A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 146: 110 Isefia: Do As You Please, I'm Invincible_3

Chapter 146: Chapter 110 Isefia: Do As You Please, I’m Invincible_3

And in the face of Senior Sister’s successive predictions and suppression, Lu Anya felt panicked, allowing herself to be completely led by the nose.

“While I differ greatly from you in attributes, you can’t match me in combat experience,” said Senior Sister.

To prove this point, Senior Sister crossed swords with Lu Anya once again.

This time, Senior Sister didn’t opt for fast suppression but chose a form of prediction against prediction.

She let Lu Anya take shots at will, yet no matter how well Lu Anya aimed, there would always be a deviation, as if her arrows couldn’t possibly hit their mark.

More embarrassingly, even though Lu Anya predicted that Senior Sister would dodge to the left, she ended up stepping forward instead.

When Lu Anya fully blocked Senior Sister’s path, her dispersed attacks were too weak to be effective, allowing Senior Sister to easily neutralize them.

To Senior Sister, each move she made was substantial.

But in the eyes of an opponent like Lu Anya, every step Senior Sister took seemed feint.

It even began to make Lu Anya doubt herself; Senior Sister had completely shattered her composure.

“How is this possible?”

Lu Anya was dumbfounded, truly dumbfounded, and she didn’t feel like fighting anymore.

Ten matches in a row, all losses.

Lu Anya realized no matter what she did, she couldn’t keep pace with Senior Sister; even with her hands-on guidance and advice, it still wasn’t enough.

She had exhausted all her tricks and tried various tactics.

But the result was still defeat…

“Follow your instincts,” said Senior Sister.

Actually, Senior Sister wasn’t overly proactive in using feints and real moves. She simply made instinctive choices, but her instincts were precisely on point.


It sounds simple, but executing it is far from easy.

Below the stage, Bailuo, Lilith, and also Alaya, Inya, Bai Yino, who had arrived at some point, were all astounded by Senior Sister and Lu Anya’s sparring.

“Incredible,” said Bai Yino, clueless but finding the bun in her hands delicious.

“Sis is so cool, awesome!!” Inya was Senior Sister’s little fan, and no matter how the victory came, shouting “666” was the way to go.

And behind Inya, Alaya was wearing a gentle smile.

Among those present, perhaps only Bailuo and Alaya understood how Senior Sister won.

“Anya, your experience is still not rich enough, but that’s not a problem,” Senior Sister said. “Spar with me a hundred times, a thousand times, and you will naturally grasp the patterns.”

“A thousand times?”

That’s not much. With a high-level sparring partner like Senior Sister, Lu Anya couldn’t agree fast enough.

“Also, don’t be discouraged. I didn’t master these skills from the start either,” Senior Sister told Lu Anya. “I have lost more times than you can imagine—countless times my spirit has been crushed.”

Senior Sister was Uncle’s prized pupil, and so was Bailuo.

But unlike Bailuo, who was just a commoner in his previous life and knew nothing of combat, simply humbly learning everything from the start, Senior Sister was a proud genius.

Before she met Uncle, Senior Sister had already started training under her father.

Back then, Isefia was somewhat arrogant.

Then, Senior Sister encountered Uncle and started a ten-year period of defeats.

They had fair contests in various domains and locations, in all sorts of ways.

But without exception, these ended in Senior Sister’s defeat.

From the age of eight until eighteen, Senior Sister never won against Uncle at his peak.

“Tens of thousands of defeats have made me what I am now,” said Senior Sister, completely collected.

No opponent could disturb her composure, no matter who she faced.

“But to be defeated over and over again is not hard,” she said.

Under Uncle’s training, Senior Sister kept getting stronger, but as the old man grew older, he eventually began to decline.

In a one-on-one fight, Uncle could no longer beat Senior Sister.

Realizing this, Uncle resorted to a more underhanded tactic—he fled.

Yes, Uncle ran away.

Faced with a grown-up Senior Sister who had surpassed him in direct confrontation, Uncle chose to flee for the first time.

“Seeing this, how could I just stand by? So I immediately gave chase,” she said.

But as a result, Senior Sister fell into Uncle’s trap and was defeated again: “After that, we fought again, and I chased once more.”

“Just like you, I didn’t know if there would be traps ahead, whether his fleeing was real or feigned.”

“That defeat ended the contest of strength,” Senior Sister said. “What followed was mental training, far more terrifying than physical confrontation.”

Bailuo remembered these events clearly.

Because at that time, he was traveling with them and, as an observer, witnessed their contests.

“When you’re weak, make it seem strong; when you’re strong, make it seem weak,” he said.

“The art of bluffing and truth, like two sides of an object, are also the facets of human nature,” he continued.

When your strength alone can’t beat the opponent, break them down with psychological tactics. This was the new knowledge Uncle taught Senior Sister and Bailuo after their battles.

“Tell me, if I were to run away during our fight, would you chase?” he asked.


Faced with this question, Lu Anya was truly stumped.

With Senior Sister’s power, if she turned to run, there must certainly be something amiss!

Lu Anya truly dared not pursue. Who knows if there was a ruse ahead?

“You wouldn’t dare to chase, right?” asked Senior Sister.

Senior Sister’s power was sufficient to defeat Lu Anya head-on, and her tactics and strategy were far above the Tree Elf Patriarch. “But what if I genuinely had an emergency and you missed this opportunity?” she said.

“At first, that’s what you thought.”

Senior Sister spoke of the key to Lu Anya’s mental breakdown: “Because in your heart, Anya, I am formidable. Even if I’m not that strong, you’ll imagine me to be insurmountably so.”

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