Asuka of the Scarlet Sky

Chapter 6

: Worlds Hero and the Treasure tool (1)


In the village fields, Asukas shout echoed.

She cant belive the spectacle, Sasha and Yuuto wentshoppingtogether.

Asuka-sama, what are you doing?

Gaze. In his line of sight is the appearance of Asuka whos wiping her sweat from the labor pleasantly.

In her right hand is ascarlet sword.

Ah, Yuuto and Sasha. Welcome back

Asuka waved with a smile, Yuuto spat out a deep sigh.

Around Asuka are five farmers. They seem to be lifting the harvested wheat.

If you look over, you can see a vast beautiful wheat field plane.

Iyaa Thank you Asuka-sama. Who wouldve thought that a Hero would appear to help us harvest

Ahaha! Its fine, its fine! This kind of field is just one swing for my scarletsword!

The villagers bow their head, Asuka sets up her scarlet sword like a peacock. Seeing the villagers look up on her, Yuuto had a headache as hes at his wits end.

After returning to the mansion, Yuuto kept preaching Asuka. He didnt tell her to not associate with villagers, but its a holy sword he took great pains to make for Asuka. The perfection he put into it is different from those instant treasure tool.

Yuuto was a little angry because she used such an important scarletsword as a substitute to a farming tool.

Isnt it fine already! Its my scarletsword after all

Thats true but

When Asuka began to think sorry, Yuuto spoke in an apologetic voice. However, thinking that it cant be helped anymore, Yuuto breathed deep.

In addition, Yuuto doesnt hate that Asuka either. But, I want you so stop using the scarlet sword like that

Well, fine. Since we bought chicken today, Sasha will cook it

Really!? Yaay!!

Asuka rejoiced in the meat dish, really, this person, Yuuto exhaled.

Uun. I should better apologize

That night, Asuka was loitering in the corridor.

Though she was obstinate during the daytime, the scarlet sword is originally a product of Yuutos ability. She really did misuse it, Asuka hung her head.

Hes really angry

Yuuto has an incomprehensible expression, his eyes were narrowed, since when Asuka acted rashly and got a serious injury, That time, if it wasnt for Yuutos treasure tool, Asuka wouldve been in a big trouble.

U, Uun. But, should I apologize? To him. H-How do I apologize?

She should just say it honestly. Asukas body becomes stiff when it comes to Yuuto. What ever you say it would be washed away with a smile, Asuka folded her arms thinking of what to do.

O-okay. Theres no helpig if I just think! Just a simple sorry! Ill go with this

Apologies doesnt have to be elaborate. Thinking that, Asuka opened the door of the night.

Asuka walked on the stair to go to Yuutos room thats below hers.

Yuuto-sama, Thejuiceis dripping

*Perori* Sasha used her tongue to lick Yuutos penis. On the stimulus he cant get used to, Yuuto gripped Sashas shoulders in surprise.

Licking the penis like its her favorite, Sasha peeped at Yuutos face.

Since then, you called me every evening right? Im glad

Uh, Sorry. I think that this isnt good but

Yuuto scratched his cheek shyly in response to Sashas words.

To be honest, Asukas face comes to his mind. However, Sashas a beautiful girl that he thought wouldnt approach him. That girl said You can call me anytime, enduring it is fundamentally impossible for an adolescent high school student.

Rather, Yuuto really worked hard for enduring it for three days.

Nju. Nmu. hamu. Naa

Uu. S-Sasha. Did you get better somehow?

While making a *Jupo Jupo* sound, Sasha moves her head up and down. Sasha use her mouth to suck the penis and her nose to breath, she sticks close.

The lovely Sasha uses her mouth to suck lewdly, Yuutos mind sways away.

Rero. becaush, I practished. To make Yuuto-samaspenis feel good

While speaking obscene words, Sasha shyly sucks the penis. Of course, the one who taught her is Yuuto.

Really, are you fine with just the mouth? If its Yuuto-sama then I

I-Im saying it is! I-Its enough! Its enough!!

Sasha looks up while licking the penis, Yuuto shake his hands in panic. This current relationship is just Yuuto pampering Sasha too much. Any more than this, not just lovers, they cant make a child.

Is that so? Well, youll fall sooner

Eh? Did you say something?

Sashas murmur didnt reach Yuutos ears.

I didnt say anything. Nnbu

Uu. This is amazing

Sashas tongue is making a *necho necho *feel, Yuuto felt miserable as he surrendered to pleasure.

Eh? Eh? W-why? Whys Yuuto and Sasha?

*Jupo Jupo* wet obscene sounds echoes in the crack of the door, Asuka covers her mouth with her hand and watched the other side of the door.

Scarlet sword Brynhildr

Physical Attack: S Magical Attack S: Synthesis Rarity: S

Supplement: Its a scarlet sword Yuuto made for Asuka. It can cut anything, it owns plain and simple power. It can cut diamonds to two, it can break barriers like its cobweb. While the sword has great sharpness, it doesnt posses any special effect on the other hand.

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