A random pokemon journey

Abnormal evolution

Abnormal evolution

I quickly found out though when Gaia burst into a mass of energy that swirled into a huge orb that looked much like all the other evolutions I have seen so far save one key difference. Unlike the normal evolution spheres that are rainbow colored without any color taking the lead Gaia's current one was primarily brown with the other colors being much less in volume. "Ugh! This is not going to end well at all." I complained seeing this. Checking Vulcan over I at least felt a bit better as it had gained reached level ninety two and had a sharp increase in stats.

[Pokemon species: Entei(Vulcan)


Moveset: Bite(E) , Leer(M) , Ember(M) , roar(E) , fire spin(E) , Stomp(M) , flamethrower(E) , sunny day(E) , crunch(E) , extrasensory(E) , lava plume(M) , magma coat(E) , fire blast(A) , solar beam(j) , fire fang(A) , calm mind(A) , extreme speed(N) , stone edge(n)

Variations: none



Sp. Atk:147

Sp. Def:120


Ability: Inner focus(A)]

The stat boost wasn't the only benefit that Vulcan got from the energy it took from the scale as well as the battle as it finally reached the second to last mastery of four moves while learning two more. The moves that got mastered were ember , leer , stomp and lava plume. I could understand roughly how this happened as well. For the first three Vulcan was already so close to mastering them that this last battle gave it the inspiration it needed to take that last step. For lava plume though I imagine that the energy from the scale gave it insights into how better to utilize pure magma which pushed it to mastery.-

Vulcan learning extreme speed was also probably because of it's stats growing along side it finally figuring out how the move worked thanks to the battle. Stone edge though was entirely the scales fault as Vulcan had no understanding of rock type energy at all until now and I refused to believe it wasn't the scales fault that this changed. As an added bonus the energy from the scale also healed Vulcans injuries so it was even starting to regrow hair in the bald spots on it's body. A fact both Rune and I were jealous of by the way as we were still very much injured.-

Speaking of Rune he had also jumped up in terms of levels and was now level seventy three and had picked up the moves light screen and endure. No real change in it's status other than that though minus a small increase in special defense by five points. I had expected that though since he had been hit by an elemental move of the Heatran. "Since you aren't injured anymore go drag that corpse over here so we can disassemble it for parts." I commanded Vulcan who came to show off. It cursed a bit but did what I told it without much fuss.-

I looked over the still scorching hot body carefully and used observe to find the parts that were useful or valuable and had Vulcan strip them off it. This meant the heart , eye , skull , spine , ribs and hide in this case. Even with a huge chuck of it missing the hide of the Heatran was a made of a metal that if forged could be turned into stupidly durable armor or weapons. The spine , ribs and skull had similar uses but were much more refined and valuable as a result. The heart was useful in alchemy for creating fire and steel type supplements.-

The eye on the other hand was valuable only because it was basically a gemstone after the death of the Heatran that as you might expect was one of a kind. I was planning on selling it to the one of the Stones for a hefty sum of cash and maybe a ship ticket to Orre after I finished my league circuit here in Hoenn. If it was smaller I might have had it turned into a fake replacement for the one that the legendary took from me but it was the size of a grapefruit so that obviously wasn't going to work.-

The stuff that can be turned into weapons or armor I was going to flat out sell in auction to the highest bidder. The sole exception was some of it's skull that I was going to fashion into an eyepatch. To get it all to fit into my bag I had Vulcan bend it down into a smaller size before I stuffed it in my bag. The blood of the Heatran would have also been very valuable but that had flowed out of it's body while we were all out and been burnt up in the lava.-

By the time we were done dismantling the body of all it's useful parts Gaia's evolution also came to an end. Surprisingly she appeared pretty normal despite the strange energy she had absorbed that triggered her evolution early. She was smaller than I expected at about eighteen feet and her body shape was narrower than usual for her species but otherwise she looked like a pretty normal Tyranitar in shape. Her colors had changed a bit though as her steel grey coloration from when she was a Pupitar was now a bit darker and the purple stripes were now ominously similar in color to the scale.-

There was a slight change that I didn't notice at first in that at the top of her head a small pair of white conical horns sat that reminded me a lot of those that Groudon possessed. The evolution like always left my pokemon drained so she barely had the energy to wade through the magma lake before she passed out at the edge. I had Vulcan drag her out of the lake fully before thoroughly checking her out to make sure there weren't any problems but I sighed in relief as I found none.-

[Pokemon: Tyranitar{Gaia}


Moveset: Bite(E) , Leer(A) , Sandstorm(M) , Iron defense(Egg Move)(M) , screech(E) , rock slide(M) , scary face(E) , thrash(E) , dark pulse(E) , payback(E) , rock polish(M) , metal claw(E) , sand bomb(M) , crunch(A) , stone grasp(M) , wrecking ball(A) , earthquake(j) , hyper beam(n) , ancient power(A)

Variations: Royal(Queen) , Shiny(stage 2)



Sp. Atk:124

Sp. Def:111


Ability: Sand veil(A) , shed skin(A) , sand stream(J)]

Gaia's new stat sheet was monstrous to look at and I could see the influence that the tiny bit of divinity and the scales energy caused as well. First was of course that she learned ancient power and earthquake and mastered nearly every rock or ground type move she had. The second was that her royal variation had reached the next stage which explained the slightly different body shape and extra horns. Add on the boost in stats that her size gave her and she was a walking disaster thanks to her sand veil and sand stream ability combo making her have a constant free sandstorm around her at all time.

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