An Otome Game’s Burikko Villainess Turned into a Magic Otaku

Volume 3 - Ch 1

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tl: check status plz. am starting to post a little bit before final 2 chapters of this section are done.

Royce-samas kidnapping incident was dealt with for now, and I got used to life at the academy. The culprits of the incident are right now in the middle of being investigated in the castle jail. The captured count is the same as always, but it seems that Miss Claire is being obedient to a strange degree. After that, Raiga sent to my address a wonderful magic book named Forbidden Magics the Complete Collection. It seems that it was originally a magic book that belonged to the Royal Prince Faction, and was a rare book that cant even be found in the forbidden archives of the palace. Its something that only the people in the Royal Prince Faction know about, but even if they had it they would only do bad things with it, so Ill give it to you. or so he said. It cant be helped. Shall I forget about all the abusive words that he said during the kidnapping incident?

It seems that after that, Raiga earnestly tried to persuade the Royal Prince regarding his marriage with Mei. Since after that incident, our relationship with Raiga has become less dangerous than before. Meis idea of Achille and Royce-sama being hard to deal with has also disappeared. This is a good sign. Only, unfortunately, Kai skirted the pursuers and is even now in the middle of escape.

Were about to enter the academys summer holiday. This world has four seasons as well. Many students will be returning to their homes this break. Achille, Royce-sama and I are no exceptions. Having a long break sure is a little exciting, huh. Theres one more reason that Im excited. During this break, Achilles older stepsister, Dborah, will be holding her wedding ceremony. While I was living life at school, she splendidly landed a speed-engagement, and then a speed-marriage. Her parner is shockingly, a commoner whos her junior, and is apparently one of the guards that works at the castle. Even though Dborah always talked about marrying into riches and power, to think there would be this sudden development! I definitely want to meet the groom! And so, I happily decide to attend her wedding ceremony.

Im looking forward to it. I wonder what kind of dress Dborah will wear.

Yeah Lets pray that she wears a normal dress.

Though theyre only half-siblings, it is his sisters wedding, but Achille has little excitement. I wonder if hes being shy. Even though Dborah is so ridiculously fond of Achille

Oh yeah! Lets go meet Dborah to congratulate her in advance!

I decided that right after I arrive home from school, Ill immediately charge into Achilles home for a visit.

Welcome home, Camille-sama!

The next day, the moment I opened the door to my home after arrived,Aime came charging. As always, its an incredible tackle.

I-, Im back Aime

Even though I only just got home, because of Aime, my stamina gauge has drastically diminished.

Goodness, Camille-sama, youve become even more beautiful again Its definitely because of Achille-samas power, isnt it!

Im shocked Whether knowingly or unknowingly,Aime has let out some extreme words. As expected of the Chief Maid She has sharp perception. Ill escape before Aimee says anything more!

O-, Oh yeah! I have to go congratulate Dborah!

Ahh, she is your sister-in-law, isnt she! What shall we give her as a celebratory gift!? Listen up, Camille-sama, as a reference for your own wedding, make sure to have a proper talk with Dborah!

I just stirred up trouble for myself, huh. The unusually fired upAime immediately began preparing what I needed for the visit to Dborah.

Dborah! Congratulations on your wedding!

While carrying a huge amount of celebratory gifts, I visited Dborah. In the short while that I havent seen her, Dborahs become more slim than before, and was now covering her mouth with her fan, face red. In the guest room that I was brought into, we began having a girls talk.

Thank you, Camille Im also happy to have a little sister-in-law as cute as you.

Dborahs personality has become a lot more mild. Is this the power of love? Even though when I first met her, she had a more haughty and funny personality.

Hey, what kind of person is your groom?

From what I hear, her marriage is a love marriage; something rare for a noble! Of course, the information source was Achille.

Goodness, Camille! Hes a normal person.

I cant tell with just that much.

Hes kind. Hes a commoner, but he treats me more dearly than any noble boy. Okaasama and Oniisama were against it, but Otousama and Dsire were happy about it.

Its mainstream for the commoners of this world to marry for love, isnt it? Conversely, nobles almost never marry for love and go for The Political Marriage. A marriage like Achilles and I where the political marriage matches our feelings is a very rare example. There are also cases like the Rhodolite marquis family where the relationships between husband and wife improved after marriage, as well as cases like the Jade viscount family where the relations never improved and the family head has a mistress. For example, Soleil also had a number of mistresses after Achilles mother, and is currently in the middle of a massive argument with this wife, and may one day end up living alone in the marquis estate. That Dborah is marrying as she wishes in the midst of all this, is something I think is great.

Saying this Camille, are things going well with Achille?


Please dont just suddenly turn the brunt of the conversation on me, please.

Achille is fundamentally a capable boy, but it seems that he cant make any good calculations with you. Hes a good kid at heart, so please get along with him, okay?

O-, Of course.

Im currently in a situation where were reciprocating feelings. Its expectedly embarassing, so I dont want to talk to Dborah about it now though Speaking to Dborah even flustered, the door behind me made a sound as it opened.


A-, Achille? Thanks for having me over.

Speaking of the devil, the person himself appeared. Leaning before the door to the guestroom was Achille, dressed in clothing for relaxed; a change from his noble clothes. As usual, hes pointlessly dripping with amour

Leaving me behind and visiting Oneesama first, arent you quite the cruel fiance?

Achille smiled sweetly. The very first words I heard were a reprimand! Achilles eyes are fixed on me like a cat that was teasing its prey.

Achille Sorry about tha-, hyan-!?

Sitting down right beside me, even though were in front of Dborah, Achille licked my ear. What the heck is he doing all of a sudden!?

Gyaaah-! M-, My-my-my-my-my-my-my-!

Falling into terrible confusion, I tried to put some distance between Achille and I, but Without me noticing, Achille had already gotten my waist in a firm hold, and I couldnt escape.

Whaat, Camille? Pretending to be a cicada? [the earlier line, Camille goes mimimimimimimimi where mimi = ear, and cicadas are said to go miii miii miii miii in Japan.]

Damn you, Achille! Even though you know! Who the heck would pretend to be a cicada in somebody elses house!?

Even since I returned his feelings, Achilles done more embarassing things than before. Somebody please stop this guy whos unilaterally escalating things! Moreover, for some reason he knows that my ears are weak. Even though I didnt say it!

My, you two get along well, dont you?


Dont laugh, and please stop your brother!

Seeing things go well between you, Im feeling relieved as well.

Worry not, Oneesama.

Both smirking, Dborah and Achille continue their conversation. Wha- Why are these two just concluding the conversation themselves!? These two siblings really resemble each other!!

Oh, Camille! Its been a while!

Probably because she knew we were gathered here, Dsire showed up in the guest room as well. Today shes wearing a light blue dress for homewear. Rather than that intense hyper crinoline-type dress that she wore to the dance party, this type of dress suits her better.

Camille, are you enjoying school? I wonder if there are any good men there.

Because of her older sisters marriage, Dsire is filled with interest in romance.

Hmmmm Good men, huh?

Dsire, youre asking the wrong person. I mean, to begin with, almost everybody in the Hearts class has labelled me as a tattoo weirdo And though it isnt as much as before, the people in the Spades class are still wary of me, so And the Anti-noble! aura in the Clovers class is no joke, so I fundamentally have nothing to do with men outside of Achille and Royce-sama you know.

I think that a love marriage like Oneesama and Camille would be good too! Dominique-niisama still has not a single good womanperson you know. Hes a mothercon after all. I dont want to fall behind him!

No, I mean, Im still not married you know? Speaking of Dominique who Dsire mentioned, hes Achilles older brother and the next head of the viscount family. But he has the reputation of being nothing like Achille at all. Occasionally I catch sight of him at the Jade house but Hes always happily holding hands with Soleils wife, Adlade! By the way, Dominique is eighteen.

It seems that Dominique isnt really fond of Achille whos an illegitimate child, and hasnt really spoken to I whove been close to Achille since childhood. But on occasion, while thinking about who knows what, with clouded, dark eyes hell look at me at though licking me with them Its a mystery. I guess Dominique isnt too fond of me either.

Dborah and Dsire, and Adlade and Dominique dont really get along. It might be that since they were children, Adlade has only been affectionate with Dominique, the successor. From the perspective of an outsider like me, the difference in treatment is obvious, so to the people involved, could it be even more than that? Perhaps because Dominique is indifferent towards his two sisters as well, the bonds between the siblings is weak. To Dominique and his mother, Dborah and Dsire may have no more worth than chesspieces.

At first, Okaasama planned to wed Dborah-Oneesama to some upstart baron you know? Its unbelievable!

Upstart baron? Whos that?

Hes the father of the man that came to talk to you at the dance party, Camille.

I wasnt really understanding the conversation, so Achille who was next to me cut in with a supplementary explanation.

Dance party? Ahh, it was that, huh!

Speaking of which, I do recall getting into an argument with a strange, flashy guy at the castle dance party. He was the second son of a baron And Achille declaring that bombshell announcement about being my fiance is still fresh in my mind. I didnt imagine itd actually happen though.

Huh? Dsire, hang on a moment. The father of that second son, means that

Exactly! Hes a greasy, over fifty, lustful, sexual deviant of a middle-aged man!

Dsire confirmed it! It seems that shes incredibly angry with Adlades actions. Certainly, a lustful, sexually deviant middle aged man might be a little unpleasant.

But the talks of marriage to that upstart baron have stopped, right? Thats great!

Right now, Dborah has a kind, commoner fianc.

Q-, Quite. But since then, Okaasama and Dominique-Oniisama havent said a word to Oneesama, you know?

Thats rough huh? Even though youre all family.

Its okay, Camille. Right now Okaasama is wrapped up in an uproar about Otousamas mistress, so its not that bad.

Dborah smiled quietly. Thats not the point on which youre supposed to smile, you know!

The family relations of the Jade marquis family, are muddy.

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