A random pokemon journey



This was something that Watson came to learn very quickly as his Manectric not only failed to do damage with the electric type moves that made up the majority of it's moveset but was getting beaten down by Rune as well. I didn't even need to call out any orders as Rune wasn't even out of breath by the time the Manectric had finally had enough and passed out. "What a nasty little trick , took away my specialty right from the get go. Looks like I need to get a bit serious then." Watson said still grinning.-

"Come on out , Magnezone!" Watson called as he sent out his second pokemon and I couldn't help but frown slightly at it. "barrier ball!" he then commanded immediately and I understood the annoying tactic behind this pokemons moves. Barrier was a psychic type move that raised defense by two stages and the move gyro ball was steel type and cost little energy to use so the idea was basically to pelt Rune until he went down while enduring everything he sent at it. 'Shit , Rune's totally countered here.' I thought and decisively chose to use one of my switches.-

Rune might have been able to win by hammering the floating space ship magnet looking thing repetitively while constantly using quick attack or double team to dodge. But on the same hand he would also get exhausted and probably quite beat up at the same time. Watson still had another two pokemon and one switch so rather than risk it I chose to send out Vulcan to force a shift in the battle. "Rune , return! Vulcan , set!" I said smoothly recalling Rune and sending out Vulcan at the same time. Vulcan as per usual fully released it's innate heat and suppressive aura as a legendary.-

Watsons grin vanished immediately and sweat appeared on his forehead as he felt the weight of a legendary that came for a fight fall on his shoulders. "Magnezone return! Show em what we trained for Lanturn!" Watson called as he used his switch to send out a pokemon I was expecting. While I knew that Watson had at least three electric type variants under his control I also knew that like all gym leaders who had a similar situation that those three were all elite level at minimum. This meant he needed a naturally dual type pokemon with electric type that could fight Vulcan with any chance to win and there were only three in the world.-

Lanturn which was a water and electric type , Chinchou that had the same typing but was the first stage of the Lanturn line. And finally Zapdos that was a legendary with flying and electric type but was definitely part of Watsons personal team if he even had one. As far as I know though Watson didn't have one since they were as you might expect fairly rare and prideful so not just anyone could get one without some very special circumstances.-

I'm not saying Watson didn't deserve to have one but that he was old and thus most legendries would immediately pass him up as a candidate for that sort of thing. "I suppose my options were rather limited in selection but I think Lanturn here has a shot at toppling your ace there." he said seeming to understand why I didn't look surprised. I shook my head "Vulcans not so easy to deal with." I said with a smirk but didn't acknowledge the comment about it being my ace. "Solar beam!" "Rainy day!" we commanded at the same time but Watson came out on the bad side of the engagement.-

While his pokemon was trying to counter a sunny day that never came Vulcan was halfway done with charging the super effective attack that Watson clearly wanted to prevent. "Dodge!" he called but Vulcan was already lining up the shot. "FWOOOM!" the beam of grass type energy tore through the air and from the widening of Watsons eyes probably gave away that Vulcan was massively over leveled for this challenge. "LAAAAAA!" the fish screamed as the beam struck it dead center and washed over it. -

"Lanturn is unable to continue!" the ref called and Vulcan cut off the attack while casually swallowing the remaining grass type energy back into it's energy reservoir. That sounds easy but was by no means as it required absolute domination of ones energy even after it was used for an attack. "You got me curious what sorta training you put your team through to get results like these lad. The amount of people I've seen grow so fast could be counted on one hand and each of them became champions or similar. Might seem presumptuous but can I ask you to send out that Pupitar of yours since my loss is a forgone conclusion at this point?" Watson said with a happy look despite basically admitting defeat.-

"Alright , I'll humor you but do try to give her a run for her money. she's been chafing at the bit to test her current limits in battle." I said with a smirk. "Wahaha! Lets see what she's made of then!" he said before sending out an Electivire with a bunch of fighting type moves. I nodded in appreciation of it as it was wonderfully trained but being held back from advancing on purpose. "Gaia , set!" I called and released her onto the field while recalling Vulcan who gave Watson a pitying look before it left.-

"TAAAAAAAAAR!" Gaia manifested out of the red light and roared so loudly that the ground shook and the Electivire trembled in fear. Vulcans presence was suppressive but Gaia's was downright tyrannical as her abilities kicked in and a violent sand storm covered the arena at once. "Dynamic punch!" Watson commanded and the Electivire obeyed if reluctantly. Neither I nor Gaia reacted to the attack coming at her with a bright clay red gleam. It looked like it was about to hit when Gaia side stepped out of the way and backhanded the Electivire with a ground type energy covered claw.-

"CRAACK!" the sound of the impact was heard clearly regardless of the howling sandstorm as her claw struck the poor electric type and sent it flying knocked the fuck out. Gaia returned to her original spot and merely stared at Watson smugly. "Wahaha! What a monster! You win lad I forfeit!" the old man said loudly and Gaia reined in her ability letting everyone see her clearly. She stood tall under the lights and cast an imposing figure before I recalled her.-

"You got me good lad , never would have seen that monster coming at your previous level. If you don't mind me asking does it have anything to do with ... that?" Watson asked while motioning to his left eye. I could appreciate that he was trying to be tactful about it but I wasn't some fragile flower that can't take a reminder of a bad experience. "No need to beat about the bush old man , I get reminded of it every moment so bringing it up in a conversation won't bother me any." I say with a shrug. 

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