A Pervert's World

Chapter 302: I will kill you!

Chapter 302: I will kill you!

Amelia was met with a severe headache as soon as she opened her eyes. The surroundings were dark with only a single candle burning over in one corner of the room she found herself in. 

Trying to move, she found herself incapable of that. Once her mind cleared a little more, she observed that her hands had been tied behind her back and so were her feet. "Ah... Is someone here?" She called out, not sure how she ended up in such a situation.

Even thinking about yesterday was making her head hurt. "Ah.." Although her circumstance was not ideal, Amelia was not someone to panic at the sight sign of trouble.

'Was I mistook for someone else?' That was the first thought that came to her mind. On her own, Amelia can't believe she held enough importance to have someone lock her up in this place. 

"Is anyone here? I think you got the wrong person.." She called out into the darkness once again, hoping for a response. Alas.. she seems to be alone in this shady place. 

Out of options, she can only try to wiggle out of the ropes that had been used to tie her hands to the pillar behind her. Needless to say, it was futile. She can't muster even the limited amount of cultivation she possessed. 

"Hmm? Are you awake?" To her relief, a voice finally reached out to her. It was a bit snarky, but even so, she was happy. "Yes, mister. You see... I think we have a misunderstanding here." 

She can't really see the person talking to her in the dark, but that didn't stop her from communicating. "Ohh.. misunderstanding? Like what?" The voice continued in a snobbish tone.

"Like you might have got the wrong person dear." Amelia smiled wryly. "I am just a regular housewife. Neither myself nor my husband earns any significant amount that can even warrant a ransom. Simply speaking, I am too poor to be here." 

"Haha... Are you trying to be funny?" Amelia had no answer for that, so she chose to remain silent. From the approaching footsteps, she can tell the person was coming closer to her. 

"Don't worry, I didn't bring you here for any ransom. Rather you yourself are the reward." The grumpy voice continued. These words only confused Amelia. She was the reward? When did she become a celebrity like that?

"You don't seem to get it, do you?" The voice reached out to her again, this time closer than ever. "Well.. pardon me for not being the brightest matron around here." Convinced that she didn't belong in this place, Amelia revealed a good-natured smile.

"Ohh.. do you still think I got the wrong person.. Amelia..?" This time the redhead was genuinely taken aback. The person had stepped into the light of the candle allowing her to take a look at his face. 

The revelation shocked Amelia. "Jim?" He was the last person she expected to see here. "What are you doing here? Where are we?" She questioned him fervently, yet the boy remained silent, a hint of a smile hung over his face.

"You don't need to know all that, Amelia." He took a step closer until he was almost touching her. Suddenly, the redhead felt the screws of her brain turn. "You.. you idiot..!!" Her voice reeked with disappointment instead of any distress.

"Please don't tell me you did all this because of your banter with Ryu?" In her heart Amelia knew it wasn't a simple 'banter', nevertheless, she had to calm this developing situation in its infancy. 

"Hahaha.." In response, the boy began laughing uproariously. From the start, Amelia can tell something was not right about this kid. She had never seen anyone emit such negative vibes. 

"No... no.. this has got nothing to do with your pup, Amelia." Jim dropped down to his knees and cupped the woman's face in his palms. "This is way beyond that. It's about me.. and from now, it will always be about me." He displayed a brilliant smile that didn't match the background of this place.

Amelia received no warmth from his hand around her face. Similarly, even his smile lacked any of its previous compassion. It was like the smile was nothing but a facade to hide his real self. 

"What happened to you, Jim? I thought you were beyond these petty ways." Amelia shook her head at this fiasco. She can't make heads of the situation, refusing to believe whatever transformation Jim had gone through was all for naught. 

"You can say, I finally discovered who I am and what I want." The boy answered in a monotonous voice lacking any emotion whatsoever. "So what do you plan to do now?" Amelia was getting increasingly annoyed with his attitude. 

"It's not too late, kid. You can still come with me. Both of you can apologize to each other and be in your ways. There is no need to hold grudges." Jim felt rage build up in his heart when the woman mentioned the apology.

"I will apologize to an insect?" Sparks can be seen flashing in his eyes. "Aaahhhh..." An acute pain wrecked Amelia's head. The place where the tip of Jim's middle finger was resting on her cheek was burnt through, leaving behind a charred skin.

The stinging sensation almost brought tears to Amelia's eyes. The boy had made her painfully aware that he was not the Jim she had come to know. The young and ambitious boy from earlier would have never hurt her. 

"Do you understand your situation better now?" A slight tear can be seen in Amelia's bright red eyes as she glared at the boy for a second before looking away. 

Jim felt strangely satisfied with these new results. "Sit in there nice and cozy. Once I deal with your brat... I shall come back for you." He was about to get back to his feet when Amelia turned back to face him. The expression lacked the previous warmth now. 

"What are you planning, Jim? You know this will cause trouble for you. So stay away from my son." There was a hint of warning in her rebellious voice causing Jim's smile to grow more splendid.

"Sorry. It can't be done.. the boy.. he must die." Amelia felt her mind buzzing. She had seen with her own eyes the ruthlessness with which Jim had acted towards her. Her breathing grew labored just thinking about it. 

"Ohh.. did I step on your tail? Or do you want me to fuck you one last time in front of him, before letting him die?" Finding it amusing, he had settled back on the ground, clutching the woman's face in his hand. "Hahaha..!!"

Never in her life, Amelia had felt such an extreme surge of emotions. Even after she was kidnapped and bound to this place, she acted as if nothing happened. All the while trying to convince Jim to give up on these futile efforts. 

Even when her cheek was burnt to a crisp she held onto her sanity despite the tremendous angst from the wound. Still, she didn't hate Jim, just blaming herself for ever placing her belief in this bastard. 

And yet, the equation changed completely when he brought Ryu into this. She can't forgive anyone wishing harm to her kid, especially her young son. Somehow, Jim's face had grown extremely abhorring in her vision. As if the sight of it was making her want to puke.

"What are you glaring at, slut?" *Paagh* A right slap to her face made Amelia leak blood from her lips. Nonetheless, her vicious eyes never left the boy. "Keep your eyes down.." 

"If you try to touch my boy... Jim.." Amelia was mad. Madder than she had ever been. "I will kill you." As someone who probably didn't even kill an ant in her life, it had to be known how much the situation pushed her over the edge to actively threaten somebody with death.

For a moment, the boy in front of him shivered. He pulled his hand back, watching flames burn in Amelia's red pupils. No.. he was not thinking that figuratively. Jim can see the actual flame burning inside the eyes of the woman.

'What is this?' Finding that Amelia was not done with her glaring, he swiftly took action and flicked her forehead. His actions put the woman out of commission immediately as her head fell over to the side. 

With Amelia passed out, Jim looked down at his hand that was over the redhead's face just a few seconds back. He was burnt. His fingers had been scorched. "What in the world happened?" 

He avoided reacting sharply to the injury, but in truth extremely potent energy had been delivered into his body, causing him great discomfort. It was like a flame had started burning in his abdomen. 

"Fuckkk...!!" As a fire user himself, only Jim knew how hard it was to hurt him with fire magic, and in spite of that... "Aahh.. shit.." He forced himself back to his feet and dragged his body out of the room.

The pain refused to go away. It was like something was eating at his vitality itself. "No way.. aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!" With a scream, the boy collapsed not long after he exited the inner chamber. 

Inside the dark space, Amelia too had collapsed on her side, losing consciousness. Her eyes were closed. But.. through her eyelids, one can see her red pupils burning with a dangerous crimson flare. 


"Glock.. glock.. glock.. glockk.." Paula watched on as Ryu fucked his sister's throat roughly. The large cock was certainly making the girl uncomfortable, evident from her teary eyes and nasty sounds her throat was generating on account of being shafted.

With all those shortcomings, she witnessed the joy on Ruby's face as she didn't do everything she could to accommodate the entire length inside her mouth. Maybe Paula had the answer for that. 

Although from the outside what the boy seems to put his women through seemed ostentatious at times it didn't change the fact that he made sex fun and thrilling. 

Now when she thought about it, since morning, there had been innumerable times when she thought she was going to lose it. However, there was not a single time when she really did lose her mind. 

Rather, thinking back on it, whatsoever the boy did to her was pleasuring her like nothing she ever experienced. In the end, it was her inherent bias and ego that led her to have such a negative impression of the boy. 

Ryu saw her looking at him and passed on a grin back to her. She saw him grip Ruby's head with extra strength and ram his waist into her mouth. The rapid back and forth will generate a lot of gag responses from the girl. 

With that said, the sight of the throbbing penis appearing and disappearing between Ruby's lips was something to behold. There were not many things in this world that looked so pretty when Paula thought about it. 

Before she knew it, her hands had reached into her crotch. She only noticed what she had been doing when the boy turned his head towards her and grinned naughtily. Glancing downwards, she found her index and middle fingers snugly lodged in her recently ravaged pussy..

She had just now been brought to her orgasm before Ryu had shifted his focus to Ruby. Alas.. she was horny once again. Fucking in public? She didn't give two hoots about it. Who cares where and how she is done until there was a satisfactory orgasm to go with it.

Paula dropped down to her hands and knees, stepping over to the siblings. Crawling behind the boy, she sat in a way that her head was directly under his balls. Parting her legs, she began fingering her cunt while attaching her lips to the juicy balls. 

A lot of Ruby's spit will mix with Ryu's cum and travel down his cock, ending over his balls. Intending to claim this nectar from getting wasted, Paula had chosen her position. 

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