A Pervert's World

Chapter 271: Emily leaving

Chapter 271: Emily leaving

<<Time to do some self promotion. It's a new month, so please head over to our patreon page and show your favourite author(i.e. yours truly) some love. 

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That's all the rant from my side. Once again, every single one of my readers are appreciated whether you are able support the work monetarily or /slayer104 (remove '*')>>

"Haaahh.. die.. !!" Jim was mad. He didn't know why but it felt frustrating. He can't be mad at Amelia's choice, she was a married woman and this was going to be the eventual end to their relationship, anyway. He was probably mad for not being able to cut the lady off from his life. A few days had passed from then and he had genuinely tried to move on, but it was much harder than he had imagined.

This only went on to prove that Amelia had a better judgment than him, she had already foreseen this outcome and declared her stance in advance. In his heart, he knew the lady did that for his own good, but this was probably the very first time the teenager had faced rejection and hence it was hard. 

Well, even Sophia had rejected him many times but he never took it to heart, realizing that he still had a chance. However, with Amelia, everything he had was gone. There was no going forward from here. *Sigh* *Blast* The twisting dark vine in his hand exploded in multiple pieces, falling to the ground and dying out.

He was the chief's son, there was no need for him to do the extermination work. Yet after finding himself stuck at his current cultivation level and the training had gotten boring, this was his way to seek some thrill in life and put his mind to focus on other matters.

*Gulp* *Gulp* Sitting under the tree, he stared towards the sky sipping some water from his bottle and wiping perspiration on his head. He had been on a killing spree this morning, destroying the pesky vines as soon as he discovered one. 

"Young master Jim, my team had discovered a large vine. I don't think we can handle it alone, please back us up." Jim had only gulped two mouthfuls when a man came running towards him. Without thinking twice the boy just nodded once and leaped into action. "Lead the way." 


"Careful.. don't let it come close." Deep in the plantation farm, many men had surrounded a large Krypto vine. They had managed to isolate it from the tree but it was proving to be difficult to destroy it. That's why one of them had been sent to get help.

"Remember master Lyod's words, no one plays the hero. Keep distance, these pesky bastards are can be tricky to handle." "Yes, keep it busy until help arrives." One after the other the men shouted, bombarding the screeching black mass with a long-distance attack while forming a circle around it. 

*Thrrrr* *Zaapp* *Zaaapp* Out of nowhere a large flaming lance cut across the air, peircing the vine and pinning it to the ground. Everyone cheered and found a young boy running towards them. "Get back. It's mine." The lance was covered flickering with lightning, causing the entity to burn from inside.

Jets of red fire blasted from the boy's palms as he leaped at the abomination amid its shrill cries. "Haha.. too weak!!" His plans blasted away the tentacles trying to approach him, burning them to crisp. A single tentacle got around to bite the boy on his forearm, making him wince in pain. 

"Just die already..!!" He didn't fret over his bleeding arm, instead holding the dry appendage firmly in his hands as lightning began crackling around his body. *BOOM* The electricity passed through to the main trunk of the plant, zapping it into oblivion. Once he was done, nothing but the dust was left in front of him. 

"Awesome!! Little Jim." "Yeah, that was incredible!!" "Hahaha.. the chief will be proud." "Sure he will be. Damn.. the boy is good haha.." The men around cheered and fell back on their butts, relaxing. Jim on the other hand ignored them and popped a small pill in his mouth, wiping the blood off his arm and wrapping it with a small piece of cloth. 

Over their heads, two men stood suspended in the air, watching the entire show. "What exactly did you do to the boy? This was not exactly how I imagined him to turn out." Eric scratched the back of his head, blushing in shame. "Well, I can't blame you for that. He was a problematic kid, indeed." He saw the boy ignore the men around and walk away, on his way to search for its next victim. 

"Even now I am not sure what caused him to change this much." "You aren't?" Lyod was surprised that even his own father was unaware of it. "Huh... I tried probing it a few times but the kid is stubborn, refusing to let people get too close to himself." "Well, I guess it's alright, looking at the results." "Yeah, you are right. I just hope he doesn't push himself too hard." 


"Rise!!" Two small plants germinated from the ground on either side of Ryu's feet. His eyes were closed shut, trying his best to focus on the spell. The next minute, a bright pink flower bloomed on their heads. It was a beautiful scene, nonetheless right the next minute both plants simply shriveled up and dried. 

"Aahhhhhh!!!" The boy can only punch the ground in frustration. Amelia can only smile from distance. "Haha.. you were close. They almost bloomed." Ryu let his exhausted body fall back on the grass. "Yeah, but that's not good enough." 

"Hehe.. then get back up and keep trying, kiddo." Last day, Ryu had told her about the dairy farm. She knew her boy had lost the job but as long as he was happy, she didn't care that much about the income now. One can say that she had learned to live happily in what she had. 

These days she will only do her pottery business just to keep herself in shape, afraid that no work can get her to put on weight. These days she was way more cheerful. Even the loss caused by James' untimely demise had seemed to be fading now. 

Ruby was getting healthier and at least had begun to talk to the people around. What more can she ask for? "Come, let's take a bath." Amelia walked over picking up the weary body of her boy in her arms and carrying him towards the house. Ryu let her lick himself up and holding her head in his hand, brought his lips on hers, initiating an affectionate kiss.

Amelia stopped in place, sucking on her boy's juicy lips without any care in the world. Ryu's right hand held her head down, while his left one fondled her exposed breasts. Most of the time, the boy will keep her naked when at home, hence the convenience of using her whenever he was in the mood.

"Cough.. can this bath wait for a few minutes? I got a few things to talk about with the kid." Amelia was not expecting someone to find herself in such a compromising position with her own child. She almost dropped the kid on the ground, while taking a step back. 

"Ahem.. mother.." Ryu was placed on the ground while the redhead desperately wiped her lips, futilely trying to get rid of the evidence. Emily can only sigh. "I am already aware of your shenanigans, Amelia. No need to act like it was just a motherly kiss." 

"Haha.. mhh.. then I will spare you the explanation, mother hehe.." Like a kid the woman giggled, walking in the house. "Come to the bath, when you are done." Ryu heard her say. The boy can only smile and step closer to the woman standing ahead of him. 

Aware of his plans, Emily placed her hand on his chest, stopping him in track. "I am here on serious business, kid. No messing around." Ryu pretended to be disappointed as he sat on the ground. "Listening." The lady smiled and sat right next to him. "I will be leaving Korua today." 

Ryu was not expecting her to leave just yet. "What happened? You just returned." Emily sighed. "It's the royal court. They are summoning me. Got to return to the capital once again." "It's regarding the announcement of the existence of the Krypto vines, isn't it?" 

"Yeah, the news is spreading like wildfire and the nobility are being cornered for keeping the matter secret for this long." "They can't be thinking of punishing you for it?" Emily smiled, finding a sheen of concern in the boy's eyes. 

"Haha... it's all a facade for the general public. Nothing is going to happen, a few admonishing here and there, a few summons by some old bones, that will be all. I was ready for this when I asked Eric to do the announcement." Ryu held her waist in his arm, finding the woman extremely cute when she chuckled. 

"Then I will wait for you." He didn't waste any time, latching onto her lips before she can put up a resistance. Emily was at a loss, having been caught off-guard. She can only let the boy kiss her for the next minute, realizing that it will be some time before she can return.

"The prince had been taken care off." She mentioned the mess Dennis created, in short. "Keep this with you at all times. I don't want to help you out in your cultivation journey as it will be more fruitful if you can overcome the obstructions on your own. Hence, only use this when absolutely necessary." Having learned from her previous mistake, she handed the boy a bracelet. 

Ryu took it from her hands, appraising the ornament. "What is this supposed to do?" "Pour your mana into this, in case you find yourself in a life-threatening situation. It will alert me, and I will be able to help you out from wherever I am." 

"Hmm? You can do that?" "Yes. Like I told you, don't rely on that demon's powers. We don't exactly know what his plans are just yet. Keep him at bay for now." Ryu nodded, watching the lady get to her feet. "Remember, only use it when you got no other choice." Her face was stern this time, warning the boy. 

"Haha.. of course. I too want to improve myself, woman." Emily's face returned to a smile as she walked away. "The girl is awake. You can go see her now. Just don't bring any sensitive topic up with her. She is still reeling from the aftereffects of memory erosion." 

Ryu's heart pounded in his chest, listening to the best news in a while. "I will go right away." Emily nodded. "Apologize from her on my behalf as well. I wanted to teach her myself, alas.." "It's okay, just the fact that you took her as a disciple can keep her awake for weeks to come. Let's give her some time to absorb that." Emily chuckled and waving to the boy, leaped across the sky.


Kira sat in her bed, watching the afternoon giving way to evening through her window. Her face was blank without any expression whatsoever. "Hello, sweety." A voice broke her reverie, and once she saw the boy on her door, a smile blossomed on her pale face. 

He came forward and hugged her, the girl hugging him back. "Brother Ryu!!" He patted her head, trying to comfort her. "How are you feeling?" She kept holding his waist. "A little lost but I believe I am okay." "Nice, you are a strong girl, it's only natural." 

He sat beside her, letting her lay her head on his shoulders. "That day, brother Ryu. I feel like it was important for me, but I can't remember anything about it. What exactly happened?" Ryu's heart shook in trepidation. He recalled how happy the girl was as she brought him to her house. How she cursed him all the way back home when he refused to let her skip her scheduled training. 

He had only learned it later from Lyla that in fact, the girl had convinced her mother to let her do the deed with him. That's why she had been so excited the complete week before that. Such was their fate that the disaster hit on the same day. His heart pained when he thought about all that. His hands took her in his own, tightly holding onto it. 

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