Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Chapter 306: Chapter 306: The Game of Love Under the Sunset.

"Hahaha, I won!"

Maisa's shimmering laughter echoed after she bested Amon in an outdoor chess match.

They were at a charming café with a terrace, sured by lush trees and illuminated by delicate hanging lights. The tables were made of rustic wood, and each had an embedded chessboard. The atmosphere was sere, with the soft murmur of conversations a and the occasional clinking of cups and silverware. It was the perfect spot for a casual date and a fridly yet competitive game of chess.

"You really played impressively," Amon complimted her.

"Hehee~" Maisa's melodious laugh filled the air, and she remarked, "Remember that the winner gets to make a request, right?"

"Of course, that's what we agreed upon," Amon said, smiling.

"Hmm…" Maisa pondered for a momt. "Actually, just being here with you already feels like a reward~"

"It's alright, you don't have to decide now." Amon placed his tea cup on the table. The liquid left a subtle shine on his lips, making them ev more alluring to Maisa's eyes, especially by the captivating way he spoke: "Whever you know what you want, just let me know. I'll make sure to grant your request in the best way possible…"

"…" Maisa.

She shook her head, consumed with thoughts about what she truly wanted him to do. Especially thinking of those lips...

"Understood…" Her breathing was slightly quicked.

Noticing her reaction, Amon let out a soft chuckle.

Realizing he had laughed at her reaction, Maisa felt ev more embarrassed, which somehow intsified her thoughts.

After a few more s of chess, the couple decided to leave.

Walking hand in hand, they drew many curious gazes.

Although almost everyone at the university knew Amon, especially after his promotion to the special class, outside of it, ev without that knowledge, their striking presce caught atttion. Amon, in particular, exuded a magnetic aura, complemted by his exotic appearance.

Maisa, like Amon, had her possessive side. During their stroll, she let go of his hand and, in a more intimate gesture, looped her arm through his, allowing his arm to rest gtly betwe her breasts.

Ev though Maisa didn't have ample breasts, the soft and comforting ssation was there. Amon turned to her, placing a kiss on her cheek and whispered, "Is there any special place you'd like to go with me?"

Blushing slightly, both surprised and chanted by the gesture, Maisa looked into his eyes and, with a shy smile, said, "How about we go to the city's viewpoint? They say the sunset there is incredible, and I'd love to see it with you."

"Sure, let's go," Amon replied.

They walked to Maisa's flying car and got in.

As the vehicle rose and glided through the sky, the city stretched out beath them. Tall, slder buildings with glowing facades, airways full of flying vehicles of various shapes and sizes, and advertising holograms floating amidst the skyscrapers.

Suspded parks and gravity-defying fountains added touches of gre and blue to the metropolitan sce. Although it was a common sight for them, the harmony betwe technology and nature was always a stunning view.

Arriving at the viewpoint, the car gtly landed in a designated area. They exited and walked to the edge of the platform. The viewpoint, elevated and strategically positioned, offered a panoramic view of the city.

The building lights began to glow more vividly as the sun set, creating a display of colors and reflections. It was a peaceful spot, with bches and small gre patches where people could sit, relax, and joy the view. Amon and Maisa found a secluded spot, sat side by side, and lost themselves in the magnifict urban landscape before them.

It was almost 6:0 pm, the perfect time to appreciate the sunset.

With her head resting on his chest and her arms wrapped a his waist, Maisa wondered wh was the last time she felt so complete and happy.

The sse of protection and comfort he provided felt like a warm embrace, filled with love and tderness. She felt as if she was floating in a dream.

Lifting her face to look at him, she whispered, "Amon, my love for you is immse."

"And mine for you, Maisa." Amon sealed her lips with a kiss as the horizon was painted with the colors of twilight.

The kiss lingered, wrapping them in a gtle dance of lips, delicate nibbles, and caresses with the tongue. Wh they pulled apart and oped their eyes, they found themselves lost in each other's profound gaze.

In those eyes, a whirlwind of emotions: desire, passion, and deep love.

The intsity of their connection was so palpable that it drew curious glances from those nearby.

"Let's go somewhere more private," Amon whispered in her ear.

"I agree," replied Maisa.

Quickly, they returned to their aerial vehicle.

Amon had secured a reservation at the city's most rowned restaurant.

Being a member of the UGRG brought numerous befits, and the recognition they received, especially Amon for being of the special class, allowed him to make a last-minute reservation.

Before setting the car in motion, Maisa took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Her face was still flushed, and her thoughts were in a whirl, recalling the intse momt they had just shared. She felt butterflies in her stomach.

After composing herself, she started the journey.

Upon arrival, they landed the vehicle in an exclusive area for VIP clits on the g floor of the restaurant.

Immediately upon their arrival, they were warmly greeted by the restaurant staff, who led them to a private room.

The room exuded sophistication. Dark wood-paneled walls contrasted with burgundy velvet curtains, while gold lamps hung from the ceiling, casting a soft and welcoming light. In the cter, a table covered with a lin tablecloth was accompanied by leather-upholstered chairs. Beside it, an elegant crystal sideboard showcased a variety of glasses and decanters.

With a refined gesture, one of the attdants prested the mu to them.

"For me," Amon began, "I'd like the truffle risotto and a reserve red wine."

Maisa, deciding on her order, said, "I'll go for the octopus carpaccio and the sole with Sicilian lemon sauce."

The waiter, having noted their orders, remarked, "Excellt choices. We will bring your dishes shortly," and left with a polite nod.

Feeling at ease in the ambiance, their conversation flowed naturally.

Amid their exchange, Maisa, with an inquisitive look, asked, "How was your experice in the special class today?"

Amon smiled, "It's amazing. It's like an tire university, with all the facilities you can imagine. It's a completely differt vironmt."

"It sounds incredible," Maisa responded, smiling in a way that her adorable dimples became visible. "It's a shame I can't go there."

"Well, not for now," Amon retorted.

He was confidt that, evtually, Maisa, along with Julia, Barbara, Ariel, and Mabel, would be promoted to the special class, especially since they were part of his team.

After a brief pause, a soft knock sounded at the door. "Sir, your meal is ready," announced a waiter.

"Please, come in," Amon responded.

The waiter, with precise and elegant movemts, served the requested dishes, accompanied by a bottle of wine and two glasses. After concluding, he discreetly withdrew.

"How about a toast?" Maisa proposed, raising her glass.

"With pleasure," Amon agreed, clinking his glass against hers.

Both began to savor their meals, interspersed with laughter and light conversation. The mood was relaxed, and their bond was evidt, making the dinner an intimate and joyable experice.


Do you want to know the appearance of each of the girls that have be introduced? I have created some images with their appearance, and you can access these images by joining my Discord:

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