A Pervert's World

Chapter 314: Paula and Eric

Chapter 314: Paula and Eric

<<Time for our monthly patron pitch. Same old rant.. if you are someone who doesn't need to worry about your daily expenses and you like what I am doing for the greater good of humanity, do consider supporting my work. 

Together, we shall raise the collective consciousness of our species. It's a big duty so every contribution is valuable. Visit our page and select whatever tiers suits /slayer104 (remove '*')

Now coming to shout-outs for last month.. 

Our Viscounts: WiseRagnar, Abdualrhman Aljarallah, tan gab, TeoPJ, kingpin09, Shivam Mathur, Andrew Wilson

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Thanks any other generous soul who I might have missed. 

Appreciate both patrons and non-patrons for reading my work!! Sayonara!! >>

Jim sat cross-legged on the floor in meditation when Paula walked in on him. "Did you find anything?" He questioned the woman as she stood against the wall with a bottle of wine in her hands. 

*Chug* Ignoring the boy, Paula chucked the wine without any care in the world. The burning sensation helped her cope with the extensive waves that were being produced in her heart. 

"Buahh.." With a pair of dazed eyes, she wiped the alcohol off her lips before sneering at the boy. "huh.. Who knew you would come out to be such a wuss? A woman in Junior Realm scared you to death?"

Though not appreciative of her tone, Jim chose not to argue with the woman. "I known what happened to me. There is definitely something off about the woman." He reiterated, causing Paula to laugh snidishly at him. 

"Good. Then you can keep thinking that. I already checked her.. she is but a pesky human throat and through." Paula's words didn't surprise Jim. He himself had tried to inspect the woman, albeit while maintaining his distance from her. And just like her, he discovered no peculiarities with either her body or cultivation. 

'What in the world struck me then..' Even now just recalling the flames burning inside his navel will make him shiver. Himself being a manipulator of fire mana, he can tell the grade of the flames Amelia transferred into him was extremely potent. It was a sensation like the fire was trying to purify his body and in the process, destroying the cultivation he had gained.

"Frankly speaking.. I could not care less what you do with the woman. But.." The perpetual smile on Paula's face was retracted for a second. "The girl I brought.. don't bother touching her. She is important to me." 

Her words immediately incensed Jim. "Are you going back on your words?" He was supposed to have both Amelia and Sophia for himself. Apart from the power he received from the divine being, this was his only other desire. He can't compromise on Sophia.. she was the very reason he had accepted to leave the path of humanity and agree to this life of subjugation.

"Hohoho.. my.. my.. don't raise your voice to this mother here.. kid." Jim felt a corporeal hand clutch his neck. His face grew pale as Paula's presence locked his cultivation. "Do you understand?" She grinned back at the suffocating boy until he responded with a nod of his head. 

"Cough.. cough.. cough.." Jim fell back on his elbows.. coughing incessantly. His eyes remained defiant and extremely menacing, but knowing his place he chose to keep his head down. 

"Good. See.. until you gain absolute strength.. try not to piss anyone off.. hehe.." Paula devoured the leftover wine in her bottle. "I will be off for some time. Keep an eye on both of them." 

Jim's hands dug into the hard ground.. black blood leaking from under his fingernails. "Fucking.. aaaahh..!!" Regardless of the rage filling him, Paula was right in her assessment. He was weakling in front of her. 

Leaving the groveling brat behind, Paula had walked out under the shining sun. "He is not as amazing as I previously assumed.. shhh.. another failure, I guess." Standing in the bright radiance of the day, she exuded a sense of unmatched feminity. 

Since she discovered Sophia, Jim's importance has come down severely in her eyes. Despite going through the rebirth.. he still showed signs of emotional vulnerability. A volatile soldier will be of no use to master Ergon. 

"Whatever.. let's leave him be for now. I might have some use for him." Half of her mission had been completed the day Jim summoned her physical body to this world. Now all that remained was to capture Ryu and open a portal back to her home realm. She was perfectly capable of doing everything on her own.

"Master can certainly turn you as well. Then.. we can live together.. love." She mulled, thinking about the girl who had moved her heart. With a flamboyant smile on her face, Paula picked a direction and walked giddily.

"Uugh.. I am tired." Stretching out her limbs on the way, she took an extended stroll through the estate of the chief of the town. Her tight clothes hugging her figure attracted a lot many eyes. 

Walking past the guards without any hassle, she passed them a smile. That was enough to subdue them into doing her bidding. No one stopped her, despite her foreign face that no one recognized. 

She sensed a pond close by and bee-lined for it. The amount of filthy sex she had in these past few days had her itchy for a refreshing wash. 

She came across a walled entrance, guarded by men. Probably the bath was on the other side. Not thinking twice about it, she masked her presence and leaped over the concrete wall without an effort. 

Aware of the risky adventure, Paula chose to morph her face just in case. Stepping through the long grass, she filled her lungs with the fresh air wading over the clear source of water. Reaching close to the bank, her hands reached back and unclipped her leather dress, releasing her body from its binds.

She had only taken a few steps when she heard some noise ahead. Someone was already here, before her. "Who might you be?" There was a man, resting inside the pond with only his head visible to Paula. 

The naked woman didn't panic, rather a smile appeared on her face. "Ohh.. pardon me, lord. I hope I am not transgressing." Exposing a frail demeanor to the person, she managed to get under his radar. 

"You are not.. but who are you? And how did you come in?" The blonde man was confused, trying to recognize the lady but failing to do so every time. "I have not seen you around here." 

"Ahh.. actually, I am not from this town, my lord. I am only a traveler." Paula took a few unsteady steps towards him, showing a meek expression. "Hmm.. oh." The man responded with a slight nod. Watching the sense of insecurity on her face, he waved his hands. 

"There is no need to panic. You can come closer and tell me how you ended up here." Had it been some other time, Eric will have most certainly sensed the issues with the mature woman standing on the bank. But with his current state of mind, he was too weary to be suspicious of every other man, woman, or ghost. 

Acutely aware of his condition, Paula approached him, albeit with some hesitance. "I am just a traveler, my lord. I was staying in the town for less than a week. That's when I met, young lord Jim. He invited me to his place." 

Eric sighed and glanced at the bold figure of the woman. She didn't need to tell him the reason his brat must have 'invited' her for. 'This bastard..' He was fairly disappointed in his child. 

"In the morning I roamed into this place to find a bath and ended up falling asleep over there." Paula pointed in distance. Eric didn't think much about it. "Okay.. that's fine. If you want.. you can jump in." 

Eric didn't think much about the lady, settling his head comfortably to soak in the cool water. "That's very kind of you, my lord." Paula didn't drop the opportunity, dropping into the pond, keeping up the pretense of a vulnerable lass. 

Taking a breath of the pristine breeze, Paula traveled deeper, until the water reached her chest. Her hands reached into her groins and began to thoroughly flush out the residual semen the kid left inside her. 

'Hmph.. Lucky punk.. enjoy your freedom till tomorrow.. because I will be coming for you.' A devious light shined in her eyes, recalling the slew of humiliations she suffered at Ryu's hands. So what if she had been the one to succumb to the sexual gratification. He must be the one to pay a proper price to push her to such a limit. 

With her hands scrubbing her unsullied skin, she splashed water over her breasts. Her entire body was sticky with dried-up semen and discharges. What was shameful, only a part of it came from Ryu.. the rest.. she herself leaked much of it. 

Taking her sweet time, her fingers eventually reached into her anus. "Ahem.. miss.. What exactly are you trying to do here?" Eric had been watching the woman grow restless with every passing minute.

He watched her sully his personal pond, but decided to keep quiet till now.. for his boy had been the one calling on the lady for her services. Yet, once he noticed her dig into her backside, he could not remain silent anymore. 

Paula turned around with an impeccable face, as if not sure why she was disturbed. "Ah.. is there some problem, my lord." Her middle finger was still drilling into her anus.. giving it a deep clean. 

Eric smiled bitterly. "If you don't mind, can you not do that. It's going to contaminate my pool." Considering she had a drink made up entirely of human urine this morning, Paula was well past any semblance of refinement and gracefulness. 

She made a grumpy-looking face. "It's not my fault that your son didn't like conventional sex, lord Eric. What can I do? I am feeling so violated." Paula hugged her chest, revealing a face that was on the verge of tears. 

The swift change in her expression told Eric that she was probably messing around with him. Nevertheless, her charges were real. 

"Please don't try to gain sympathy here, miss. However, worse my boy can be. He would never have forced himself on you. I am sure he must have paid in full." His words only seem to embolden the prostitute, as she waded to reach closer to him.

"Yes, he did and I am partly to blame here. But.." Paula was face to face with Eric. With pouted lips, she swirled her finger over his chest. " How would I have known he will be such a hunk. Sniff.. things he did to me.. *Sniffle* I feel so broken.." 

Paula truly suffered at the hands of Ryu. With that said, it helped her develop a genuinely fragile character. Taking another step, her breasts were almost on Eric's face. 

The chief gritted his teeth, not wanting to keep looking at the perfect set of tits. "Okay.. okay.. I will add to your compensation. Now you can drop this pretense." Paula's fake tears immediately dried up as she jumped in excitement. "Thanks, lord. I always knew the chief of this town is the most compassionate." 

Stupefied at her reaction, Eric wanted to curse out loud but reigned on his displeasure. This woman blatantly swiveled with the town's chief, she was not as innocent as Eric had assumed her to be. 

"Hey? What's are you.. doing?" Eric protested, but he was too late. Paula's hands had reached down to grab hold of his pecker. "hehe.. my lord is too kind. Please allow me to wash you.. with my.. own hands.." 

The last sentence was said with such seductiveness that Eric felt his throat dry up. Paula had added another hand to cup his balls, gently massaging and squeezing them. 

"Wait..!" Her grip on his brother turned severe. This was a naked provocation. How long could Eric remain unfazed by this? He was a man at the end of the day and his meat reacted by growing in size, even while clasped in the matron's fingers. 

"My.. my.. Did I excite you, my lord?" Paula's lips were right on his face, deliberately breathing out fragrant hit air in him. 'What a slut..!!" Eric was at a total loss in this situation. His cock seems to have approved of the woman. 

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