A Pervert's World

Chapter 343: Second task: Defeat a Dodoma

Chapter 343: Second task: Defeat a Dodoma

"I can't believe you went so far.." Blanca sighed regretfully. To think Marta will kiss the boy of her own volition.. she can't fathom what drove her to take such a drastic step. 

"He is just a kid, mother. It's not a big deal." Marta shrugged her shoulders. Vaginal fluids running down her thighs indicated that just came from a heavy orgasm. 

"That is how you will justify it? You are a married woman with a child, Marta. How long are you going to act dumb?" Blanca can only reprimand her at this point. What's done was done. No one can change it. 

"Hehe.. isn't it a good justification. Didn't you see how hard he worked for us? I just wanted to return some favor.. that's it." The busty woman draped her clothes back on, now a lot more clear-headed after the release of lust polluting her brain.

Blanca was at a loss. She can neither approve Marta's deeds nor deny her claim. "Once Ryu returns, I must have him do it in your ass as well. I bet you will love it just as much." Marta laughed seeing her mother scowled at her. 

"Ahem.. aunt Marta?" The mother-daughter pair were surprised by a young boy calling out to them. "Do you need some help?" 

A bare-chested Marta turned around to find her little guest on the kitchen doorstep. "Hahaha.. aren't you too young for helping us out in the kitchen, Juttu?"

The boy standing at the entrance was stunned for a minute, unable to break his gaze away from Mrs. Marta's heavy tits. "Noo.. I am used to helping out. Me and my sister know how to cook simple dishes." 

"Wow.." Marta beamed back a smile, fully aware that the boy was taking time to check out her naked boobs. 

Not minding his gaze, she stepped forth and wrapped her arms around him. "I didn't know you were so skilled, little guy. Mrs. Itzel must be proud of you." Juttu blushed heavily when the giant pieces of soft mammary glands crushed against his chest. Marta's hug was so strong, he was certain to be can feel her uptight nipples. 

Marta swept his hair, ruffled his head, and then looked around. The boy must have been bored. Apart from them, there were three grown men in the house who can't really socialize with the boy. Other than that she had a son as well but he was a little too young to be a company to Juttu as well.

"Help me crush these meatballs then. You think you can do that?" Finding some miscellaneous task, she offered it to the boy who knocked his head in reply. "Yeah, it's easy. I will do that." 

**Next morning**

"10 O'clock direction.. approximately 10 miles away.. a rocky cliff.." Ryu repeated the instructions to himself. "This certainly matches the description." Standing atop a cliff that ended up in a ravine below, the boy hypothesized.

To his left, he noticed another almost vertical cliff that was much bigger than the one he found himself standing atop. Needless to say, Ryu and his group had moved much further into the forested lands. 

This meant dangers had multiplied by a factor of ten. When a carefree master like Mr. Lyod tells you to be cautious, Ryu knew this task was going to involve a lot of danger.

"If he was so worried, the old geezer should have told me a little more than 'the beast is capable of flight'.. hmph.." Traveling ten miles the first thing in the morning was never a pleasant experience. 

Ryu cursed out while descending from the current cliff, his target being the second, much larger cliff. After a horrendous downward climb, the boy managed to crash the rest of the height by the means of some accurate jumps. 

*Thump* His feet landed on the ravine, the first thing Ryu noticed was the sparse vegetation all around him. Other than not knowing the exact capabilities of the beast he was hunting, the one thing that agitated him the most was the black soil underneath his feet.

Ryu channelized the mana within his body. Much to his frustration, even after casting area-wide magic, a single plant broke the surface and emerged in response. 

Disadvantage. Great disadvantage. That was the only word echoing in his head right now. This was not a suitable battlefield for him. Having just gotten a wide-angle view of this entire area from the higher ground, Ryu was aware that this whole ravine is not much different. 

Ryu got down and collected a fistful of the soil. "This can't be.." He looked like someone pulled the rug from under his feet. The earth in his hand.. it wasn't even soil. "This is.. ash?"  

With his brows bunched up, Ryu clicked his tongue in anger. "What a pain in the ass. I bet that old bastard deliberately chose this location." There was no doubt in his mind that Lyod had planned all this. 

The lack of vegetation actually created another very big adversity for him. That being the lack of cover to hide. Stepping into this open area of ash and dust meant any creature can very easily track his movement. 

And knowing that the beast he was asked to take down can fly, meaning that Ryu felt like he was already being watched. The sky overhead was clear with the morning sun still touching the horizon. 

Trepidation filling his heart, Ryu pressed on. Every footstep of his left a deep impression on the ashy ground. A serenity prevailed in the ravine with not a single trace of wind blowing. 

Finally, when he had traveled more than a hundred meters, Ryu felt stiffy in his nose. The charred smell surrounding him had only grown stronger with every step.

All his senses raised to their epitome, he will make sure to take a sweeping glance after a dozen steps. *Bam* Right when he was about to make his next surveillance stoppage, Ryu heard something and immediately dropped to the ground. 

*Bam* *Bam* *Crash* His vision zoomed onto the rocky cliff he was heading towards. A boulder seems to have been displaced for some unknown reason, tumbling its way down and creating a loud bang in the process. 

Scared stiff, Ryu's eyes traced the entire cliff, trying to find if there was a living being hiding in plain sight. However, to his relief, there was no such thing. 

Even after waiting for a full minute, he could not catch any suspicious movement. Assuming the recent rock slide to be a spontaneously occurring natural event, Ryu gathered his courage to start moving once again. 

*Busshh* Suddenly, Ryu can't help but feel like the atmosphere around him had gotten eerily peaceful. So much so that despite his best efforts to sneak in silently, his boots dropping in the dry ash inadvertently made a sound.  

*Shang* A whistling noise struck Ryu. As soon as it happened, the boy knew where to look. Turning his head up, he saw a gigantic creature hovering in the sky right on top of his head. A Dodoma? The being matched the description Lyod had listed down. 

He had been discovered. The fact that this thing was clearly nowhere in the sky just a minute back, Ryu discerned that it must have taken flight when he saw the boulder skid from the cliff.

"Fuck.. let's just hope there is not more than one." His cover blown, Ryu stood up to hold his ground. The beast was not a bird as he had earlier anticipated, rather it was a kind of reptile that was using its wings to glide through the skies. 

Its coarse skin very closely resembled the rocky background pertaining to the cliff on which it must have resided. This perfect camouflage must have been the reason why it managed to avoid being located.

Ryu was still busy scrutinizing his opponent when he saw its bulging neck glowed red like lava. *Buk* It blurted out a small flaming rock that dropped from the sky like a meteor. 

"Dammit.." It would be foolish to expect the beast to give up on its advantage and land on the ground to fight like a man. Ryu rebuked himself and ran.

*BOOOM* Although the boy managed to outrun the flaming rock, what he didn't take into account was the massive explosion that followed. The force from the blast threw him down to the ground, leaving him rolling in the ash.

Sweat covered Ryu's head in an instant. The blast diameter.. it was easily 20 meters across. Had he not made haste, the falling grenade would have very easily proven to be life-threatening. 

*Buk* Ryu didn't even need to look up. He was under attack once again. The flaming rock descended with a shrill whizzing sound. Jumping back on his feet, he dashed. *Boom* 

Barely escaping the blast radius, Ryu had no other choice but to run back for shelter. This fight can not be any more one-sided. *Buk* The reptilian blurted flaming rocks that were stored in its sac one by one, accurately targetting the human below. 

Too bad for it, Ryu was quick on his feet. He avoided running in a strained line, making it harder for the Dodoma to land the bombs on top of his head. 

In a mad rush, Ryu managed to avoid three more blasts in order to reach the same cliff he had recently dropped down from. Finding a cave in the wall, he slid through the gap and hid himself in it. *BOOOM* 

Another bomb fell right outside the entrance of the cave, buzzing Ryu's eardrums. He had his own suspicions about the mana affinity of a Dodoma once he discovered the ashy grounds. 

Still, this was even more dangerous than flames. One wrong move and Ryu could have very easily lost one of his limbs. Even now, he wasn't unhurt. There were a few shrapnels that simply could not be avoided and they had gotten embedded in his back. 

*Thud* *Hurrrruuurrr* Something heavy landed outside his cave. Thankfully, the crack was not wide enough for his pursuer to wiggle in. *Bang* That certainly didn't stop the creature to ram its massive body over the small entrance. 

Now that the Dodoma was on the ground, Ryu got a closer look at it. This thing was built like a tank covered with the rock formation. One-on-one, this guy will make mince meat out of the Kilur he hunted yesterday. 

Ryu was not even done catching his breath when he noticed the bulge in the beast's neck grow uncontrollably. Hot air filled the cave as the Dodoma charged for its next attack. 

"Persistent bastard.." Ryu ran deeper into the crevice, totally anticipating the incoming blast. "Shield..!!" Acting fast, he conjured multiple roots from the ground, creating a curtain that saved him from the shrapnel. 

Safe in the dark corner, he can still hear the Dodoma attempting in vain to get inside. Removing his shirt, Ryu picked out the tiny stones that had punctured his back. "I must think of something to shoot this guy down." 

Ryu was confident in taking the beast on despite all the disadvantages. But what was he going to do if midway through the fight it took off and chose to rely on long-ranged attacks? He can't be caught helpless once again, it was way too dangerous the first time itself.

"Guess I can't keep saving them forever." Hands in his pocket, Ryu fiddled with the seeds he kept for any emergency. If he had to create something big to take down this guy, he will have to rely on some help. 

Even so, trying to grow them in the ash was going to be no easy task either. Gritting his teeth, the boy sat down to rest and fully recover. After a while, he heard the annoyed Dodoma drag its heavy body away from the cave. 

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