After Stealing Hero's Mother, I Reincarnated in the Fantasy World!

Chapter 22: This world is crazy...

After an unknown amount of time, Astrid managed to come to her senses and whispered incredulously.

"Am I still alive?"

She lifted herself slightly to see the motionless young man lying next to her.


With a note of panic in her voice, she called out to him, but there was no response.

Gathering her strength, she quickly reached for him, checking his condition.

"Phew, his pulse is stable, so he just passed out."

She was relieved to see the handsome face of the young man and blushed immediately. She remembered all the wild sex they'd had before and his complete domination of her, which made her body start to heat up again.

"I did this with him the first day I took him on as a disciple, I really am a terrible master. Should I have taken on an disciple in the first place?"

Soon an answer came from her subconscious.

"...But if I hadn't done it, would I have ever been able to experience something like that? It was probably one of the best decisions I ever made in my life..."

With these thoughts, Astrid tried to get out of bed, but immediately realized.

"My legs are still shaking."

She cast another glance at the young man.

"How could he get me in such a state? Even after the hardest trainings, I haven't felt this tired... but I have to admit, I've never had such maddening pleasure in my life."

Because of her movements, some of the seed leaked out of her pussy. Before she realized it, she picked up the seed and put it in her mouth, swallowing it. Realizing what had just happened, she whispered in a daze.

"When I saw that seed my body almost reflexively took it and swallowed it. It's terrifying, what would have happened to me if Rain hadn't stopped and continued to enslave this body?"

Astrid cast another glance at the young man, this time with a hint of fear. After a few seconds, she laughed to herself.

"The Sword Empress was scared of a kid who isn't even 20 yet, if this becomes known, it will become the most discussed topic for the next centuries."

Soon, thanks to her unrealistically fast recovery rate, she was able to get back on her feet.

As she did so, Astrid remembered that she had originally come to this estate to meet her best friend. A chill ran down her spine at the thought of it.

"Celestia will finish me off if she finds out what I did to her favorite nephew."

Although they were roughly equal in strength, Astrid knew both how much her best friend loved her nephew and how scary she was in anger.

"But if there's no evidence left, she won't know about it, right?"

Quickly looking around the room and finding it a complete mess, Astrid used a few of her abilities. In a matter of seconds, the training room returned to the state it was in before they arrived.

She looked at the sheet completely drenched in their fluids before putting the bed back into the storage ring and whispered faintly in embarrassment.

"I'll keep this as a memento..."

Astrid shifted her gaze to the peacefully sleeping young man.

"That's the only one left to deal with."


Opening his eyes Rain found himself in a familiar place, his room where he had woken up when he first entered this world.

Rain used his hand to flick back a few strands of hair that were getting in his eyes. Only then did the memories of his last actions before he'd blacked out come back to him, and with them came realization.

"I still have control over this body?"

"The system said that if I failed to complete the main quest this time, I would definitely receive a punishment. So I was able to complete it successfully?"

He was glad, but confused at the same time. As confident as Rain was, he had to admit that before he passed out, Astrid, at least her mind, had not yet fully submitted to him.

[Yes, you managed to fulfill it... partially.]

"Partially, because I've only managed to subdue her body?"

[No, the quest can only be completed by conquering the target's mind.]

"Then how could I fulfill it?"

[You've probably noticed the sudden changes that happen to Astrid when she's really horny?]

"Yes, from what I understand, it's a side effect caused by the Eyes of Lust?"

Rain remembered those moments perfectly. The first time had been at the end of their training session, when her lust level had spiked and she'd literally pounced on him, even forcing Rain to take action to stop her.

The second time was when he let his guard down after jerking off using her hips, letting Astrid take the lead for a while.

Both of these incidents surprised Rain greatly and imprinted themselves on his memory, particularly because of how drastically her behavior changed.

[No, the Eyes of Lust don't have those side effects. And given everything I've seen, it could be something like a second personality."]

"The second... what?"

[Another personality that manifests herself under certain conditions. In this case, extreme lust.]

"Was I the cause of her having a other personality?"

[No, your actions only awakened it, she probably had it long before that. Believe me, a long life is not always an advantage. Sometimes even the most trivial boredom can change a person dramatically.]

Rain thought about it and realized that if the Eyes of Lust really didn't have that side effect, the system's words sounded very convincing. Even the color of Astrid's eyes changed from their usual bright amber to a hazy pink when she entered that state.

"I was fucking Astrid, but at the same time not Astrid..."

Stunned, Rain said before adding.

"It's crazy… but for some reason I like it."

Then he turned to the system again.

"So by partial subdue you mean I was only able to capture one of her personalities?"

[Yeah. It caused the system a bunch of problems determining whether or not you completed the quest. By the way, after she brought you here, she left a note on the table.]

Curious as to what might be in there, Rain got out of bed and headed for the desk. There he found a note that said the following in beautiful handwriting, but crooked in some places, as if the writer's hand was shaking.


To my first and only disciple.

First of all, I want to thank you for this unforgettable... training, during which I was able to discover a new world!

But was your Master so good that you couldn't stand it and passed out~? It was my first time, but it seems like I was able to surpass you~~

Maybe I'm not only a sword genius, but also a sex genius?

Anyway, have a good rest and gain strength!

Love, your Master, Astrid~


A couple veins swelled on Rain's forehead as he finished reading.

"This woman… just wait, the next time we meet you'll know what it means to truly pass out."

Afterward, Rain suddenly noticed one detail that he had missed until then.

"It's her first time... is she a virgin?!"

Rain remembered that her movements had been extremely stilted at first, but she'd gotten the hang of it so quickly that he'd never have mistaken her for a virgin.

"Maybe she really is a sex genius?"

[While you were asleep, I heard the maids discussing her and they said she had a daughter. Don't ask me how, for I don't know."]

"This world is crazy..."

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