Asuka of the Scarlet Sky

Chapter 4

Treasury from the other world (4)

Mam, is this okay?

In the house, a warm and fuzzy voice resounded. Asuka laughed as she turned back to the origin of the voice.

Thank you Sasha Sorry to make you do this all the time

The girl is called Sasha. Asuka received a quill pen on her right hand.

A mountain of documents that hadnt been submitted to the organization is on the top of the desk.

As the accomplishments of the hero rises, Asuka work increases too. The evidence of defeating a monster, its been an old mistake that its submitted to the guild.

By the way Sasha. This caught my attention, that, your way of calling me Mam

Should I not?

Placing the pen on between her lip and nose, Asuka looked at Sasha. She looked at the face absentmindedly, she seems to misunderstand it.

I and Yuuto are neither a married couple nor lovers

Eh!? I-is that so!? Im sorry. I was certain

Asuka threw up a sigh on Sashas surprised face. However, Sashas misunderstanding is also reasonable.

A young man and woman are living together in the same house. It cant be helped if theyre seen with such eyes.

She was accustomed to the gaze of the villagers, but after being aware of the situation after hiring a servang, Asuka began to explain to Sasha.

The two of us only are work partners. We dont have relationship as man and woman. And, I just cant get used being called -sama. Between women, Asuka is fine

Understood. However its surprising. OAsuka-san and Yuuto-sama looked to be in really good terms

Asukas face distorts on Sashas response. Please give me a break, Asuka dropped the quill pen in her right hand.

Please stop. That wild man. Its been long since our first meeting but I still dont know what hes thinking. I cant get along with him1


Sasha nods and tilts her head as she sees Asuka getting irritated. It seems that her own employer doesnt seem to be in good terms with the partner. Although, Sasha understood that they dont really snarl at each other.

Then, Asuka-san, what do you think of Yuuto-sama?

Uun. So-so. If its about work, I trust him. Hes really the best in this world. But, seeing him as a man What do you think about that blockhead? How does Sasha see him?

Sasha feel her hair on Asukas question. Sasha has a beautiful black hair, Asuka stares at it enviously.

I think hes cool. Hes friendly. And, hes a man with a position where being a Hero is just a dream

Thats it. W-well. Theres also that perspective

Asukas cheeks dyed red because of Sashas straight answer. Asuka had never thought about love, for Sasha to not change her complexion seems to be adult-like.

In fact, for Sasha who has no relatives, her words earlier were the truth. A single digit and a 900ths rank. If explained, the difference is too obvious, in the first place Heroes itself are ridiculous existence.

Theres not even a person who could surpass the 1000.2For Sasha, the respect for Asuka and Yuuto is irreplaceable.

But, Is that so? Asuka-san isnt Yuuto-samas lover

N? Thats right. Sasha, if he did something strange to you just tell me. Ill punish him

To the Asuka whos smiling, Sahsa bowed and thanked her.


Waa~ Sorry!?

In the corridor. At the corner of it, Yuuto bumped to a soft feeling.

N-No. Im the one who should be. Im sorry Yuuto-sama

Its fine. Apart from that, are you hurt?

Sasha had bumped into him while carrying the sheets, Yuuto looked at the maid apologetically.

Shes a rare in this world, a black hair like Japanese3Yuuto glanced at Sasha, then she smiled.

Yes. Im okay

Im glad

To be frank, Yuuto thinks of giving thanks. The *Poyon* sensation from a while ago would be the softness of Sashas body.

Thanks to the sheets that her chest wasnt hit, but the womanly scent drifted.

Dont overwork yourself, you should go to sleep soon Sasha

While smiling to the working maid, Yuuto went to his room while saying good night. Sasha lowered her head while smiling shyly, Yuuto turned to the corner of the corridor.

Therefore, Yuuto didnt notice.

Sasha was staring at Yuutos back from the distance.

Yuuto stares out of the window while lying down in the bed of his room.

He only pay attention to Asuka but Sasha is also a beautiful girl.

Well, although her features look simple compared to Asuka, her chest are huge.

By no means Asukas chest is too small, but Sashas chest topped it. Shes called Kyounyuu-chan.

Haa. It would be fun to be a lover of that girl

Gentle, good at housework, and of course a nice cook.

Asukas looks might be wonderful but Yuuto is somehow pulled by Sashas purity.

But in the end, it wont be the same.4

In the first place, Sasha isnt Yuutos maid but a servant Asuka employed. And even before that, he couldnt think that girl coming to love himself.

Hes living next to Asuka. That alone is enough.


He muttered the name alone. Still, just thinking about her makes his chest jump.

That encounter must be fate, Yuuto closed his eyes slowly.

As expected, Yuuto-sama really likes Asuka-san?


The words come out the moment his field of vision became dark, Yuutos mouth bursted out. When he looked away in panic, he saw Sasha looking at him puzzled.

S-sasha!? W-why!?

Shh. Quiet. Asuka-san might notice you know?

*Pito5, Sasha placed her fingers on Yuutos lips.

Looking at the window, the moon indicates midnight. What do you need in such a time? Yuutos eyes asked Sasha.

Yuuto-sama, I thought that youre lonely by yourself

Fufu, while showing a smile, Sasha slowly put her legs on the edge of the bed.

Yuuto averted his gaze from the chest of Sasha thats shaking.

Seeing that, Sasha unintentionally closed to Yuuto.

Hey, S-sasha?

Im sorry. This is my first time

While saying so, Sashas gaze turned to Yuutos lower half. Sasha blushed as for her first time blunder, Yuutos crotch reacts slowly.

I-I thought of h-helping you in the night


*Blush* Sashas face changed its color, Yuuto spoke in a foolish voice. Yuuto wasnt able to understand the situation in front of him, Sasha extends her hand on the skirt of her maid clothes.

Eh, wait!? Sasha!?

*Shove* Sasha became nude.

Shes hid her chest by her arm as shes indeed embarrassed.

Do you think Im shameless?

Yuuto stared at the Sasha who spoke in shyly absentmindedly.

Yuuto was at loss, unable to understand the reason, Sasha opened her shivering mouth

A hero like Yuuto-sama might not understand but. An orphan like me isnt able to live this way. If theyre not liked, theyre thrown away. T-theres a lot of replacement after all

Sasha looked down, Yuuto cant find what he want to say.

In other words, Sasha is offering her body so she would be liked.

I-I fortunately worked at the monastery but. M-my first employer were the two of you, it was god sent. P-Please keep me hired. Ill do anything

Her masters were two heroes. If she gets abandoned here, I can easily imagine her future.

Sasha, in order to protect herself presented her own virginity to Yuuto. If shes liked by Yuuto, she determined that it wont be terrible if shes about to be abandoned by Asuka.

However, Yuutos eyebrows centered because of Sashas desperation.

T-then, Sasha didnt come here to make outwith me?


Sasha raised her face to Yuutos voice. Seeing his displeased gaze, blood was drained on Sashas face.

However, Sasha didnt anticipate the words that came out of Yuutos mouth.

You see. Did Sasha think that we dont like you so we will fire you out?

Eh? N-no. Thats

Sasha hesitates to speak on Yuutos grim face. Her reason is because its natural She hadnt served for a decade. If she made a blunder, its natural to be fired.

Were grateful of Sasha you know? Youre good at cleaning, and your meals are delicious. Or rather, even if you cant do that you wont be thrown away. Isnt that obvious?

Eeh? Eeh?

Yuuto is angry for some unknown reason, Sashas perplexed voice became small. In addition, Yuuto vomited a sigh.

To think that she considered him as a brute, Yuutos heart saddened.

Didnt I say it from the start? Best regards I, even if you dont do this, from the beginning I look forward to Sashas hard work you know?


For the first time, Sasha knew why Yuuto was angry. However, its a category thats too big for Sasha to understand, Sasha instinctively opened her mouth.

Err, thats. I-Im sorr

Tears flowed from Sashas eyes. If the man in front of her hates her, Sasha would be bound with helpless remorse.

To protect her own low self, she sullied his good faith. Thinking that she wont be forgiven, Sasha covered her face with her palm.

Fugu. s-showwy

Waa!? Sorry! I-its okay already!

Yuuto was in panic. It was his first time making a girl cry. Flustered, he kept telling Sasha that its okay already.

N-No. I-Its my fault. Yuuto-samas A-a person like me shouldnt approach people like you

Ah, geez! Why are you like that!?

Sasha wets the sheets, Yuuto scratched his head. It seems Sashas common sense is too different, Yuuto racked his brains. If this continued, Sasha would get out by herself.

Y-yup. T-then, since its special. I-Ill request of you


This is the only way to help Sasha. Thinking so, Yuuto suppresses his heart thats about to explode.

Otherwise, there wont be a second chance.

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