Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

Chapter 39: An Important Choice [2]

As despair threatened to consume me, I felt a faint pull, a subtle tug on my Aether energy. It was almost imperceptible, but it was there, drawing me towards something hidden from sight.

Confused yet intrigued, I followed the mysterious pull, allowing it to guide me through the sea of eggs until my gaze landed on a smaller silver egg nestled behind the one I had previously attempted. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that this egg had gone unnoticed amidst the others, its presence overshadowed by the larger, more vibrant ones.

With a newfound sense of hope, I extended my hand toward the silver egg, my fingertips tingling with anticipation. As I enveloped the egg with my Aether energy, I felt a surge of warmth spreading through my veins, a feeling of connection unlike anything I had experienced before.

To my astonishment, the silver egg responded to my touch, emitting a soft glow of magic as if awakening from its slumber. It was as if the egg itself recognized me, welcoming my presence with open arms.


"I finally found it!"

I couldn't help but exclaim out loud.

And as soon as I did, I felt several eyes on me.

'Oh, crap. Guess, I was a bit too excited.'

Quickly changing my expression, I apologized to them and went toward the instructor after carefully holding the egg in my hands.

"Instructor, I chose this one."

Instructor Elara turned towards me, her eyes bright with curiosity and a hint of surprise.

"Ah, I see you've found your chosen egg," she remarked, a warm smile gracing her lips. "Let me take a look."

I handed her the silver egg, feeling a sense of pride and anticipation swelling within me. As she examined the egg, a look of surprise flickered across her features, followed by an awkward expression.

"Er... Student Adrian..." She spoke with little pauses. "Can you pick another egg? I will personally help you."

"Huh? No way. Why should I?" I quickly refused. There's no way I would give up on the egg I found after countless failures.

"Er... How do I explain it..." She mumbled to herself and then looked at me. "Student Adrian, I don't sense any elemental energy from the egg. I fear that this egg contains a creature that won't be able to become an Elemental Beast. It must have been placed here by mistake. So, let's choose another one, ok?"


As I heard her words, realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. My heart sank as I processed what Instructor Elara had just said. It was true that I hadn't sensed any elemental energy from the egg, but I had been so determined to choose it, so certain that it was meant for me.

'Not again...'

'Is this the fate of extra?'

Disappointment and frustration welled up inside me, threatening to overwhelm my senses. I had finally thought I found my chance to bond with a magical creature, only to have it dashed away in an instant.


'Should I give up then?'



'No way.'

'It's better trying than doing nothing, so I won't give up.'


But even in the midst of my despair, a stubborn resolve ignited within me. I couldn't simply abandon the egg, not after feeling that inexplicable connection to it. It may not contain an Elemental Beast, but it was the only egg that reacted to me.

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and met Instructor Elara's gaze with determination blazing in my eyes.

"I appreciate your concern, Instructor," I began, my voice steady despite slight hesitation. "But I've made my decision. This egg may not contain an Elemental Beast, but I believe there's more to it than meets the eye. I've already felt a deep connection with it, and... I'm willing to see where this journey takes me."

"..." Instructor's eyes widened slightly, her expression unreadable.

"Are you sure about that?" She then asked in a serious mode.

"...Yes," I replied.

"What if the beast which hatches from it doesn't feet to your liking? What will you do? Will you abandon it?" She asked, her expression serious.

"...No. I won't." I replied truthfully.

"This is an important decision. So choose wisely ok. I will ask one last time. You won't change your mind, right?"

"..." After a bit of silence, I nodded my head. "Yes, instructor."

"Ok, if that's your decision," Instructor Elara said with a sigh, her expression softened by understanding. "I respect your choice, Student Adrian. Just remember that this journey may not be easy, but it will be yours to walk."

With a sense of finality, she handed the silver egg back to me, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and encouragement.

"Take good care of it, Adrian," she said softly, her voice tinged with warmth. "And remember, no matter what happens, you're not alone. I'll be there to support you every step of the way."

"Thank you, Instructor Elara," I replied, my voice filled with gratitude. "I'll do my best."

With renewed determination, I cradled the silver egg in my hands, feeling its warmth seeping into my very being. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, I knew that I had made the right decision.

As the other students continued to choose their eggs, I found myself lost in thought, pondering the significance of my decision and the journey that lay ahead. But amidst the doubts and fears, one thing remained clear:

This was just the beginning of an adventure that would change my life forever. And I was ready to embrace it, silver egg and all.

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