An Extra's POV

Chapter 819: Rey's Perspective

Chapter 819: Rey's Perspective

"All of this... was it your plan all along?"

As Rey heard the question, he maintained his stoic expression, barely reacting to what he just heard. After a second or two, he shrugged.

That was not a "Yes" or "No", just as he wanted it.

"Hm. I see..." Adrien mumbled, resorting to silence afterwards.

This lasted for a minute or so, with no one speaking to each other or even glancing in any of the other's direction. This time, though-n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"What do you think about all of this?

-Rey broke the silence.

"What do you mean?" Adrien responded with an understandably confused tone.

"I mean the current circumstances-how the Dragons are now in the opposite situation as they're normally used to. They're the prey, not the predator..."

In his head, Rey was somewhat hoping this experience could show some of the Dragons how their actions caused the people of other races to feel. He knew it was a tad too optimistic, but he couldn't help but think in that direction.

This made him all the more curious about what Adrien was thinking about it.

'We sometimes have similar tho-'

"I don't really feel anything, to be honest." His response was curt, and completely lacked emotion.

It felt like he couldn't be bothered to feel anything else.

"Other Dragons are sure to feel emotions like concern and pain if they were to see this. Their enemies, like the humans of this world, would shout for joy if they could witness this. But me? I feel nothing..."

Adrien neither saw the Dragons as a friend or enemy.

"They don't matter to me. They're just a means to an end, after all."

As soon as he heard that, Rey instantly understood his error, as well as the way it had affected how he interacted with the Dragons.

'It seems I'm the only human who feels some measure of sympathy for them.' Glancing around him another time, he caught the sight of many Dragons crying, and many more simply huddled in fear.

A few put on brave fronts-particularly the seniors-but Rey could tell they were scared.

'I never saw them as a means to an end, to begin with. They were initially the enemy, but... now I'm not so sure.'

After meeting the Elves, particularly The Oracle, he understood that people weren't usually what they appeared to be.

If there was a chance for the Elves, and even The Oracle herself... then perhaps there could be for some-not all, but some-of the Dragons.

'Is that really the right way to look at things, though?'

He was sent to this world to defeat the Dragons... no, it was to save this world.

'If I can save it without exterminating the Dragons, shouldn't I pursue it? Or... am I being too optimistic?' He sighed to himself.

Rey didn't know enough to make a proper decision at the moment, and it wasn't smart to rush into conclusions.

As such...

'... It's better I postpone this decision till later. Right now, there's a more pressing matter.'

He glanced at Adrien and smiled at the boy.

"Why are you-?"

'[Tempora].' As soon as Rey activated this, everyone-including Adrien, who was about to finish his question-completely froze in time.

The population of everyone in the shelter were stuck in time, all thanks to Rey's Skill.

'Now then... [Mass Doppelganger].'

Rey instantly created a clone of himself to replace him in his current position before teleporting out of the shelter in a flash.

[Tempora] only worked when he was very close to his targets, so as soon as he moved a sufficient distance from the shelter, time returned to normal. As for his Doppelganger, it couldn't do or say anything unless Rey gave it an instruction.

And, of course, Rey already had that covered.

"—Smiling at me?" As soon as Adrien completed his question, his eyebrows raised with slight confusion, the clone responded with swift fervor.

"I need to sleep now. Don't disturb me."

As soon as he said this, a dome of earth surrounded him, and the Doppelganger was safe from any further scrutiny.

No one else in this shelter paid much mind to this happening either.

They all had their problems to deal with.

With his escape fully settled, Rey left the claimed lands of the Dragons in the battlefield and discreetly advanced to the camp of the enemies.

He could see the wounded Dragons retreating to the shelter, since the battle for the day was already concluded, but ignored them.

'Guess I'll have to conclude my task quickly and return before any real fuss is made.'

With that in mind, Rey raced through the air and went straight for the enemy camp.


'Well, well well...'

Rey had observed the battlecamp of the Giant and Dwarf Alliance from high in the sky, but it was only until he got closer that he could fully appreciate how well it was constructed.

Sentinels such as Drones and Automatons perpetually surrounded the Camp-providing both air and land power. The tall walls that defended the camp had several enchantments on it, including Anti-Projectile ones, which pretty much rendered the usual Dragon Breath useless against it-among other things.

Then, there was an invisible barrier, resembling a dome, that covered the camp like a blanket. Rey was able to easily bypass all of these things, though, and it wasn't difficult to spot the central building where he expected the leader of the forces to stay.

There was one thing that surprised him a little, though.

'... Isn't this an elaborate welcome?'

Four Grand Knights were kneeling right in front of the central building, alongside several other Giants who seemed to be expecting him already.

It almost looked like a welcome party for him.

'I guess there's no point sneaking in...' Rey smiled to himself, undoing his cloaking Spell and Skill as he descended from his heights.

The moment his feet touched the ground, he was welcomed with the thunderous voices of the humongous people before him.

"Welcome, Lord Rey! Your servants are here to pledge our complete allegiance and lead you

to the Chief."

'The Chief? Ater, huh?' Rey grinned, nodding slowly as he began to advance towards the

-central building.

It was all so amusing for him, but he did well to hold any snickers or chuckles he had on. He had been treated like royalty in many places, but this was the first time Giants were doing it, and the irony of their subservience wasn't lost to him.

'I wonder if Belle and Justin are around as well.'

As tempted as he was to ask the Giants, he decided to wait and ask Ater instead.

It didn't take long for them to escort him to the massive tent in the form of a building that served as the Chief's dwelling place.

Once he crossed the layers of fabric that served as the door, he was greeted with sweet- smelling fragrance that betrayed the stench of battle that filled the world outside it.

Everything in the tent was perfectly arranged, and it was completely neat-not even a speck

to be found on the floor or in even the most remote location.

That wasn't the best surprise of all, though.

Bowing his head right in front of Rey, just a few meters ahead, was Ater.

"Master... it is with great joy that I welcome you here."

The Familiar seemed to be gushing with joy, but he did his best to maintain perfect

composure as he bowed himself even further.

"Ater! It's been a while!" Rey beamed. "Raise your head."

The man obeyed instantly, revealing the extremely wide grin plastered on his face.

"It's good to see you after so long, Master!" Ater returned Rey's beam with twice as much energy as he slowly closed the distance.

'It's only been like two to three weeks, though...'

At that moment, Rey realized that he and Ater had never really had their own joint adventures

or missions. He was always relegating other tasks to the Familiar, while he would engage in his own task with someone else.

'Hasn't he brought this up before? I just keep forgetting.' He smiled, looking at Ater's

innocently overjoyed face.

"Indeed. Shall we sit? We have a lot to discuss, don't we?"

Rey wanted to compliment him on a lot of things-including the ambiance of the tent that

housed the two of them-but settling down was top priority.

"Of course, Master! Right this way!"

Ater led Rey to a reception where a soft sofa, along with a luxurious desk, as well as a

prestigious meal, were waiting for him.

'I-is that... human food?! It's been so long!' Rey was already salivating as soon as he saw the

food and drinks that he was presented with.

'Ater... you're amazing!'

Rey sat on the plush sofa and, after making sure he was comfortable, began to enjoy the meal

that his Familiar had so graciously prepared for him.

All of it made him forget his experience in the Dragon Continent, as well as the pathetic

shelter he would be forced to stay in to maintain his cover.

This... this was the stuff!

"Now then, Master... I shall begin my report."





Thanks for reading!

As always, Ater remains the GOAT! With this, I have completely replaced all the error chapters.


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