A Pervert's World

Chapter 340: First task: Hunt a Kilur 3

Chapter 340: First task: Hunt a Kilur 3

"Master Lyod.. ahh.. it's been two hours since the boy is gone? You sure he will be fine?" Courtney was troubled since Ryu had not returned for quite some time now. Added to that, since the boy was on a hunt, she was doubly worried for his safety. 

Comfortably tucked inside his hammock, Lyod opened one eyelid to respond to her. "Man you guys are a pain in the ass. How many times do I need to tell you that he is safe?" 

"He is still in the range of my senses. I am just as concerned for his safety as you are, ladies." Lyod reprimanded the women for disturbing him constantly. 

"You sure about that old master Lyod? If I may say so, I heard you snore not a long while ago." Jenny was the most ruthless out of the three. Lyod instantly panicked. "Preposterous!!" 

"You must have heard wrongly. Are you hinting that I am a slacker at my job? Do you know how old I am, little girl?" "How exactly does age tie into this?" Jenny's swift retort left the man red-faced and with veins popping all over his head. 

Jenny remained brave but Itzel formally intervened to stop the young and the old from brawling it out. "Let's not stretch out the matter more than it is necessary. If master Lyod believes it, we must follow his lead."

Both Jenny and Lyod huffed, unconvinced but not very willing to fight it out. 'Dammit.. did I actually fall asleep?' Lyod cursed his old ass in his mind. Last night he exerted himself much more than his capacity, now he was dealing with heavy eyelids. Vying to remain vigilant this time, he slacked back into a cozy hammock.

"Looks like your boy is already heading back. Now can all of you rest easy?" While Itzel took to educating a rebellious Jenny on the topic of 'respecting your elders', Lyod chimed in with the status update.

Their faces bloomed and just like the old man prophesied, Ryu actually emerged from behind the trees, heading their way. "Yo..!!" 

"Brother.." Jenny was the most excited to see the boy whose condition can be best described as pathetic. "Brother.. you are hurt?" She didn't recognize them at first, but as the girl approached the boy for a hug, she can better observe his bloody wounds. 

"Yeah, I little." Ryu let the girl hug him partially and then walked over. Once Itzel saw the wounded boy, she vaguely realized why he needed a maid. "I will bring out the herbs."

Even though no one had told her to do so, Itzel had been mindful enough to collect the medicinal herbs just in case. "Courtney, bring him water." She directed the other lady who was too shocked to react on her own. 

"How did it go?" Contrary to the females, Lyod was calm as a cucumber. "It was a lot to handle.. but yeah, not too hard once I put my head into it." 

Watching the old man nodded, Ryu gulped the water Courtney offered him. "I would have been saved a few ounces of blood had you told me about its ability to conjure metal mana." 

Ryu looked around. Not finding anything to rest his ass upon, he grabbed onto his next best option. Courtney had a hunch she will be called upon and hence delivered herself to the ground within Ryu even asking her for it. 

Lyod watched in visible awe as the grown woman got on her for limbs to transform herself into a makeshift bench for the boy. However much he can blame him for being a womanizer, Lyod will have to agree his student had an unbeatable talent in that department. 

"I deliberately didn't mention that point. I wanted to check if you were prudent enough to rake your target before initiating an attack." Lyod took a small pause and then sat up in his cloth hammock. 

"Kilur's do possess a deceiving look. From the outside, they give an impression of a giant meatball that's only good at physical attacks. In truth, they are equally good in mana attacks. But I am sure you must be all aware of it at this point." 

Seated on his human bench, Ryu nodded then extended his arms and legs to let Jenny undress him completely. "Real fights are truly much more diverse and dangerous.. uff.." 

The burning pain across his body was a cruel reminder of that fact. "Hehe.. that's for sure. Each wound you register, make sure to remember it so that you don't repeat your mistakes." Ryu can understand the point the old man was trying to make. 

He was trying to refine him such that he can stand on his own when push comes to shove. "Aaahhh.. easy there.." Ryu winced in pain when Itzel pressed a handful of crushed herbal paste over his lower chest region, directly upon the open wound. 

"I hope you made some learning like that?" Lyod mentioned, to which Ryu pecked his head severely. "I did make a few discoveries like taking the armor of your opponent into account when shooting them haha.. Damn.. that seed was a complete waste." 

Looking back upon his blunder, Ryu can't believe he squandered off so much mana for nothing in return. Lyod didn't ask for much detail, since he can easily figure out how the battle must have gone simply because of his vast experience. 

Itzel was diligently covering Ryu's thighs under the medicinal paste when he grabbed her exposed boobs. Though she glared at him for being frivolous even at such a time, he only smile back at him. "Distraction.. hehe.." 

Considering his condition, Itzel wasted no further time than that, focusing on the job at hand. Jenny wanted to help only to be swatted away by her mother, citing her lack of skill. 

"I still don't understand one thing, master." Ryu brought Jenny to the side and whispered a few syllables in her ears, making the girl smile brightly. 

"Hmm? What is it?" Lyod was curious to know about it since the boy had always been a lot smarter than his corresponding age. 

Ryu took a break, observing Jenny walking around him before settling on the ground right behind him. He shifted his ass somewhat over Courtney's back such that the young girl could access his asshole from there. 

"I mean.. was it necessary for me to kill the Kilur? I had already defeated it thoroughly, what's the need to take a life unnecessarily?" Ryu was no saint. He would have very easily slaughtered the while herd if they had been of any use to him. 

But that was not the case here. Lyod didn't make any such demands of him. There was nothing of importance on a Kilur's body that can be called precious. What purpose did taking the life of a beast served?

"Hahahaha.. It was necessary.. very necessary. There were two reasons in my mind." Lyod had a peal of long and hearty laughter. 

Meanwhile, uninterested in the master-disciple conversation, Jenny had taken her stance under Ryu's elevated backside. On her knees, she eagerly placed her soft left hand over his bun and proceeded to rub the middle finger of her right hand over the sphincter. 

Applying the pressure on her digit, Jenny observed her dainty finger slide easily into the narrow tunnel. Having played with her mother's anus for extended periods yesterday, Jenny found it fascinating to do the same for Ryu this time. 

Her finger wiggled until it was securely lodged inside the warm bore, finding it not much different from her mother's. The only difference was the severe lack of flexibility Ryu's asshole offered. 

Compared to the boy, Itzel's anus was a lot more stretchable with a spacious rectum on the other side. Ryu was the opposite of that. Jenny could barely force a single finger inside his bowels, while her mother managed to fit in three Virgos inside her at once. 

Just like he told her, Jenny tottered her finger back and forth in the tight space, massaging the strained rectum. "Eat it, girl." Ryu warranted in a soft voice, making the girl giggle and playfully retrieve her finger from his butt. 

He saw her enthusiastically swallow it down, sucking on her digit as if to win his approval. Ryu's hands grabbing Itzel's bosom turned stringent, kneading the set of breasts with a heavy hand. 

"Where is your attention, brat? I am in the middle of something." Lyod was done laughing incoherently when he realized Ryu was busy patting the head of the little girl while groping her mom at the same time.

"Haha.. I am listening, master. So you were telling something about the Kilur." Lyod rolled his eyes at his pathetic attempt to salvage the topic at hand. "Huh.. as I mentioned, I wanted to find out your attitude towards life." 

"I am glad that you questioned my motivations to kill a being. This feeling of empathy is what separates us from the beastmen. Remember, humans never kill for fun." 

"Other than that, it was imperative for you to learn how to take life away. If you hesitate to kill an opponent that can be fatal for you or your loved one, it will only spell disaster later." 

Lyod took long pauses, giving the boy enough time to soak in all the knowledge. "A single split second of hesitation can very well change the course of the battle." 

"If your opponent is fighting to kill and you are fighting too unwillingly to do the same, you are already at a massive disadvantage." Ryu nodded. Even against that wild Kilur, he could count a dozen times when any delay in judgment would have critically injured him. 

He appreciated that Lyod didn't impart this lesson before he fought the beast. Otherwise, he would have never grasped so much from the experience. 

"I am learning a lot, old master. You have my gratitude." Even though Lyod didn't mention it, Ryu can think of another reason to kill the animal. 

His fight against the giant echidna had left it fatally injured. There was no way it could have survived the wild in such conditions even if he had let it go. Death was a better option compared to that. 

"Haha.. it's great that you can understand. That's all for today. Sleep early. Tomorrow we will be traveling further deep into the forest. Beasts on the outskirts are not going to bring out your buried potential." With that, Lyod fell back in his cozy bed, intent on fully enjoying his vacation-cum-training session.

Ryu took some time to digest whatever the old master mentioned. Lyod was truly wise. "From tomorrow, you don't need to kill your opponents until it's a situation of life and death. I think you have learned your lesson." He heard the last commandment from the old guy, happy to oblige. 

*Sigh* "Life is hard.." With a heavy breath, Ryu admired the softness of Itzel's doughy bust. Yes, this new life had its benefits when it came to sex and living a free life, but simultaneously right now he was at a much higher risk than he had ever been in his last life. 

Itzel was done with her preliminary first aid task. Noticing a sudden somberness on Ryu's face, she can make out his feelings. "It's fine, boy. So what if life is hard? We still got to live. You can't expect a man to give up living just because things aren't going his way?"

She was right. Even a damn Kilur fought until its last breath. Wouldn't he be worse than an animal if he let life drag him down? "Hmph.. I don't need your motivation, Ms. Priestess." Ryu rolled his eyes at his new maid, making her break out with a beautiful smile. 

Alas.. her smile was not long-lived because Ryu had taken hold of the back of her head. He forced her head into his groins, rubbing the thick piece of sweaty meat on her face. Itzel grumbled.. but to no relief. 

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