A Pervert's World

Chapter 282: Heartbreak

Chapter 282: Heartbreak

'Ehh... Your tone sure is irritating, to say the least.' 'Yeah, but I tell the truth. Didn't I tell you not to try your luck with that redhead again? What happened in the end?' Jim gritted his teeth, the voice bringing out the frustration in his heart. 

He had done something truly stupid. Despite the voice in his head repeatedly warning him not to go over to Amelia's place, he ended up going there nonetheless. Though she received him very eagerly but Jim can tell that she was actively trying to put some distance between the two.

Her actions left him discontent and that's when Jim ended up committing the stupidity of offering her the fruits to take her to bed. It was a dumb move on his part. Amelia grew alert and she might have assumed that he was trying to bridge the gaps. 

She didn't directly refuse him, rather pretending to be suffering from some acute pain in her groins after a supposedly rough night with her husband. Jim can easily tell that she was making that up. He ended up leaving Amelia's place with their relationship more strained instead. 

'What's done is done, just forget about her. She is too old for you, anyway. That relationship was never going to work in the first place.' Jim neither agreed nor disagreed with her judgment. Keep his head down as he approached the lone house standing in the middle of the lush gardens. 

Putting aside these thoughts in his mind Jim walked over with a small semblance of a smile on his face. Stopping right outside the property the boy picked out a bunch of freshly picked flowers from his storage ring. Even if she didn't respond positively to his previous proposal, it should be no problem for her to accept these as a token from him.

Taking a deep breath Jim had taken only a few steps towards the small house when he heard some muffled voices. He was not a kid anymore who can't tell what kind of voices were. Instantly his heart fell to rock bottom. 

'Turn around boy. I told you there is someone else in her life.' But much to the surprise of the voice in his head, the boy actually smiled. 'Ahh.. it must be master Lyod.' He can only laugh at himself for imagining the worst. There was no way Sophia can have a boy in her life. 

It was not a big deal for sexual encounters to take place between parent and child. Hence the boy took a step back, realizing that this was not the right time to meet his girl. 'Are you kidding me? Does that voice sound like it is coming from an old man, brat? Huh.. Don't believe me? Go and take a look hahaha..'

Jim clearly didn't believe the voice, who in this entire town was more eligible for that girl than him? But just to rub it on the witch's face he accepted her challenge. Leaping over the boundary he got behind the house and decided to take only a small peek so that there is no confusion left. 

Alas.. his body stiffened as he stood against the small window. The flowers in his hand fell to the ground as he witnessed the source of the voices, this time with his own eyes. The girl moaning out loud in the bed was Sophia, but the man behind her was not master Lyod rather a face that he knew all too well.

This was not how this should have been. He didn't even know himself how long he had liked Sophia. Regretfully the girl was too simple-minded, never wasting her time fooling around like him. Both of them had noble blood running through their vein, as such talent came naturally to them. 

Nevertheless, while the girl built upon her talent with hard work, he kept getting left behind by her at every stage. As time passed he developed a sense of inferiority towards Sophia, causing him to never be able to display his emotions fully. Yet, even when the distance between their hearts kept increasing, Jim remained hopeful that there will be a day when she will come accept him. 

It was painful. Very painful. His entire world has come crashing down. Inside the room, the boy and girl were unaware of his churning emotions. They kissed each other without any care in the world simultaneously as their crotch rammed into each other. 

Jim felt like his heart was bleeding. When did this happen? His mind recalled the images of Sophia dropping by Amelia's house to offer condolences. Evidently, this relationship has been budding up for quite some time, only he had been unaware of it. His delusions had interfered with his judgment, causing him to be unable to see the writing on the wall. 

His left hand reached his chest massaging it to relieve some of his pain. *Sigh* 'You are a too naive kid. In matters of love you can not be overly complacent.' The witch in his head remarked but Jim has lost control of his senses, unable to hear anything. 

He stood frozen in place for a good while. Slowly agony transformed into anger. He had tried being a driven man. He trained so hard, even cutting himself off from his friends. But what was all that worth? Is this how his fortune had decided to reward him? 

His eyes began turning red as small sparks of electricity charged around his body. The boy was losing control. 'Are you an idiot? You are going to lose even the small amount of goodwill that you might have in her heart. Take my advice and back away for now. Settle this matter out of her sight, if you know what I mean.'

With his red eyes, the boy glared at the handsome face in the bed. In the end, his reason won over him and he took a step back, albeit stiffly. 'If you intervene right now, you are only going to make her hate you. That's not what you want. The girl is still young, not everything is lost right now kiddo.'

Probably for the first time Jim agreed with the witch. Everything was not lost just yet. With heavy breaths, he dragged his broken body away. He needs to confront the kid. 'Fuck you.. ! Bastard... I will make you disappear from her life.' 

"Enough! Let's stop for now... I can't handle another one!" Back at the house, a sweating Sophia shoved the boy away from on top of her. "Hmm.. how come? I must show you all the love that I possibly can before you leave me." Ryu rolled back over the girl, picking her nipples in his mouth, gently suckling them.

"Huh.. Don't give me that jerk. It's not as if I am the only girl you got." She frowned her face, looking at the young maiden who had pounced at the opportunity to suck on her boyfriend's cock. "Hehe..!" Kira giggled cutely, making sure Sophia had a clear view of her debauchery. 

"Well.. that's right but there is only one of you, Sophia." Ryu came over and kissed the girl rigorously. Despite her blowback, the girl responded with the same fervent passion, eating his succulent lips ravenously. Ryu's fingers had found their way into her vagina, penetrating it to the depths of her tunnel until the girl was left moaning.

Like a good little sister, Kira gave a last few licks to the genital in her hand before directing it between the pink labia of her elder sister. "Noo.. aaaiii!!" It was too late when Sophia observed the strain on her swelled vaginal walls. 

She can only glare back at the little girl while the boy had already taken hold of her legs, pushing his cock right up to her womb. "You are the worst.. ahhhh...!!" Kira and Ryu chuckled together, laughing at the Sophia who had once again been turned into a moaning mess.


"That will be 10 Virgos as always, Amelia." An old man appraised the pottery the redhead had brought to his doorsteps. "Great, let me check." The redhead struggled with the bag she brought with her. "I was worried when you stopped showing up Amelia. I thought you chose to do business somewhere else haha.." 

"What are you saying Mr. Dune? It's been years since I have been depending on you, it's not very ethical to switch at this point in time. It is only because I didn't feel like doing these potteries for a while." While talking to the man, the lady took counted the right amount of fruits and handed it to him. 

"Here." The old man inspected the lady once before accepting the payment. "I heard about your child making quite some progress in cultivation. I hope that he keeps excelling." Any talk about her son fills Amelia with pride these days. 

"Haha.. thanks Mr. Dune." The old man too laughed out in response, his eyes resting on the bouncing tits of the lady in front of him. *Gulp* "ahem.. how about you take these five Virgos back and we can have sex once in place of that? What do you say?" 

Amelia chuckled finding the man ogling her breasts. Had it been two months back she would have gladly taken this offer. "Haha.. thanks again for your offer Mr. Dune. But these days I don't enjoy sex just as much. You can say that I am turning old."

The disappointment was evident on the man's face nevertheless he didn't push for it. "Huh.. you are one of the finest looking women in all of Korua, Amelia. Second, only to the chief's wife. How can you turn old just yet?" Amelia talked with the man for another minute before taking her to leave from there. 

"You can come to pick your pots tomorrow, same time." The man's voice reached her as she walked out of the property. Waving back to the guy she took to the streets, navigating her way back. These days her life had turned for the better and she had come to feel extremely pleasant.

She had a loving husband and a hard-working kid, what more would she ask for. Though James's sudden demise had gripped the family with grief, fortunately with Ryu stepping up his presence in Ruby's life, their family was back together. 

*BOOOM* *CRACKLE* *CRACKLE* *BOOM* Amelia was almost thrown to the ground when she heard a series of explosions in close succession. A massive plume of smoke rose into the skies. The black cloud of smoke was covered with churning blue lightning. 

Picking herself up she got back to her feet, looking in the direction as people ran right past her. It was only natural for her to run for the cover in this situation but a single fact stopped her from following the crowd. 

Opposite to her, she can see the canopies of large trees that were not supposed to be there. This large vegetation was not there when she traveled from her house. Inadvertently, she took a step in the direction of the explosion. 

Turning around the corner she found herself face to face with scenery of destruction. Multiple houses had been blown to smithereens, while those still standing were left in dilapidated conditions. Thick vegetation covered the ground with the large trees around her swaying back and forth like someone breathed life in them. 

The atmosphere was charged up with mana, making her skin crawl. *BOOM* *BOOM* Her vision noticed two figures entangled into each other before they were each thrown into opposite directions. Both of them were bleeding to various degrees as they glared back at each other with red eyes. 

The wave of the explosive blast threw Amelia a few steps back as she hid her face from the hot air. Determined, she took a few more steps wading through the heat and smoke in front of her. "Ryu??" This had been the single reason why she crossed over to check this place. 

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