Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 314: Chapter 314: Cleiton vs. Amon

The lesson continued in a spacious area.

The floor was covered with some kind of durable material. Amon had heard from Lara that it was strong enough to withstand the powers of a Star Rank Being.

Then, the next actions of the process and the reason for bringing them here were justifiable.

"I want you to have duels, but only with the spell I just taught," said Professor Taiga. "Each of you has a different level of understanding, and the duel can deepen the understanding of the spell even further if you duel each other using the 'Ascending Lightning Spell'."

Amon looked around, the more than ten students didn't seem to disagree.

'So this is a recurring event?' Amon thought to himself.

Amon couldn't ignore the possibility that the duel was more than a mere confrontation. It was a means to an end, especially when it came to a friendly exchange of advice and techniques, where both duelists benefited by refining the same spell. Each had their level of understanding and unique approach to magic.

"I want a duel with the newcomer!" exclaimed one of the students, brimming with confidence.

The look he directed at Amon was full of arrogance.

Observing the student's attitude, Amon couldn't help but give him a look that equated to seeing a clown in action - there was a certain dose of stupefaction mixed with contempt.

He didn't even know the guy, but he already felt an instinctive aversion. Why was there such immediate hostility?

"I accept," Amon said.

Although he thought this boy was a fool for acting this way with him, possibly having just met him today, it was better to settle the matter sooner rather than drag it out longer.

"Cleiton S. Nicolau the Third has challenged Amon Tang; and Amon has accepted," Professor Taiga easily agreed. "The two involved will now go to the platform. In case it's not clear enough, remember, the only spell allowed to be used in this match is the Ascending Lightning Spell!"

'The newcomer is brave to accept a challenge as soon as he has just arrived,' thought Professor Taiga.

The reality was that he liked students like that. It was good to be brave when one could, after all, in a school duel the only losses are some material goods if bet upon, or a bit of pride. But why does a college student, barely out in the world, need pride?

Heh, they don't need to worry about something like pride; in the future, when they go out into the world, they'll understand how useless it can be...

Amon and Cleiton stepped onto the platform, their gazes locked in a silent challenge that spoke louder than words. Amon, contemplative and serene, seemed almost indifferent, his mind focused on the principles of the Ascending Lightning Spell he was about to employ.

On the other hand, Cleiton positioned himself with an air of superiority, his intention clear - to assert dominance and keep Amon at bay, particularly from Lara.

A cold, mechanical voice began to resonate through the arena, "The duel will start in 10... 9... 8..." As the countdown continued, a tension filled the air, the whispers of the spectators dying down to mere murmurs in the background.

Amon's hands began to crackle with cobalt-blue sparks, the energy emanating from them humming with the raw power of the electric charge. His mind went through the applications of the spell, deciding on a strategy that balanced defense with swift counterattacks.

"... 3... 2... 1... Begin!"

Immediately, Amon cast an Ionization Shield, the shimmering electric field around him. As Cleiton launched a piercing Lightning Spear, Amon's Deflector Pulse instinctively responded, causing the projectile to swerve off its intended path.

"Is that all, senior?" Amon said with a serene, almost bored voice, while his figure remained enveloped in the shimmering protection.

Cleiton, not wanting to be outdone, intensified his assault with the agility granted by his Thunder Step, moving with such speed that he became a blur, trying to break through Amon's defenses. With a snap of his fingers, an Ampere Whip materialized, crackling violently as he lashed towards Amon.

"Do you really think you can touch me?" Amon taunted, dodging with ease.

However, Amon's understanding of the Ascending Lightning Spell allowed him to remain a step ahead. Using Rapid Displacement, he seemed to vanish from existence, reappearing moments later as if by teleportation, just out of reach of Cleiton's electric whip.

"Do you see this?" Cleiton shouted to the crowd, his arrogance spilling over. "He runs because he knows he can't face me!"

Seeing an opening, Amon unleashed a Shock Chain, electricity chaining from Cleiton to the nearby metal parts of the arena, forcing Cleiton to raise his Lightning Dome in defense.

The duel became a symphony of bright blue energy, with Amon weaving through Cleiton's attacks using his Current Dash, the ground below him charged, providing an extra boost of speed.

Cleiton, fueled by a mix of frustration and admiration, realized that Amon's adept understanding of the spell's more intricate defensive capabilities, like the Overload Aura, which he smartly used to fry the electronics in Cleiton's equipment, made him a formidable opponent.

As the duel unfolded, Amon found a rhythm in the chaos, his use of Plasma Burst sending a shockwave of energy that threw Cleiton backward, singeing the edges of his cloak.

"Is that all you've got, rookie?" Cleiton growled, trying to hide the tremor in his voice.

Amon remained with an aura of calm determination. The Ionization Shield he maintained was not just a barrier – it was a symbol of his control over the chaos of combat, his ability to find order in the storm of spells. His defensive stance was not passive, but an active repose, a momentary breath to gather strength for the final act.

Suddenly, the arena was silent except for the buzzing of charged particles dancing around Amon. He took a deep breath, his focus narrowing on the man before him. It was time to end this — not with brute force, but with the precision and grace that had characterized his performance up to that moment.

Amon abandoned his defensive stance, and the energy that had been circulating converged into his palms. The Ionization Shield dissipated as he prepared his final move, an intricate fusion of the spells he had utilized during the duel.

Cleiton, sensing the shift, tried to seize the opportunity, his Thunder Step igniting once more as he advanced. But it was too late. Amon, with a fluid motion, released the Voltage Shackles, tendrils of electricity extending like the arms of a starfish to ensnare Cleiton in a dazzling web of light.

Caught in the stunning grip of the spell, Cleiton's forward momentum ceased, his body stiff with the overload of energy. Amon then channeled the rest of his power into a Shock Chain, the beam of energy leaping from his outstretched hand to connect with Cleiton, still trapped in the electric snare.

The shock sent Cleiton backward, his Lightning Dome failing as he hit the ground with a thud, the scent of ozone testifying to the potency of the spell. The arena, which had been holding its breath, erupted in applause and cheers.

Amon offered a hand to help Cleiton to his feet, his gesture one of sportsmanship rather than superiority. "Need a hand, or does your arrogance not permit it?" Amon inquired, his indifference almost as sharp as his spells.

Cleiton, his pride wounded, did not accept the help but instead slapped Amon's hand away, pulling himself up on trembling legs. "I... I don't need your pity," he spat the words out.

As they left the platform, the robotic voice announced the end of the duel.

Lara looked at Amon, who was exiting the dueling platform, with renewed regard. She couldn't believe that Amon had actually defeated Cleiton; not only that... Amon's understanding of the spell was much deeper than she had imagined!

"That was impressive," she commented, almost to herself, but loud enough for Amon to hear.

He cast a look back, indifferent, as if he had already anticipated his own success. "It was just applied logic," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

She wasn't the only one surprised; even the professor was.

The master, observing from his elevated position, nodded his head, acknowledging the achievement. "Eleven variations...," he murmured, adjusting his glasses as if trying to get a better view of the prodigy unfolding before him.

And it was no small feat; Amon had developed a total of eleven ways to use the Ascending Lightning Spell: four defensive, three offensive, and four for movement.

Cleiton walked past them, casting a scathing look towards Amon. "Enjoy your moment, rookie. It won't last," he growled, his arrogance barely masked by the resentment of defeat.

Amon simply watched Cleiton pass, a flicker of satisfaction appearing and quickly vanishing in his eyes before he turned his attention to what Professor Taiga was about to say.


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