A Pervert's World

Chapter 290: Ryu's apology

Chapter 290: Ryu's apology

It was like Jim's emotions had been chipped away by the process. He can easily imagine himself screaming like a maniac, had these powers been bestowed upon his previous self. But now, there was no joy in his achievement. 

Rather, there was lingering hate in his heart. Hate for Ryu for messing with his life. Hate for Sophia for never acknowledging him. Hate for Amelia for crushing his affections for her. And lastly, hate for himself for failing so many times in his life. 

He can still vaguely remember himself pathetically rolling on the ground, in presence of that mighty consciousness. The feeling of powerlessness was the worst. That was something his new self can't stomach. 

He absolutely loathed himself for even being unable to speak in front of the entity. 'That will never happen again..!!' *Booom* With just his thought, mana churned around him creating a massive wave of charged air around him.

*Whoosh* With a wave of her hand Paula dispersed the cloud of electricity that had cloaked the boy. "Don't get agitated. I understand you must be going through a lot of confusion right now. But you need to stay patient, it will take some time for your mind to get accustomed to your new self."

Jim didn't respond to her once again, nevertheless, he had visibly composed himself, not losing control of his emotions. 

'I guess it's time to implement the next part now.' After the triumphant success of the first piece of her plans, the restless lady can't wait to keep up the momentum.


At the break of the dawn, Jeff was disturbed by the loud noises. Not able to get a peaceful sleep he reluctantly pushed himself out of the bed. For some reason, he can perfectly discern what was going on. Over the period of the last two months, he had been very familiar with this particular tone of the voices. 

Sure enough, an absolute depraved scene welcomed him as soon as he stepped out. And as always the case involved his son. Uncaring of his injuries, he witnessed Ryu pounding a pussy with all his might. These events were common around his house and it should not have surprised Jeff as much as it did him when he realized the identity of the lady to who that vagina belonged. 

"Mm.. mm... Mrs. Nana.." A stuttering Jeff almost stumbled face-first to the ground when he noticed that it was chief Eric's wife herself, that his boy was fucking in such a humiliating fashion. Both of Nana's hands and feet were bound with the help of tight ropes. 

With her hands restrained behind her back, she was being held in a doggy position with Ryu's left hand harshly grasping her unkempt hair. Not only that, the fingers of his left hand were inserted inside her nostrils and tugging her face up. 

Jeff felt his energy draining. Who didn't know how petty madam Nana can me? As such he had always been on edge whenever his boy had an encounter with this pretty lady. Nonetheless, this situation can't be compared with the previous encounter. 

It didn't take a genius to realize how much a woman of nobility will hate to be treated with such disrespect. "Ryuuuu..!!" Assuming that Mrs. Nana had been drunk, Jeff screeched his voice in order to put a stop to this depravity, before the lady woke up.

His low-pitched scream attracted the attention of every onlooking lady at once. Ryu too took a pause from his thrusts to look at his father who had now walked over to face him. "Stop this. This is too much. You can't treat Mrs. Nana like this, get your hands off her." His voice was strict, since having walked over to the front, he can clearly see the glazed eyes of the lady, indicating her intoxicated state.

Including Ryu, each woman in the room snickered to themselves. Jeff could make any sense of what was happening when, like it was directed towards him, a wave of sparks appeared around Nana. "You dare stop, peasant?" 

Amelia sprung to save her husband from the slut's wrath, pulling him away in a swift motion while Ryu slapped Nana's face to calm her down. Only when he resumed his pumping inside her, did her face morphed back into intoxication.

Finding Jeff staring at the couple with a dumbfounded expression, Amelia sighed. "This brat had fucked her silly. She is totally out of her mind now." Ruby along with the two maids chuckled at her description. Her explanation left Jeff speechlessly staring at her for a full minute until his brain accepted defeat. "Something like that can happen?"

"Who knows how the body of experts works?" Amelia along with the other women had no viable ideas to share. Jeff can only get ready and leave the house in amazement, all under the bestial moans of madam Nana. 

"Put her to rest, Ryu. She is going to hurt herself." Having been on the receiving end of Ryu's assaults, Amelia was aware of how galvanizing his expertise with women can be. *Paaaghh* Slapping her buttocks, Ryu turned his grinning face towards his mother.

"Then you should help her out." Rolling her eyes, she tied her hair up, ready to use her mouth to overwhelm the lady sexually. Right then Ryu yanked Nana around such that she was face to face with his redhead mother. "But first, I want to see both of you kiss." 

Amelia wad flushed at his demand. This guy was certainly doing this on purpose. After she struggled against this lady last night, this was his way of humiliating both of them. Thankfully, Nana was totally out of her mind so this should not be too embarrassing. 

Not thinking twice about it, Amelia just tucked her lips in Nana's hanging jaws, sensually sucking on her velvety tongue. "Guuuggh.. mhhuu.." As soon as the intoxicated woman noticed the discrepancy, she engorged her slimy tongue straight into the redhead's gullet. 

Caught unprepared, Amelia's eyes opened wide as the long tongue of Nana invaded the privacy of her mouth. Kissing someone was a very intimate affair and even though her partner was of the same gender, she can't help but feel a tad bit uneasy. 

Meanwhile, Ryu's thrust inside Nana kept growing harder. The sight of his mother entangled with her was especially arousing to him, causing him not to restrain his motions inside the gaping pussy. Not very long after that fluids gushed from inside the ravaged cunt of the chief's wife, drenching the entirety of the floor. 

The next moment, the weakened matron collapsed in Amelia's arms. As if she was waiting for this, Dorothea jumped into action. Bringing her dish over, she took hold of Ryu's slimy cock. Stroking it only a few times, jets of thick white cum splashed all over the fruits on the plate. With a toothy grin, she placed the deflating head in her mouth, cleaning it.

After putting the squirming woman to sleep, Ryu had a peaceful meal with his family before leaving the house. His recovery speed had always been great. Right now the pain of his ruptured chest had greatly diminished, allowing him to at least have a walk. 

Approaching his grandma's adobe he found Kira busy with her cultivation in the garden. Choosing not to disturb the girl, he sidestepped her to walk inside the house. Lyla was working in the kitchen, so he walked over and gave the lady a morning kiss, much to her surprise. 

Next, he stood opposite one door, hesitating. "You can come in." Before he could ask, a voice alerted him from inside. With a rueful smile on his face, Ryu pushed the door open, finding not one but three ladies inside. 

Ruth sat in her bed staring out of the window, accompanied by her two identical spirits. "Hi.. handsome..!" The twins were flirty as ever, teasing the boy nonstop. Ryu scratched his head, closing the door behind him. "Ahem..!" 

"How are you feeling?" It was well over a week that he was waiting to hear the lady talk directly to him. "Cough.. well, it's not completely fine. But yeah, it's healing well." Ruth can't walk out of this house. For the town, she had effectively disappeared, along with her milk ladies. 

"Come here." Ryu sighed in relief at her call, calmly walking over to Ruth's side. "Let me see." Even though he had done her wrong, concern was evident in her eyes as she carefully removed his shirt, inspecting his injury. 

With how tense the atmosphere had grown, the twins decided against speaking, choosing to watch the drama unfold with their colorful eyes. "Hmm.. as expected. You are healing way faster than a normal kid." "How long will it take to heal fully? Any guesses?" He took the opportunity to continue the conversation.

Ruth tilted her head sideways, in thought. "With help from the medicinal pills, it should not take longer than a week.." Ryu was happy to hear that. He didn't want this wound to come in way of his training trip with master Lyod. 

"Ahh.. Ruth.." The lady only raised her eyes, to focus on him, while her adept hands bandaged him back. "Yeah?" "I.. am sorry about them.. you know.." He had definitely underestimated this old lady's affection with the milkladies. It was like he had separated a cow from her calf. 

All this while Ruth refused to be transported into his personal space, just because he had placed the frozen bodies of her girls in there. Ruth's expression went through a slew of emotions before she shook her head firmly. "No.. I am the one who should be sorry.. for acting like a kid."

Finding tears accumulating on the rims of her eyes, Ryu swooped in and kissed her lips strongly. Ruth didn't resist, her lips eagerly matching the suction. On both her sides, Abigail and Isabella turned to smile at each other. Finally, the couple seems to have reconciled.

"How vulgar.." "Yeah, people these days are lacking the right morals." Both of them began talking to each other, trying their best to lighten the atmosphere. Ryu's hands reached out behind Ruth to take hold of both their breasts together. 

"How shameless..!!" Isabella acted surprised but didn't do anything to resist his advances. "Ahhhh..!!" Abigail shrieked when Ryu tugged hard on the ring piercing her nipple. "Just you wait, I am going to pump some morals in both of you as well." Ruth chuckled while wiping her eyes clean, while her two spirits continued bantering with the kid.

Ecstatic at receiving Ruth's pardon, Ryu snuggle in bed with the older lady. Taking advantage of the jovial atmosphere, he claimed her massive udders for himself. Feeling their hefty weight in their hands, he played with them, crushing them and watching them regain their shapes. 

"I am sure three months will pass in a jiffy, Ruth. After that, all of us can live a happy life." Placing his lips around the long nipple at the lower side of her breasts, Ryu gave it a long suck. Rich milk flowed down his throat, refreshing him acutely. 

"I understand. A peaceful life is all we need. Trading the fear of being found with these months of separation is nothing." Ryu can't agree more. "About that.. it completely escaped my mind.. did prince Dennis visit this town while I was sleeping?" 

"Haha.. yeah, and from what I heard from my grandma, he messed up big time." Ruth felt relieved looking at the cheerful expression of the boy. "He tried to sneak an attack on grandma." Her jaws almost fell over when she heard those words. 

"He did what?" Ryu chuckled, taking another sip of the delicious milk from her other breast. "Haha.. idiot tried attacking her." "Hahaha.. what a fool..!!" "Overestimating himself as always." Ruth was still reeling from the shock, but the twins were extremely happy, easily guessing the results of such gross misadventure.

"I don't need to tell you any further, I guess." "Haha.. it will be a while before he is allowed anywhere near this country's border ever again." Isabella commented in derision. Ruth didn't disagree with her judgment. 

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