A Pervert's World

Chapter 275: Who are my parents?

Chapter 275: Who are my parents?

Ryu can only nod in response. Even he had a hard time believing that his loving grandma would put him through such disaster only to reveal the entity inside him. He surely underestimated the hate the humans in this world possessed towards the demonic species.

 "Well as long as you are safe, everything else comes later. Regardless of that, I still want to slap your ass, you idiot!!" Ryu was not ready for this sudden blowback, his consciousness almost stumbling back from the rage-induced voice of the Dragon. 

"Hey.. hey.. no need to be this mad." "Tch... I should have not handed the slave spell to you just yet. Why didn't I think about it.. ahhh..!!" It seemed like Mr. Dragon was suffering from a headache. And his previous outburst told him that it had something to with him, hence he sensibly chose to keep quiet, letting the beast calm down.

"I can understand you taking in that woman, but was there a need to collect all her dairy farm? Are you planning to sell milk, you bastard?" Contrary to his belief the Dragon was only getting more irritated with him. "Cough.. cough... It can't be helped, as a kind man, I can't leave the destitute ladies to themselves. Isn't it noble of me to give them food and shelter?"

"Food and shelter my ass!! Aaghh..!! Had I been able to manifest myself there. I swear I would have spanked your ass black and blue.." His words inadvertently told Ryu that most probably this guy can't actually hurt him. As a result, the boy grew more presumptuous. 

"Huh... I don't understand why you would be so angry. All I did was to help a few poor women." "Yeah, I can see through you like a glass, kid. Tell me that their udders had no role in affecting your decision?" 

"Ahem.. ahem.. of course, those had nothing to do with my decision. Why is your mind so lewd, you lizard?" "I am lewd? Do I need to remind you how much of your time you had wasted, fooling around with women?" 

"I am a young boy. What do you expect? Now I can't even have some fun? Don't you see how much hard work I have done with my training? I need some compensation for all that." After realizing that the Dragon didn't have any leverage over him, the boy's criticism grew sharper. Both of them wasted quite a bit of time arguing back and forth.

Ryu already realized the issue this guy was worried about. While a slave can help their master with their cultivation, too many can put pressure back on the master, especially when the master is as young as him. He had already known about this disadvantage when he enslaved the milk ladies. 

But like the Dragon rightfully pointed out, the lure of those succulent milk-filled udders trumped everything drawback. He just had to work harder and raise his cultivation to enable his body to handle the stress that comes with owning so many slaves. 

While their debate was heated, Ryu was happy in his heart. This was the longest conversation the Dragon ever held with him. It gave him an impression that his situation might be getting better, at least when compared to his earlier state. This guy was the only being he felt such a strong connection with like they were one. 

"I don't need all that bullshit! Next time, I want all of them placed under a prolonged stasis. Once you break through your current realm, only then can they be woken up. Do I make myself clear?"

Ryu was aware that he was serious and thus he can only relent albeit reluctantly. "Okay. But first, tell me something." He waited for a second before resuming his question. "As you see, now I am a grown-up man. So... I was wondering.. how can I get some privacy?" 

"Hain? What type of privacy? And from your memories, you seem to love doing 'it' right under the blue sky." "Cough.. cough.." Ryu would have certainly blushed if he had a body in this space. "That's exactly what I am talking about. Why do you have access to all my memory? Ain't I a complete human?"

"Ohh.. so this is the famed rebellious age of the kids? Permission denied. Next. Go to the next question." This guy was getting on Ryu's nerves. "Hey.. lizard, that's not fair. How will you feel if all your memories are laid bare in front of me?" 

"Who cares about something so petty? Anyhow, kids as always naked in front of their parents." Ryu ascertained that this guy will probably not budge on this matter. He was about to move on with a heavy heart when the Dragon brought the topic of his parents.

"Well let's leave that matter for later. At the bare minimum, you can tell me who my real parents are?" He had figured this part long back. He was like a person dropped from the sky in this family, nothing about him matched with either Jeff or Amelia. 

"Huh.. what will you do with that?" "What the heck? That's the basic right of a human, stupid. I should know who brought me to this world." "Enough of that. Simply speaking, I am your 'real' parent. Now can we move to the next question?"

"Good. Then who is my real mother then?" Ryu can tell that this guy was not telling him the whole truth but he went on to dig further anyway. "Everything you have is me. Be it, father or mother, it's me." The conviction with which the Dragon spoke those words even Ryu believed him for once.

"Please don't tell me Dragons are hermaphrodite in nature." That's the only sane conclusion he can draw from his words. "Ahahaha.. what's a hermaphrodite?" "Leave it." Ryu was feeling tired. This mental connection had started to take a toll on him. 

"Sure. Then I suppose you don't have any proper questions. Let me take my leave for now." Ryu was about to nod when he suddenly called out. "Oii.. genius!! Weren't you here to guide me on my cultivation? When are you planning to do that?"

"Hahaha.. ohh.. my bad, almost forgot about that. Okay, let me see.. hmm.. hmm.. I got nothing for now. As long as you keep those ladies under stasis, I got no issues." "Haain? Nothing? Don't you have some awesome spell that I can cast? Like a golem or a wooden dragon? I have seen a few glimpses of that demon doing just that."

He can recall a few scenes from his memories when that demon fought against Emily and the Black Dragon. Those were the kind of spells he wanted for himself. How cool will that be? Alas.. his desires were viciously trampled by his benefactor. 

"Huh.. forget about those spells brat.. at your level I will be surprised if you can properly grow a tree. Before you reach the earth realm, your mana reserves are not sufficient to cast any high magnitude spell. For now, the spellbook that your grandma brought you is more than enough."

Ryu can only sigh in exasperation. He was aware of how stubborn this Dragon can be. There was no use nagging him for that. "Goodbye then..." "Hey.. wait. Tell me how can I get my women pregnant?"

"Aren't you just a kid? Why do you want one another one? If you crave a kid that badly, just play with yourself." "Stop messing around. I am serious." "Can't do it. As I told you last time around. You and humans are not the same, kiddo. You have a piece of me inside you. In short, you can't get any woman pregnant, naturally." 

"Naturally? Hehehe.. that means you must have a way to do it." Ryu observed the symbol in the air grow dimmer, a signal that their connection was breaking apart. "Hurry up, tell me!" "I don't know." "Oi.. oi.. don't mess around now." 

"Seriously, I got no idea how to do it. Only angels were good with these kinds of stupid magic. You have one... Just ask her.. hahahahaha..!!" Ryu clenched his imaginary fists. 'This waste of space!' He had made no real benefit from this visit of the Dragon. Yet, he was glad about inside. Just because this time around his voice was much more powerful than earlier.

He had told him that he had sustained massive injuries in his fight against that demi-god being. Fortunately, if his cheerful voice was any indicator he seems to have made big improvements over time. 

After some time, he found himself back in his bed with Ruby. Thankfully, he was not drenched in his sweat like in his previous sessions. Under the dim moonlight, he carefully picked away the strands of hair covering her face.

"Why are you still awake?" He can tell that the lady was only pretending to sleep. Once he cupped her pretty face to kiss her lips, she opened her eyes. "You were convulsing for quite a while. I tried to wake you, but you didn't get up. So, I just waited, and finally, you feel calm." 

Ryu had no idea something like that happened to his real body. "I might be having a bad dream. Sorry to wake you up." "It's okay." He looked confusedly, as the lady unwrapped her naked body and got off the bed. "Let's go." She extended his hand to him. 

"Where?" Though he asked that, he had already placed his hand in hers. "To the bathroom. I will clean you up. You can't sleep like this." That's when Ryu noticed that although his situation was not as bad as other times, nonetheless he was not smelling pleasant at all.

Smiling bitterly, he didn't resist the lady, allowing her to pull him out of the room. In the meantime, Amelia who was left behind in bed opened her eyes as well, only smiling at her kids. 

Ryu and Ruby walked over to the bath. Both of them were naked, so the boy directly sat down on the stool. His redhead sister meanwhile filled the bucket. He deliberately didn't offer to help her, wanting to keep her mind occupied with something.

All the last few days, Ruby had spent most of her time in bed. It was time she got up from there and did some physical labor to pull her mind off the tragedy. The pink slit between her fleshy buttocks stared right back at him as the lady bent to fetch water from the well. 

"Hhhhmm?" Ryu knew he was gambling with this action of his, but he believed that Ruby would not mind it even if he messed it up somehow. His hands parted her hips and his head made its way between her buttocks. "Mhhh... Ryuu.. not.. right now..!!" 

Ruby felt her legs go limp as she fell on her knees in front of the well, causing the rope attached to the bucket to slip from her hands. Regardless, the boy had no intentions of stopping. His lips gently maintained pressure over her vagina, while his tongue swiftly licked her slit. 

His sister struggled to get herself out of his grasp, only to have Ryu hold onto her ass cheeks firmly. "Mhhh... Ryuu... please.." Tears accumulated in her eyes, but the boy had made his mind. Despite her protest, his fingers reached her knob, rubbing it.

"Turn around sis." As expected he found her crying once again. Facing him she broke into sobs. "Look into my eyes, sis." Ryu's voice had taken a commanding undertone. Ruby hurriedly wiped the corners of her eyes, trying her best to contend a calm demeanor. 

Ryu watched her gradually staring back into his eyes. "Are you listening to me?" She nodded her head with a quiet 'Yes'. "I am going to make you my wife. Are you ready for that?" Ruby looked at him in stupefaction. 

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