hes this close to getting angry from embarrassment.

The dirty talk is something Lin Qin never learned to ease off on. Hed make X Beijin both awkwardly irritated before hed stop.

Even though it is clearly Lin Qin who is far more into that kind of stuff, but hes the one teasing X Beijin all the time.

Worse, X Beijin can never come up with a good comeback

Then Lin Qin would roll over on X Beijin, laughing, and ask, youre still easily teased after all these years.

X Beijin, pouting, pinches Lin Qins cheeks, and says, because Ive always been in love with you, little apple.

Then Lin Qin will have nothing to say.

And then the nothing to say will likely evolve into a situation where they say nothing coherent.

It is really great that Lin Qin has learned to control his monstrous strengths nowadays, so that the bed at home no longer has to be replaced.

Anyway, X Beijin has learned over time that only direct, straightforward flirt can shut his increasingly maddening little apple up.

But really, it does make him feel warm inside. He can feel that, after leaving the Tower, both he and Lin Qin have become more lively.

The vibrant highs and soothing lulls of the real world are nothing a small game can try to emulate.

Sometimes, X Beijin tells Lin Qin, see? I was right. We could not have spent our whole lives in the Tower.

Lin Qin would want to say that they can definitely live with each other anywhere as long as theyre together, because it is destined, but he decides not to argue with X Beijin over something like that.

He knows X Beijin just hates the Tower.

With the same fervour that he proclaimed he will never dislike X Beijin no matter his different qualities in times.

Lin Qin still thinks X Beijin is wrong, by the way, but hes came to learn that X Beijins point isnt really whether Lin Qin would, or would not like him.

But simply, a loathing for when he was institutionalised by the Tower.

So its a good thing theyve left, and it would appear they are not going to readily go back to that state.

Leaving the Tower has been good for everyones health in general.

Sometimes, X Beijin would remember his life in the Tower. Just remember, but not reminiscing about it.

He remembers how, every sleepless morning, he would stand by the window, just watching the grey fog rolling outside, forever and evermore.

He remembers how he traversed the disorganised bookshelves, to look for a book he needed, or simply wanted to read about theyre records of human memory of the past.

He remembers how he came to know each of his companions, his friends. Its really amazing, that even though they were Missiontakers and Actors, the two different groups slowly became familiar with each other, and achieved something remarkable.

He remembers what he thought of Lin Qin when they first met. He remembers how he thought he was a pain, and there is no one more unreasonable than Lin Qin in the world.

Since then, he believes that there is no one that can be cuter than Lin Qin.

He remembers, the first time the thought of escaping the Tower has lit up his darkened inside world.

He remembers, the dejection and hopelessness when he realised he and Lin Qin may never be able to leave the Tower.

He remembers, the key number on that control panel. That 0. That choice all humans made together.

He remembers, the Nightmares, the Apocalyptic scenes, the ruins. The Nightmares have come and gone. The Sun has finally shone its rays through the Tower, casting the grey fog away.

The world has changed.

It really is quite amazing a feeling every time he thinks of it.

He tells Lin Qin, we might have created a miracle.

A miracle how?

We did what we thought we would never be able to. I thought we could never leave the Tower, but we escaped successfully.

Lin Qin then smiles and says, matter-of-factly, then you coming into my life is also a miracle.


Of course it is, replies Lin Qin, see, I didnt even know people could fall in love.

X Beijin

Well, hes touched, thats for sure, but he also feels speechless

Seeing the odd look from X Beijin, Lin Qin quickly rectifies his answer, youre the only one for me, of course; the only one in the entire universe.

Then X Beijin says after a bit of thought, so really, being able to meet the one you like, and who likes you back, among all the living creatures in the universe, is the true miracle.

Lin Qin leans over to plant a kiss, and agreeing, thats right.

Really, whatever he says, Lin Qin will probably say thats right even if it was false. His little apple has never disappointed on that front.

Sometimes, X Beijin wonders where Lin Qin learned to love like that. Wouldnt he worry hed spoil his love too much?

Though he would conclude that, maybe its a simple trap, unique to the straightforward and honest Lin Qin, and especially effective to him.

He simply wishes X Beijin to stay by his side at all times, forever.

For ever and ever, in this lonely, unchanging universe.

They love each other so dearly.

boilpoil's notes:

Author: This is the end of Beibei's story! Thank you for staying with me these five months, love you! Well, this also marks the end of the year-long journey of my translation of this novel. I hope you enjoyed it! Meanwhile, the new novel I've decided to translate isInsectoids: the Job of the Males. Yes, strange title, I know. It's pretty much unrepresented on NU at all, so maybe click the link to check the description and see if it might hit a particular note with you.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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