Absolute Regression

Chapter 296

Episode 296 Who on earth did you lend the money to?

Jooyang, who was returning to the power station, stopped.

My heart continued to beat to the point where I thought it might explode.

The eyes of Geommugeuk looking at him came to mind, and the image of the coin on the table piercing his palm did not leave his mind.

One of the swordsmen who were returning together asked.

“Aren’t you going?”

“Go first. “I will never tell anything about today.”


Zhou Yang sent the knifemen away first and sat down on the side of the road for a while. I was angry, my pride was hurt, and I was scared because I had never experienced anything like this before.

Working at a power station was his calling.

I felt the pleasure of becoming an absolute expert when I saw him bowing to himself and borrowing money. There was nothing more fun than tempting them with nice words.

What about crying and crying because you can’t pay a few pennies in interest? I felt relief from other people’s misfortune.

Controlling and controlling someone’s life was such a happy experience.

But for the first time, I felt a sense of crisis shaking my life as an unknown person. What is scarier than the fear of having your hand pierced is the fear that you might not be able to do this job.

‘How do I deal with this?’

This matter must be resolved before it reaches the ears of the head of the Unification Center, Jeokpae. If the enemy finds out… Jooyang shook his head. The enemy was a person who always took responsibility for the damage.

Your hand will be pierced by a sword dance, but your neck will be pierced by an enemy. Because he is that kind of person.

At that time, I made eye contact with villagers passing by. They were shocked and bowed their heads before walking quickly. I can sense from his busy pace that he is afraid of himself.

Have we finally been punished for our evil deeds that have ruined other people’s lives?

But Joo Yang was not the type of person to reflect on things like this. If he were that kind of person, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. He was a person who thought like this.

‘We have to pay off the interest somehow.’

After thinking of a suitable person for the job, he stood up and walked away. As I give more nervous glances to people I encounter each day.

* * *

The next day, Zhou Yang did not come to collect the money.

“I said I would come find you if you didn’t come.”

The sword dance went straight to the power station. Today, another person came to Jooyang’s place and lent him money.

When I asked where Jooyang was, she said she was sick and didn’t come out.

Geommugeuk came out to the training ground and shouted.

“Yang Zhou! I’m here to pay you interest, so come out! Jooyang! Teacher Joo! “Jou Daehyeop!”

In response to the commotion, knifemen from the electricity station came out to watch. Are you here to pay interest? Are you a debt collector who is desperate to run away?

Everyone watched in amazement because there was no such commotion after the power station was opened.

“Yang Zhou! “Come out now!”

After hearing the news, Joo Yang hurriedly came out of the building.


Unlike yesterday, when he treated him coldly, Geommugeuk smiled happily at him.

“You said you were sick, but you’re fine.”

“What is all the fuss about here?”

“Didn’t you say you would come find me if he didn’t come?”

Anyway, I didn’t expect him to come and make such a fuss. I knew someone would be here. It’s a place that handles a lot of money, so isn’t there a single expert who can kill you?

So the first thought that came to Joo Yang’s mind was this. How expert and what is your intention? Apart from all this.

‘This guy is crazy.’

Geommugeuk held out his hand to him.

“Now take the interest.”

Otherwise, this couldn’t be happening.

The knifemen who were watching murmured. Those in the guest room yesterday were nervous and took a step back, while others were giggling and excited about the fun spectacle.

It was right then.

“Are you the author?”

A man with a heavy voice appeared.

He was dragging a man covered in blood with one hand.

When he appeared, the swordsmen all bowed their heads and greeted him. He was a cruel person who could be said to be the real swordsman of this unit.

Jaanhak is a person who comes forward when there is a problem with the warriors, and he was the first person Jooyang went to see when she returned yesterday.

What kind of person he is can be explained by this one fact. Everyone joked that his name was an abbreviation for cruel martial arts (殘虐無道). Some people actually thought that was the case.

That’s how cruel he was. Because all those who reported and opposed the evil deeds of the Tongtongso were killed by cruelty.

“Yes, I am the author.”

In response to Joo Yang’s response, cruel threw the person he had dragged forward.

The man rolled around on the floor helplessly.

Geommugeuk approached and examined him. With his whole body a mess, he barely opened his eyes.

“…Kill me.”

Those were his first words.

If the pain had been so severe, would I say those words as my first words without even knowing who the other person was?

On the other hand, the cruelty committed by those who made the man do that was leisurely.

“At first, that guy was just as energetic as you. It flew over that wall and landed in the middle of the yard. “You truly were a hero.”

Then the swordsmen who were watching burst into laughter.

“He stood there and gave a long speech. What about justice and consultation? They treated us like money-grubbing trash. “You don’t even know who is trash.”

At that time, the man reacted to the word trash.

“…I am trash. I am trash.”

These were words forced upon us by cruelty. The man was half out of his mind due to the harsh torture.

Geommugeuk examined his body.

My Dan Tian was broken and all the muscles in my limbs were cut off, so I had to spend my whole life lying down. Even if the evil spirit came, the body that could not be recovered committed an act that no human being should ever do.

As Geomugeuk was examining him, Cruelty silently approached. Yesterday, I already heard from Joo Yang what the other person did with the coin. If what I heard is true, it means that he is quite an expert.

I thought I would first take him down by surprise and play with him for a while.

When you’re defenseless because you’re paying attention to all that dying trash.

‘You idiot! What is affection and morality? I’ll completely fix that mental problem!’

The exact moment when cruelty was about to launch himself and hit the enemy.



Followed by the sound of a gust of wind and the sound of something being pierced.


Something got stuck in the wall of the building behind.


The impact was so great that cracks formed around the embedded object like a spider web.

Jooyang was shocked when she saw what was stuck.

What was stuck in the wall was a coin.

Blood leaked from the coin and ran down the wall.

‘blood? Why is there blood? no way?’

Zhou Yang reflexively looked at the cruelty.

The cruelty was still standing there. He was touching his forehead to see if it was itchy. It seemed like he was trying to say something, but I couldn’t understand what he was muttering.

Soon his body slowly collapsed.


Blood was flowing from his forehead, which had already died.

The coin pierced the cruel’s forehead, pierced the back of his head, and flew into the wall.

Everyone was shocked by his death.

How much atrocity have you seen so far? How many warriors has he killed and harassed?

But you die by being pierced in the forehead by a coin without even swinging your sword once? It felt unrealistic, like I was acting with that young man.

The man who had been tortured to a brutal death had tears in his eyes. I held on with the thought that if I escaped someday, I would kill him.

“I wish I could repay you with the same torture, but it’s not worth it. “Then wouldn’t that mean you would treat him as a human being?”

As always, the sword dance performance did not attach any value to the death of the villain. Only then will we be able to deal with the endless evildoers. It’s like setting aside a stone blocking your path and walking again.

But this man was given value. It was my first time seeing him and I didn’t even know his name, but I understood him from his actions.

“No one climbed over that wall for anyone else. The Heavenly Demon Church, the Apostolic Alliance, and even the Jeongdo Maeng. “Everyone will either be uninterested, join hands, or say it’s an unavoidable necessary evil.”

Geommugeuk held the man’s hand tightly.

“You have lived a good life. “Thanks to you, many people will be free from suffering.”

A faint smile appeared on the man’s lips. He made a final request to kill him with his eyes, and Geomgeuk accepted that request. It was a sign of respect for him.

“Please go well, Daehyup.”

Geommugeuk placed his hand on the top of his head.

There was no pain in that touch. The man died with a peaceful face.

After leaving him lying down, Geommugeuk stood up.

Everyone who had been giggling just a moment ago stood there holding their breath.

It seemed like it would rage like a storm and wipe out everything, but the sword dance was calm. So Jooyang was even more scared.

Sword Dancer handed out the remaining coins to Jooyang and said.

“There is one more left. Shall I give it to you? Do you want to come and get it?”

Jooyang could tell that what the other person was offering meant another coin stuck in the wall.

“no. “I will take it.”

Zhou Yang ran over and held out his hand. My heart was pounding and I felt dizzy.

In a tense situation with everyone watching, the sword dance slowly raised the coin.

This time, his hand might be shattered…

But again today, the coin was lightly placed on his palm.

“…What do you want?”

As if it was nothing to tell someone like him, Geommugeuk picked up the man’s body and walked away with great strides.

“Be sure to come tomorrow to collect the interest.”

* * *

Joo Yang went straight to the leader, Jeokpae.

If you want to save your life, you must go and report it before the report is made. If you don’t get hit first, the next hit will take your life.

The enemy forces did not reside at the power station. This was because they did not consider the place safe, with so many people coming and going every day.

He lived in a remote manor built like a fortress. There were layers of masters guarding him, and deep inside the inner circle there was a palace of beauties. He was a person who knew how to spend the money he earned clearly.

Zhou Yang took a deep breath and controlled his mind in front of the enemy’s abode. Having worked under Jeokpae for the past ten years, I know very well what kind of person he is. He was the most selfish person he knew. I treated other people’s lives like the lives of flies. That may be why this business was able to prosper.

The crazy guy who claimed to be the leader of the Demonic Cult turned out to be a master.

If you report this, the enemy will throw anything they can get their hands on at you. If you are peeling and eating an apple, a fruit tree will fly, and if you are drawing a picture, an inkstone will fly. Because he was a person who threw inkstones, not a brush.

Fortunately, the enemy was looking at the ledger and flipping the abacus. He looks like a violent wolf, but when it comes to calculations, he becomes a fox.

It was wise for him to keep his mouth shut when he counted the money.

The sound of the abacus rolling stopped for a moment.

“There was an accident when the master intervened.”

The enemy was not very shaken. While working at the power station, did a martial arts expert intervene once or twice? We somehow managed to resolve everything and overcome the crisis.

“The young man borrowed ten nyang.”

“Ten nyang?”

Jeokpae raised his head and looked at Zhou Yang with these eyes. He probably didn’t come to me with a problem that only cost ten nyang.

“That killed Cruelty.”

Hiss. Pow!

The abacus flew out and hit Zhou Yang on the head. Unfortunately, it was stamped on the corner of the abacus and blood was flowing down from my forehead.

“From the beginning, I told you to distinguish between those who might cause trouble, right?”


“The guy who ate Yeomwangchae for so long couldn’t even process it properly.”

Jooyang lowered his head, repeating his apology.

“What kind of guy is he?”

“He is a crazy person who claims to be the leader of a demonic cult.”


Something else flew out and struck Zhou Yang in the face.

“How can a crazy person kill a cruel person?”

Joo Yang said again that she was sorry and lowered her head. But doesn’t that mean that the Demonic Cult’s small sect leader was killed? He struggled to swallow what he wanted to say.

“How will you take responsibility?”

“I will gladly accept the reprimand.”

“Are you sure he’s not a demonic bastard?”

“I sent a message saying that I am not an investigator. From what I can see, it’s not Mine.”

As if he didn’t want to see the enemy defeated, he motioned for Jooyang to leave. At least, since he is leading the power station well these days without making any mistakes, this is probably the end of it.

The lone enemy said quietly.

“You should find out and deal with it yourself.”

Then a short answer was heard from behind the wall: “Yes.”

Jeokpae took out a new abacus from his desk drawer and started calculating again.

“What’s so wrong?”

When writing a ledger, there are days when the calculations are particularly incorrect. Wrong and wrong again. That was today.

* * *

The next day, Zhou Yang rushed to his residence again at the call of Jeokpae.

There was a red flag standing in the middle of the yard with a serious expression.

There was a corpse lying in front of him. It was his limbs that went out yesterday after receiving orders from Jeokpae.

Zhou Yang knew very well how expert he was. The level of atrocities could be dealt with lightly, but the enemy was like a right-hand man who spent a huge amount of money to bring in.

And I knew it again. Who killed him?

Two coins were placed on the corpse’s forehead.

It was as if the coin was saying:

-I paid off the interest today.

Zhou Yang’s heart sank. The fear I felt until yesterday was not fear. Zhou Yang felt a primordial fear welling up deep in his heart.

Zhou Yang’s gaze did not leave the coin.

“What is this coin?”

Two coins have now become the scariest things in the world.

“This is today’s interest.”

The red flag glared at Zhou Yang menacingly.

“You… who on earth did you lend the money to?”

Joo Yang expected the enemy defeat to come out this way. Because he was a person who always looked for someone to take responsibility when a problem occurred.

You were the one who sent someone to kill him!

Jooyang said, swallowing again what she wanted to say.

“I’ll go and find out what he wants.”

“Can’t you see this? What he wants is our money. “What business would a master like this have any business other than us?”

Jeokpae was a person who was convinced that those who were hostile to him were after his money. This assertion worked unexpectedly well.

“He said he was a demon?”

“He bluffed and said he was the leader of a demonic cult.”

“Are you sure it’s not?”

“Absolutely not.”

As things got to this point, Joo Yang began to think that the investigator’s report might have been wrong.

But I answered with the word ‘absolutely.’ Because it had to be absolutely not.

If so, the solution to the defeat was decided.

“We have to let the real deal with the fake.”

Because I spent so much money for a day like today.

“We have to show how scary the real Demon Cult is.”

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