Ave Xia Rem Y

Chapter 281: Set the Standard

Chapter 281: Set the Standard


Nearly two weeks later, Lady Dai Jie returns to the Divine Frozen Palace. The event and the celebration preceding it receive quite a bit of fanfare. Even for the disciples of the Eternal Flame Clan, the slightest possibility of seeing the face of one of the Five Fairies of the Divine Frozen Palace is a lure too great to ignore.

By comparison, Liu Jin and Lu Mei’s departure goes almost unnoticed.

Five Flame-Wheeled Wagons, the same type as the ones used for the expedition to the Storm Dragon Empire, leave in the middle of the night. In the coming days, people will learn that the Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire left to visit the birthplace of his future wife. While a natural thing to do, many will find it peculiar that there was no departure ceremony. Still, most will not dwell much on it. They will keep going about their duties and eventually dismiss the oddity as unimportant.

“This will give us an edge,” Lu Mei says. “My mother is probably expecting a visit, but she is not expecting the two of us. It will catch her by surprise.”

Lu Mei sits next to him in the Flame-Wheeled Wagon. She tries to hold herself with her usual confidence, but the tautness of her muscles and the way her hands are tightly clasped together do not go unnoticed by Liu Jin. His Qi reaches out to hers, mingling with her aura and offering her comfort.

Over the past two weeks, they have prepared themselves as best as possible. They have gathered allies and theorized the many possible complications that might arise. Lu Mei has even begun using some of the cultivation resources Lord Feng Gui and Lord Feng Shang gifted her. Liu Jin wishes he could have helped her fully harmonize with them, but he has been busy attending to some of his duties as Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire.

Thanks to Soaring Feather, Liu Jin has been able to send and receive several messages. Most have been about largely unimportant matters or matters where his input was not really needed. Liu Jin knows with full certainty that General Nie Dan can handle things on his own. City Lord Chu certainly does not need his input to decide between purple dragons on a blue background or blue dragons on a purple background.

Still, Liu Jin is the Emperor. He is not comfortable shirking away from his responsibilities, even though several important people have reassured him that it is common to be away from one’s duties for several months.

Especially because several important people have reassured him that it is common to be away from one’s duties for several months.

After a while, Liu Jin even arranged to have Ten Zichun appointed as the official messenger between the Eternal Flame Clan and the Storm Dragon Empire, reasoning that fully explaining his intent to an actual person would help fill in the gaps often missed by the written word. The disciple from the Armory was all too eager to accept the task.

“I must say, this is a rather novel experience.”

Liu Jin and Lu Mei glance at Mud. In contrast to the serious and downright severe aura surrounding the two of them, the Senior Disciple sits tranquil in the seat opposite to theirs, his hands folded over his lap. There is a small but undeniably eager smile on his face.

“I would have thought you’d be used to being on missions for the Eternal Flame Clan by now. After all, that is what the trip to the Storm Dragon Empire was, Senior Brother Mud,” Liu Jin says, only realizing his error after the words leave his lips. “Ah, forgive me. It should be Senior Brother Lotus now, correct?”

Liu Jin is still having trouble getting used to it, but it is undeniable that Senior Brother Mud has changed. It was already noticeable in the Storm Dragon Empire, and stabilizing his cultivation has only enhanced that aspect of him.

“It is okay if you still wish to call this one Mud, Brother Jin,” Senior Brother Lotus says. “It is the name I was using when we met, and it is the name you have grown used to.”

Liu Jin shakes his head. “No need. It might take me a while to get used to it, but I do not wish to overlook Senior Brother Lotus’ progress.”

Besides, Liu Jin knows a thing or two about being called by a name that is not his own. It is the reality he has lived ever since he joined the Eternal Flame Clan. In his mind, he is always Liu Jin before Qing Jin.

And yet… that might have started to change. He has not stopped thinking of himself as Liu Jin. He doubts he ever will. However, as he assumes the responsibilities and power tied to the Qing name, it also becomes easier to think of himself as Qing Jin.

“Very well,” Senior Brother Lotus says. “As for your first statement, it is true that I have often been sent on missions by the Eternal Flame Clan. There was little use for me otherwise. However, this is the first time I have been asked to assist a friend.”

Lotus gestures at his clothes. For this occasion, he is wearing not the robes of the Eternal Flame Clan but a nearly perfect replica of the armor worn by the soldiers of the Storm Dragon Empire, forged quickly but efficiently by Ten Zichun.

He is going to need it since he’s posing as Liu Jin’s bodyguard for this mission.

As amusing as calling General Nie Dan to the Red Sky Pavilion would have been, it would have called far too much attention and left the Storm Dragon Empire unprotected. Asking for Senior Brother Mud’s—Lotus, Liu Jin reminds himself—help instead had been a simple choice once he and Lu Mei accepted it was not possible to hide her secret entirely. Some people would have to be trusted.

“Playing a part like this is a new experience for me. I look forward to enjoying it.”

“We are so very glad my misfortune offers you a chance to build your character,” grouses Lu Mei in a distinctively cold voice.

“I hope you will forgive me if I take your words and ignore the spirit in which they were given,” Senior Brother Lotus replies.

Lu Mei gives him a long look.

“I liked you better when you were Senior Brother Mud.”

The offended look on Senior Brother Lotus’s face makes Liu Jin laugh out loud.


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Useful as arriving completely unannounced would be, the Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire cannot be allowed to arrive without any fanfare as though he were a thief skulking in the night.

He can, however, give as little notice as possible while remaining within the borders of reason. Liu Jin and Lu Mei time things so Ten Zichun and Soaring Feather arrive at the Red Sky Pavilion precisely six hours before they do. If the Red Sky Pavilion bothers asking why they were given such short notice to prepare, the answer would be that they weren’t. Lord Feng Gui sent a letter well ahead of time, and how could anyone doubt Lord Feng Gui’s word? He is, after all, a man whose honesty is as abundant as the stars in the night sky.

A smile tugs at Liu Jin’s lips. It is a pity he has not yet mastered Art of the Roaming Thief. Going with Ten Zichun and watching things unfold would have been fun.

“Well, well, well, it seems they managed to put something together,” Lu Mei says, resting her head against her knuckles as she stares outside the window. Curious, Liu Jin and Lotus follow her example.

The skies are full of people.

The Red Sky Pavilion is known for its flying items, and that specialty is on full display here. Some of them are on flying carpets, Others atop floating swords or other weapons.

A song starts playing, and the people in the sky move in tune with it, forming patterns and moving the clouds to match them. As the song reaches its peak, fireworks are launched, and the clouds form a large dragon that flies above their Flame-Wheeled Wagon, guarding them and guiding them to their designated landing spot.

“Huh.” Liu Jin blinks. “That is much better than I expected.”

“It is just the standard greeting for important people with a few added flairs,” Lu Mei says, waving a hand dismissively. “The orchestra must be tired of having to play Maiden’s Joy so wearily often, but Elder Zhao has always believed it is the most important song to know. They probably won’t play it at his funeral out of sheer spite.”

As the Flame-Wheeled Wagons approach the ground, Liu Jin’s eyes take in the surroundings. The Red Sky Pavilion is located in the middle of a lush green valley. There are no walls of any type around it. In fact, having as much open space as possible seems to be a deliberate design choice. Even the doors and windows are far larger than they need to be.

The buildings are made of wood the color of bronze. The roofs are flat and free of tiles, often with doors or stairs leading up to them. Several people stand there to watch as they land in the middle of a large circular plaza in front of a mansion, which Liu Jin assumes is the home of the Sect Master.

“Welcome! It is the Red Sky Pavillion’s great privilege to greet the Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire!!!”

A man with a booming voice greets them as they step out of the Flame-Wheeled Wagons. However, he is not the one who commands Liu Jin’s attention.

After making sure Ten Zichun is well, Liu Jin’s eyes go to the man standing in front of the welcoming delegation. His black hair is tied in a topknot, and his beard is long and thin. He wears orange robes with patterns of red, blue, and even green birds flying around.

He is Wu Qinghua, Patriarch of the Red Sky Pavilion.

The Sect’s only Emperor Realm Cultivator.

“Today is truly an auspicious occasion,” Wu Qinghua says as he walks up to them. Liu Jin matches him step by step, so they meet in the middle. “Not only are we visited by royalty, but one who brings such good news! For one of the flowers of our Sect has been chosen by him!”

“It is this Emperor who is grateful, Patriarch Wu,” Liu Jin says, smiling. “For it is you and the Red Sky Pavillion who have raised such a lovely flower.”

A smile blooms on Patriarch Wu’s face. Patriarch and Emperor exchange bows, and large cheers erupt from the crowd.

The first step is done.


As all the important people move to the banquet hall, Liu Jin is introduced in passing to over a dozen of them. Some are even from neighboring Sects and “just happened” to be in the Red Sky Pavillion when news of his visit arrived, which Liu Jin knows is code for their spies notified them and they rushed as fast they could in their best robes.

It is a good thing Lu Mei has already educated him on every person of importance before coming here. Having everyone’s names thrown at him all of a sudden would be too confusing otherwise.

“To new beginnings and a new alliance!” Patriarch Wu says, raising his cup as the feast begins. He and Liu Jin are seated beside each other on a large rectangular table at the head of the banquet hall. At the sides of the room are several smaller tables full of those important enough to be at the banquet but not important enough to sit with them.

The center of the room is left empty, but not for long. As the orchestra starts playing, dancers take the stage.

“The Red Sky Pavilion is not only known for its medical prowess but also for its dancers and musicians. Some like to claim our affinity for wind makes us naturally attuned to matters of sound and rhythm, but those people are often full of themselves and not half as talented as they believe themselves to be,” Lu Mei had explained to him in preparation for this.

The dance tells the story of a swordsman who falls in love with a woman who lives by a river but tragically loses her when she turns into water and drifts into the ocean. The dancers are completely silent throughout the performance, relying only on the music and their dance to communicate the plot. Nevertheless, Liu Jin finds himself enjoying it.

“Ah, the Swordsman and the River Maiden never fails to bring tears to my eyes,” says a man with a small mustache and graying hair who has been introduced to Liu Jin as Elder Zhao, literally wiping a tear from his eye. “Truly, there is no better love story.”

Someone at their table laughs.

“Is that so? I would have almost forgotten if Elder Zhao had not mentioned it five times this month already. Truly, Elder Zhao is so considerate to us.”

“Bah!” Elder Zhao says as many in the table laugh. “Someone must set the standard. Who knows what boorish performances the lot of you would put otherwise! Emperor Qing, you enjoyed the performance, did you not?”

As the man eagerly seeks his approval, Liu Jin has no trouble smiling.

“It was quite moving, though my inexperience might have caused this Emperor to miss some of the nuances. Perhaps Elder Zhao would be kind enough to educate me on the finer points of the performance.”

Elder Zhao’s chest swells with pride.

“Of course, Emperor Qing! Nothing would make me happier!”

“Please don’t!” The man from before says. “Emperor Qing, spare us. To you, it is a moving performance, but the rest of us at the table have heard Elder Zhao speak enough about The Swordsman and the River Maiden to fill several books on the subject.”

The woman next to him hides her laugh.

“Husband, do not tease Elder Zhao. It is normal for an unmarried man like him to enjoy the world painted by stories.”

“I wonder,” Lu Mei says before the increasingly red Elder Zhao can fire a reply, “perhaps the world of stories should be taken as a model to follow? Who knows what sort of things can happen in a marriage otherwise?”

The woman’s smile fades.

Lu Mei smiles brightly at her.

Patriarch Wu laughs and claps his hands.

“Oh! It has been a while since I heard such an animated discussion! Truly, your presence has been missed, Young Lu Mei. Oh! But where are my manners? Emperor Qing, have you already been introduced to them?” Patriarch Wu asks, referring to the couple.

“We had the opportunity to exchange greetings before being seated,” Liu Jin says as he looks at the couple with a smile. Even before meeting them, Liu Jin had known who they were. How could he fail to recognize them when Lu Mei had already thoroughly prepared him to meet them? “It is this Emperor’s hope that we can deepen our bonds during my visit here.”

The couple smiles.

“We would love that, Emperor.”

They are Lu Junjie and Lu Yuting.

Lu Mei’s parents.


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