A random pokemon journey

Smiting magma(2)

Smiting magma(2)

'Oh hey look it's Courtney! Nine out of ten would smash if not psycho , you don't put your dick in crazy after all.' I thought as I admired her exposed body after her already admittedly skimpy clothes got more revealing from the damage they received. Originally she was wearing a red mini skirt and a stylish open front team magma hoodie with a black skin tight shirt under it but now her skirt was much more mini in the front and her hoodie and shirt now had holes that showed some choice bits of flesh and even her left nipple.-

She shifted the hoodie to cover her chest while using one of her free hands to cover her cherry red panties. In a way I was almost regretful about needing to kill her , almost. It was almost comical when she actually send out her own team which comprised of a Camerupt , Magcargo , Golem , Mightyena and surprisingly enough Infernape. Each pokemon was between level seventy and eighty which was pretty good but not nearly enough to pose a problem to Gaia or Vulcan. To prove my point Vulcan directly skipped Courtney's pokemon and crushed her skull with a single extreme speed.-

In any normal battle attacking a trainer before taking out their pokemon is taboo with even wild pokemon being aware of this. But neither I or my team consider this a battle but rather pest extermination. So long as the pests are killed anything goes and that includes curb stomping the trainers while ignoring the pokemon. I simply had no patience to play nice with criminals like this and like most trainers my team was the same way. It was a phenomena that many professors agreed was because of the bond between trainer and pokemon. -

Over time and depending on the strength of that bond personality traits from both sides "taint" the other side. It was why type specialist tended to have personalities that matched their specifically chosen typing. Ghost type trainers were playful and mischievous while grass type trainers were bright and friendly most of the time. This wasn't always a positive thing however as some types had bad personalities by default like dragon types that were prideful and had short tempers. My personality was generally callus and ambitious which passed to my team to some degree while each of my pokemon was innately prideful and had other personality quirks as individuals that passed to me.-

Vulcan was bloodthirsty to enemies while surprisingly gentle to children. Gaia was casual in everything she did including violence but was also an absolute foodie. Rune was a cheerful ball of energy and Yani was an intellectual that was kind if she could be. Tank was sort of the odd man out in this scenario as he was just plain arrogant from what I could tell. I as the trainer got locked in a feedback loop with these traits which resulted in my own personality changing imperceptibly to be more in tune with them.-

As you can tell this meant that I was totally chill with over the top violence so long as it was against those I believed deserving of it. Blood , screams and destruction was everywhere up here as my team slaughtered their way across the area and I was calmly walking through it towards the spot I knew the machine was from the games. I saw Maxie fly off on a Pidgeot as I approached the spot which I felt disappointed by since I was hoping to kill him here but I knew roughly where the Magma base was so I will get another chance soon enough.-

I can't say I blame Maxie for bitching out when I he saw me on my way as even if he was a bit bellow elite level with all of his pokemon like I suspected that meant nothing if I and my team ignore those same pokemon and focus on killing Maxie himself. The Magma leader had definitely watched Courtney get merc'd even after releasing her pokemon so any thought of recovering the situation with a pokemon battle was gone by the time i started headed his way.-

Reaching the machine that had an empty slot in the middle of it and flashing lights as well as streams of data on the screen at the front I couldn't help but thing that this must have been expensive , right before spartan booting it into the lava below. The machine wasn't even fastened to the volcano for fucks sake so it was up and into the lava in all of about thirty seconds. "Welp my jobs done here. Oh look Flannery is here." I muttered to myself as I noticed a flaming bird coming in hot(Pun intended).-

I casually strolled back to the main area that my pokemon were just about done mopping up the left overs at as Flannery landed with her fire variant Staraptor. I checked it out and couldn't help but give a mental thumbs up as it was level one ten and had a nice mix of flying and fire type moves including a custom move that was her grandfathers signature move. The way the Staraptor looked around in caution despite knowing that my team had everything basically dead already had my approval as it showed a good sense of vigilance rather than carelessness.-

"You are late to the party , we've already finished entertaining the guests as you can see." I said casually as Flannery got off her pokemon and looked around seriously. She looked at me and besides a faint blush she maintained her composure as a gym leader and representative of the league. "Report what happened here and explain why none of these people are still breathing." she said firmly. "Well first off you should know that the lift operator was blackmailed to help Team Magma with this whole thing and is at the bottom station tied up with two still living grunts. Other than that I simply did some pest control is all."-

"I try to be thorough so there are no survivors besides any pokemon not taken out of their balls. Oh right before I forget the leader got away after seeing me tearing through his subordinates so I would like your assistance in storming the rats nest as it were." I said calmly. "You know where the Team Magma base is located?" Flannery asked in surprise. "I might be wrong but considering the direction the leader flew off towards I'd assume somewhere further down the volcano , maybe a disguised cave system or something." I said with a shrug.-

"Could he have been trying to trick you?" Flannery asked not believing it was so easy to figure out where the base was. "I suppose it's possible but considering how panicked the guy looked as he fled I doubt it. Rather hard to make deceitful actions when you are panicking after all. That could have been an act though. I'd like to check anyways just in case if that's okay with you?" I said and she frowned deep in thought before looking at the surrounding carnage then back to me.

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