A Pervert's World

Chapter 258: Release of the news

Chapter 258: Release of the news

It was a rare afternoon when Eric had some time off his duties. There was not a better time to enjoy some cuddling with his wife. "I thought you will be running away to your little gigolo as soon as you received my permission." He sucked the fresh milk out of Nana's enormous breasts. 

"Leave some for the kid, idiot." She pulled her tits away, binding them in her blouse. "Huh... I was too busy. Why do you care? Don't tell me you got insecurities from a 'child'." Eric smirked having been forced away from the fleshly jugs. "Insecurity? Hahah... A man doesn't only need to be great in bed, but in life as well. If he can't grow then he will remain what he is now, a gigolo." 

*BAM* Nana had her retort ready for him but a bang interrupted their sweet time together. Before Eric can register the door to his room swung open, exposing his naked body to the maid on the door. "Master, it's the grand mage. She is here... I asked her to wait but...! Ahh!!" 

The maid was not even allowed to complete her sentence when her body was jerked to the side. She wasn't injured, only falling on her buttocks while a woman in a white dress made her way into the room. "Thank you for leading the way." 

"Mrs. Emily.. why are you here?" Eric was flabbergasted by such behavior from the mage. He had known her for years but this was the first time she had been this assertive. 

The lady ignored him and took her seat on the couch, pouring herself some wine. "You seem to be enjoying your life thoroughly, Mr. Eric." Her gaze rested on his shriveled cock, still unwrapped from all the commotion. "Ahem... Sorry for the unsightly manners. May I know, the reason for your presence, Mrs. Grand Mage?" Hurriedly he shoved his weiner back in his pants.

"Bring me something to eat, Mrs." Nana was way more relaxed than Eric, calmly helping her complete the statement. "It's Nana, Mrs. Emily. I will be honored to serve you. Please give me a few minutes." The mage seemed to be impressed by her composed nature, nodding and taking a swig of her wine. 

Anybody can tell from her face that she was in a bad mood. Even mightily powerful mages like Eric, lose their senses in her presence. Yet, a weaker woman like her remained unfazed. She watched the lady dress up and bow towards her with an enchanting smile, before leaving the room. 

"You should have sent for this humble servant, Mrs. Emily. There is no need for your esteemed self to come here on your own." Emily's face turned stern, making his heart thump. "Are you telling me how I should handle my affairs, Mr. Chief?" 

Eric was already cursing his stars. It's never a good idea to be in proximity to these old bastards. Most of them suffered from extreme mood swings. One wrong word and he might find himself with a few broken bones. He wasn't the daring young man from his earlier life anymore. Experience had taught him to not bang his head against a mountain. 

"Haha... I wouldn't dare, Mrs. Mage. Please tell me how this servant can be of use." "I made some discoveries yesterday night. It seems that the town had some casualties when I was away. Care to inform me?" Eric's throat ran dry when the realization struck him. It totally escaped his mind that one of the brave men who died fighting the vines was apparently Emily's grandson-in-law. 

While in past she would not have cared about it, she seems to do care now. He gulped all the saliva in his mouth and dropped down to his knees. "It was this humble servant's fault. I was not attentive enough." 

How could Emily not know what type of leader Eric had been, all these years? There can hardly be any other leader who was so diligent in his work. She had known his story as well. The man never let his past overshadow his present. Anyone else at his place would have definitely been filled with grievances against this Empire, that never respected his talents, throwing him away to a ragtag town. Not him though, he had chosen his family to be his world and did everything to take up the responsibility of a town chief. 

She took a deep breath, knowing that it was futile to blame any of them for what took place. "Get up. I know everything." Eric had not even bothered putting up any explanation. There must be a slew of methods at her disposal to have figured out the events from that unfortunate day. 

"Huuu... There is no point grieving over the gone. But.." Nana entered the room and spread out a sumptuous meal for the mage. "Please!" She stood to the side, waiting for the lady to dig in. "Thanks." Taking a bite of her food, her attention returned to Eric.

"Though can't do anything for those we lost, from today onwards, we can't have any nameless deaths. The problem had grown too rampant to keep the citizens in dark. You might have noticed, information about the vines had already leaked out to the general populace, thanks to the Dark Wings' intelligence network."

"People need to know, what cost others are bearing for them. They need to appreciate their lives more." Eric was too stunned to intervene in the monologue. Reveal the existence of the vines? It was bound to be a groundbreaking announcement. How will the people take it? Will they fight or flee?

"Please think it through, Mrs. Emily. It can lead to mass-scale panic and hysteria among the masses." Emily shook her head. "I might have been lived a secluded life for the past few decades, yet even I know how the information 'leaked' to the Dark Wings. Please don't take me as a fool. Most of the governors are in agreement on this. It's only a matter of time. I want you to take the first step." 

"Consider it that it's my way of supporting my granddaughter. She must know how bravely her husband fought against the forces that threaten the very existence of our race. I want her to be proud. Her husband won't die a nameless death." 

The grand magus had changed. That was the first thought in Eric's mind. This wasn't the same Emily who would have barely even flinched, had it been her own children who lost their lives. How come now she was worried about the death of her grandson-in-law? Something definitely changed with her.

"If that's your wish, then this servant shall comply." Nana listened to the conversation with a lack of expression. She was aware of the topic and knew it wasn't her place to offer her opinions.

Emily took a fleeting glance over the man's face before waving her hand. "Get away. I am not a fan of eating my lunch in the presence of bare assed men." Eric's face turned red as he hurriedly invited himself out, followed by a giggling Nana.

"Wait. I forgot about another matter." She quickly explained the situation from last night. But it wasn't a big deal for Eric who responded in positive before making his way to his old mentor, Lyod. 

"Is the boy, alright. I mean, your grandson, Mrs. Emily. Is he okay?" "Hain?" Emily tilted her head to look at the genuine concern in the woman's eyes. "Please don't tell me." Nana had known a few things about Ryu's debauchery with the ladies of the town. Her face flushed, discerning the meaning behind her words. 

"Damn.. is he a god incarnate or something? How many had it been?" She seems to be talking to herself as Nana decided to wait patiently for her answer. "He is fine. Got his ass beaten up but he survived." Nana's face eased up, taken over by a sweet smile as she bowed and left the woman alone in the room with her meal. 


Ryu spent his afternoon with the mother-daughter pair in his arms. When he woke up next, the sun had gone down the horizon. Kissing both his bedmates on their face, he left them under the blanket. Walking out of the house, he found Emily sitting cross-legged in the garden.

"Return home. Spend the night with Ruby." Ryu sighed. Even a brat like him figured out James's situation, how can anyone keep the grand mage in dark? "Tomorrow morning, the town chief will announce the matter to everyone about the Krypto vines and those who lost their lives saving their fellow men." 

She must be talking about James. It was all clear as day. The vines led to his death. In the end, they proved to be deadly. He wasn't expecting such a turn of events. Announcing to the public? Was that a good idea? Even so, it was a hundred years too soon for him to advise the old lady. "Is there going to be a gathering, of some kind?" 

Emily took her time responding. "Yes. All of you guys must assemble at the town hall. We will see. If it gets too chaotic, I might decide to show up." That made sense to him. Bending down he cupped her face in his hands and slowly kissed her lips. "I am sure everything will be fine, as long as you are there grandma." 

His face was extremely close, so much so that she can feel his hot breath on her face. Even with all her age behind her, it was hard to remain composed in such a situation. "Go away brat.." Not wanting to be embarrassed, even more, she pushed the boy away, leaving him chuckling. "See you later, grandma. Please take care of those two for me." Emily only smiled, watching the boy leave her premises. 


Darla walked through the corridors of her palace, making her way to her grandmother's room. Today was her last day here. Tomorrow morning she has to leave the town with her aunt, for her extended training. Not to mention, she was very excited, to say the least. 

Reaching Kate's room the servants brought her to a secluded location of the monument. Extending outwards was a massive pool, glimmering in the light of stars right above. This part of the palace was only surrounded by small walls from all sides and was more than 20 meters above ground level.

She found the woman soaking in the hot pool, gazing at the stars above. "I am here, grandma." Darla walked over, finding the lady beckoning her to drop down with her. Not minding the night she did as told. It was an open secret how much the centaurs loved bathing. Most of the time, It was their only source of relaxation after a long training session. 

Kate made the girl lay down onto her chest, massaging her head. "When are you leaving, girl?" "Tomorrow morning!" Was her short answer. The lady silently rubbed her scalp for a while. "Don't annoy your aunt too much. Listen to her at all times. She is one of the most talented warriors our race had ever seen. Try to absorb as many techniques and wisdom as you can." 

"I know all that, grandma. You can believe in me. Once I return I will challenge you." Kate chuckled pulling the girl tightly in her chest. "That's my girl. The stars had changed their positions, little one. I don't know why but more and more they are putting their allegiance with chaos. I have a feeling that our world is going to go through a great upheaval." 

Darla was used to listening to these mysterious theories from her grandma. Her little brain was never able to wrap around such deep thoughts and hence she had given up on discerning them altogether. "Which era is not filled with chaos and upheaval, grandma? We just need to be ready for any possibility, such that we beat the asses of anyone who chooses mess with us." 

"Haha.. such big words from a brat. For a second it seemed like I had my son in my arms." Darla was annoyed at the uncalled-for comparison. "Huh..!" "Good. Then let me give you something that will help you in your training. Make sure you do justice to it." Darla's eyes sparkled as she witnessed the older woman draw out a shining curved sword. 

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