After Stealing Hero's Mother, I Reincarnated in the Fantasy World!

Chapter 3: Family reunion

Opening his eyes Rain found himself in a room unknown to him.

"Where am I?"

Confused, he looked around for answers.

As he was about to get up, a sharp pain came over him, forcing him to lie back down.

"Damn, my head is splitting."

Rain muttered through clenched teeth.

But the pain didn't come alone, along with it his memory began to return.

As memories of his time in the dark space and his conversation with the Goddess came back to him, he remembered that he had to check something important.

Sitting up, Rain pulled down his pants with excitement.

Seeing his little brother, alive and well, exactly as he remembered him, he was ready to let out a tear.

It seemed he could now understand the emotions of people finding their relatives decades later. For today he found a long lost little brother. Even a moment without him seemed like an eternity to him.

"I'll take better care of you now and let you try more new delicacies."

Rain concluded the touching family reunion with his fiery promise.

Having dealt with the most important thing, he decided to think about his situation.

Rain immediately thought of the smiling face of the Goddess of Darkness that she showed before he left. Together with her seductive body, it was a picture of breathtaking beauty.

This time his little brother didn't ignore Rain, but deftly nodded to him as if agreeing with his opinion.

"That Goddess is hot as hell."

[You've got a bold tongue, boy.]

Rain heard a familiar voice. But unlike last time, he wasn't surprised or shocked and just looked around for the speaker.

Finding no one, he decided to ask

"The Goddess of Darkness?"

[No. Did you think Goddess was some kind of Pokémon that would come at your call?]

A slightly irritated sarcastic voice answered Rain.

"What are Pokémon?"

He asked in bewilderment.


Getting out of bed, Rain made his way to the full-length mirror hanging not far from his bed. A familiar image appeared before him in the reflection.

Dark hair and handsome face with piercing red eyes.

A body with the right amount of muscle to achieve ideal proportions while maintaining a fit physique.

And a dragon who dwarfs all around him with his size.

Undoubtedly, the man in the mirror is him.

In this world Rain had an appearance identical to his past. If not for recent events, he might have mistaken it for himself.

Of course, there was the possibility that it was all a dream or illusion and Rain was still in his world, but the feelings he experienced throughout were too vivid to believe that.

Remembering something Rain turned to the mysterious voice again.

"By the way, before I disappeared, the Goddess said she had prepared a gift for me. Do you know where it is?"

[It's me.]

"Is this a joke?"

Rain asked his interlocutor in disbelief, while many thoughts raced through his mind.

'Is my gift a woman's voice in my head? It's certainly pretty sexy, but what am I supposed to do with it?'

'Maybe the Goddess has some weird sexual preferences or fetishes? I'd prefer her clone or her–'

[Shut up! One more word or thought of disrespect to the Goddess, and your favorite cock will explode like a celebratory salute.]

Not choosing to pursue this pernicious topic, Rain focused on more important matters.

"Okay, so what can your sexy voice do but whisper dirty words in my ear?"

[Hmph. You don't even realize my greatness. I can do so much more than you can imagine.]

"Like what?"

[I need your consent to activate all my powers.]

"I agree."

Without briefly thinking, Rain answered right away.

[Consent confirmed.]

[System Activation.]

[The process of assimilation with the system has begun...]

[It's gonna hurt a little bit.]

As soon as Rain heard the last message, a terrible pain shot through his whole body. Unprepared for this turn of events, a long scream escaped from his mouth.


Rain felt the world around him begin to spin, turning into a blurry image.

It seemed like every neuron in his brain was screaming in pain, causing him to pass out every second, only to come to again from the pain. This cycle seemed to continue indefinitely before his consciousness finally came back to him and allowed him to hear a new message.

[Assimilation succeeded.]

"Damn system, do you think it only hurts a little bit?!"

With a shout, Rain reprimanded the system.

[Pain is a subjective concept, so you can't blame me for it.]

[Would you like to obtain the memories of this body?]

Deciding not to continue this useless argument, Rain immediately asked the important question.

"Will I have to go through it again to do that?"

Taught by his past experience, he vowed never again to blindly accept the system's suggestions.

[No, it was a one-time inconvenience that allowed you to fully adapt, so you won't have to experience any pain in subsequent times.]

"Okay, do it."

After that, a flood of memories flowed into his head and just as the system promised, Rain felt no pain this time.

He focused on what was pouring into his mind. During this process, Rain involuntarily frowned, but not from pain, but from what he saw in the memory of the former owner of this body.

His predecessor had the same name, appearance and even his little brother was identical to Rain's. In both of their stories there was a hero who had a negative impact on their lives.

He seemed like a perfectly recreated copy of him.

But there were differences. If the main reason for Rain's fall and subsequent epiphany was the hero, he was not the main problem in the Rain story of this world.

The main cause of his misfortunes lay in one name.

Alice Frostchild.

His fiancée, who for some mysterious reason he had been in love with since childhood. He insisted on their engagement, he was constantly in contact with her, initiating 100% of their meetings, he was constantly helping and supporting her, only to be stabbed in the heart at the end when he saw her flirting with the hero of this world.

After that, everything went downhill: his social life, his status in society, his abilities, even his desire to live was in question.

Also, unlike him, that Rain didn't undergo any changes after falling into the depths of despair, having remained floating in them.

After watching the flashbacks, Rain was left with a bitter taste in his mouth that still wouldn't go away.

While he was extremely displeased with Rain of this world, and even despised him and the choices he made to some extent, he realized that he himself had once in his ignorance thrown himself at the hero and done other stupid things. He also dealt with the loss of his fiancée, though it didn't affect him as much as it did him.

Closing his eyes, Rain spent a few seconds in thought before coming to a conclusion.

Since he didn't get to teach his fiancée a lesson in his world, he should do it in this one.

At least for his own sake.

[If you're ready, I'll tell you about my abilities.]


As Rain was about to reply, he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

A moment later, a monotonous voice sounded.

"Young master, Lady Celestia summons you."

Hearing the reason why he was disturbed, Rain began to search for a person of that name in the memory of his predecessor.

When the image of a woman appeared in his mind, a wide grin appeared on his face. Rain couldn't help but lick his lips at the thought of meeting her.


Thanks for reading, everyone!

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