After Stealing Hero's Mother, I Reincarnated in the Fantasy World!

Chapter 12: Do I have a Milf Master now?

While Rain was pondering the pros and cons of the situation, the woman across from him, as if afraid he would run away, approached him, maintaining her same old hungry look.

She was close enough for Rain to smell her scent wafting to him through her excited breathing. With her breast heaving with ragged breaths, she uttered a sentence he least expected to hear right now.

"Do you want to be my disciple?"

Rain found it hard to believe that just after looking at him like he was the most delicious delicacy in the world, she would suddenly suggest such a thing.

'Is this just an excuse? Or is the master-disciple relationship in this world not limited to teaching and more intimate?'

Many thoughts raced through Rain's mind in an attempt to understand this woman's behavior as she stood across from him, waiting impatiently for an answer.

Although it had only been a few seconds since she had proposed, it had been an agonizingly long time for her. With each moment of silence, the impatience in her eyes became more and more evident, and for the first time in her life, the fear of rejection settled in her heart.

'If he refuses... should I steal him?'

As she pondered this crazy idea, she came to the conclusion that it could cause a lot of problems.

'I'll save that option for last resort...'

Having made her decision, she continued to wait for Rain's response.

Taking another look at the hot beauty in front of him, a realization came to Rain.

'What the hell am I thinking? Since when do I turn down a dish that comes my way?'

Still, before agreeing, Rain decided to quench his curiosity.

"Why do you want to accept me as a disciple?"

'Sure, I was damn handsome and charming, but that wasn't all the reasons, was it?'

Without thinking long, the hot woman answered at once.

"I want you… I want your sword technique."


[An hour ago]

It was a very ordinary day when Astrid decided to visit her longtime friend. However, when she finally reached Winderline Manor, she learned that Celestia was currently busy and could not be reached.

With nothing else to do there, Astrid decided to go down to the local training hall to dispel her boredom. When she arrived there, she noticed a young man, whose name she remembered was Rain, practicing intensely, swinging his sword.

Astrid was about to ignore him and go about her own training, but something about him caught her eye. After watching him for a while, she became curious.

As a sword master, she had spent her life honing and refining her style, striving for perfection. To do so, she studied hundreds, if not thousands, of different sword techniques, from the most primitive to those that entire kingdoms were willing to fight over.

But the technique used by the young man Astrid didn't recognize and it caused confusion in her heart.

How could she, having traveled the world in search of power and given her entire life to the path of the sword, not recognize the technique used by the younger one?

Feeling interested, Astrid concentrated even more on the young man's every movement. Soon what started as curiosity turned to surprise and then to shock.

To anyone on the outside it would seem that his movements were the most ordinary, perhaps even ridiculous due to the lack of perfect execution, but as an experienced warrior, Astrid saw much more behind it. Even though the execution was stilted, she could clearly sense the depth behind the technique.

Each swing of the handsome young man's sword and the concentration with which he did it drew her in, not allowing her to be distracted for a second. Even though the blows weren't aimed at her, each one reached deep into her soul, sending shivers down her spine.

Astrid had not expected that the excitement for something new and unknown, which she had felt at the beginning of her journey, could come back to her again, lighting the fire of her soul. It seemed as if the hopeless boredom, the eternal companion in her life, would finally go away.

As Astrid watched the young man's chiseled body completely absorbed in the training, her heart raced with anticipation and... desire.

Desire that threatened to consume her completely.

Eventually Astrid even lost control of herself for a few seconds, allowing the young man to notice her.


[Back to the present]

After hearing her reason, Rain couldn't help but feel proud.

'Even if it was all for this moment, I could claim that my ancestors had not wasted hundreds of years developing our family technique for nothing.'

Of course, Rain wasn't going to share it with her so easily and would prefer to use it as a bargaining chip for their future relationship.

'Given her extraordinary excitement about it, as long as I had it, I would have an advantage over her.'

"Okay, I agree."

As soon as Rain said it, an uncontrollable, wide smile stretched across Astrid's face.

The next moment she was gone, and Rain felt the darkness envelop his vision.

It wasn't until a second later that he realized she had her arms around him, holding him tightly against her large breast. Not wanting to pull out of her embrace, Rain continued to savor her softness and enchanting scent.

After a while, Astrid came to her senses and reluctantly let him go.

"Now that you're my disciple, I have something to teach you."

Looking around the training room, she added.

"This isn't the right place for it, so let's find another."

With confident steps, Astrid walked toward the exit, and Rain decided to follow her.

Walking down the hallways, his gaze focused on one important aspect, namely her ass.

Her big ass in the tight leggings swayed from side to side, hopelessly attracting Rain's gaze and increasingly fueling his desire to test its firmness with a spanking and then plunge his hands into it.

On top of that, a slight sadness rose in his heart.

'It's not fair to keep such a powerful weapon capable of conquering kingdoms alone locked up all the time.'

So Rain decided to do his best to give it the freedom it deserves.

Especially since the points won't earn themselves...

Rain began to ponder how he could quickly reach his goal.

'Unlike Celestia, who had a deep affection for Rain, this woman was practically a stranger to him. Therefore, in order to make progress, I will have to capitalize properly on our newly created master-disciple relationship.'

'Perhaps if the system with quest rewards came back, things would be easier.'

[I'm here.]

Suddenly hearing that annoying but welcome voice, Rain asked in confusion.

'How long have you been back?'

[Just a couple minutes ago, I just didn't want to distract you from your important considerations.]

Sarcastically she stated, but immediately continued.

[You'd better focus on something else right now.]

After her words, a window materialized in front of Rain.

[Quick quest]

[Explore every corner of Astrid Bladefury's body with your hands.]


Thanks for reading, everyone.

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