My Measurement: The Villain Desires a Satisfying Payback

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: In Conclusion, My Underground Facility Is Superior

Leaving a simple message in the group chat saying I had to take care of something, I excused myself from the ongoing conversation and went to check on the twins.

Although I could always ask the Measurement of Truth how they were doing, it was more effective to get a good idea of the situation by seeing it with my own eyes. Furthermore, watching them use their Supernatural Abilities was always a treat.

Moreover, my business with them today is something that requires me to see to them personally.


Pressing a button on the panel on the wall, the doors of the lift closed and I began to descend.

The feeling of the reduction in gravity as this metal box dropped dozens of metres through the earth could be felt within my bones, but I simply watched the floor counter on the wall rapidly decrease.




Roughly one minute later, when the counter hit Floor -60, everything grinded to a halt; I had arrived at my destination, and thus the doors opened.

As I stepped out of the lift, or elevator, I found myself in a surprisingly normal-looking and ornate corridor, decorated prettily with intricate designs and a lavish red carpet under my feet.

It appeared almost like a hallway from a royal palace, and yet it was just another part of my house.

Technically, the house belonged to Minami, but I lived here, so it was mine as well.

There were no windows, but I mean, of course there weren't―we were about 400 metres underground, after all, or about 1300 feet. If necessary, the technology existed that could create illusionary scenery with virtual screens and projections, but it wasn't set up at the moment.

Unlike the Hirane Facility from before, the ventilation system here, even this far underground, was almost perfect; if no one told you that you were over a thousand feet below the surface, it would be impossible to tell.

Basically, the air quality was of utmost quality. If I tried to fill this place with mustard gas like I did the Hirane Facility, it wouldn't be able to stay for longer than five minutes, and so wouldn't really have much of an effect.

To be honest, it wasn't the furthest underground I've ever been, but the air quality was definitely better here compared to the other place. It's more comfortable, too.

In conclusion, my secret underground facility is superior.

In any case, after strolling down the hall for a while, passing by some maids cleaning around, I arrived at a door with a sign on it:

[◉ Physical Training Area ◉]

Looking up to a lens above the door, my face and eyes were scanned and the door automatically slid open for me.

The Order should take notes for the next time they construct a secret facility.

This is how you make a security system that isn't half-baked.

What entered my vision after stepping through the doorway was a vast room, various gym equipment and related paraphernalia strewn about the place; on one side, there was even an entire wall transformed into a weapons rack with all kinds of goodies on there.

This was the place where all the butlers and maids of the house train, apparently, and that fact had been proven by the sight of several such people working out, going for both men and women.

Not only was there every kind of gym equipment you could find, including different sections containing weights and other standard machines, but there was also a section with rows upon rows of humanoid practice dummies.

In the midst of a duel with one of these dummies was a young girl.

Needless to say, it was Sona.

A magical, bluish glow emanating from her body and enveloping her like a tight-fit battlesuit, she faced the opponent head-on, trading blow for blow and fighting like what one might call a "real warrior".

Seeing how she chose the gauntlets out of the myriad of other, arguably better weapons, it seems that her fists really were the most comfortable tools for her.

Or, is it just like that since she's received no weapons training...?

The mental image of Sona dashing around, cooly slicing and dicing with a sword just like how Avon Laura did, was definitely something I'd like to see in reality, but... If it makes her a worse fighter than using purely her body, then I'll have to sacrifice it.

Should I get myself a knight? Well, I'll consider it if the opportunity presents itself.

By the way, these dummies...


[Trainee - Sona.

Match - #274.

Main Targets - Patella (Right Leg), Patella (Left Leg), Head (Entirety).

Average Accuracy - 89%.

What Went Wrong - Slightly missed the target as a result of wrongly predicting the enemy's moves, allowing the enemy to get into a recovery stance faster than intended.

How To Improve - Keep a closer eye on how the opponent is moving and what their focus and aim is to better predict their next move.

Additional Note - Because of Trainee Sona's small stature, you will need to move at a faster pace in order to make up for the greater physical disparity between you and the opponent as well as the disadvantageous gap in reach.

However, because Trainee Sona is still growing physically and is yet to reach your full muscular capacity, this issue should primarily be resolved with time.

Result - B+

Keep up the good work.]

―They weren't just any old scarecrow-like dummies filled with straw, you know?

From what I understand, these are basically punching bags with built-in artificial intelligence. Not that they can do anything crazy, mind you, but they allow for efficient practice since, not only can they take a beating, but they can learn from your previous moves and point out any mistakes you might have made, telling you exactly what to do to improve.

Additionally, you can go at them full-force, and who's going to complain? It's not like they'll care if they get injured, but they're real tough anyway, which is good.

In any case, they seemed useful for people wanting to improve and get stronger quickly.

I didn't have much of an interest in fighting, myself; so long as I could properly protect myself when required, then that was fine, but it was unnecessary most of the time anyway.

One of the reasons for that is probably because fighting has always been boring and easy ever since I first started learning it, and thus the interest I lost early on stayed with me until now.

After all, in order to win a fight, all I have to do is ask.

What is the enemy's weakness?

What should I do to counter that technique?

Is he able to counter this move?

Et cetera, et cetera. 'How do I win this fight' is too vague a question to ask, as all I'll receive in return is the answer 'subdue the enemy', or at least something along those lines.

Even then, all I have to do is ask any amount of questions that could pertain to my victory, and I'll basically just receive a step-by-step guide on how to win every single fight I'll be placed into.

What are the most effective techniques to use against this particular opponent?

What are the most effective defensive techniques to defend against this particular opponent?

―Not only do I know every technique, but I know in which scenarios to use them as well as how to execute them perfectly in any situation, at any given time.

Of course, that's all a bit of a bother, so I generally stick with the easiest method of winning a fight, which turns out to be a firearm.

Handguns are the best way to go in most cases; although they might lack in power, they have more than enough of it to kill a grown adult in no time at all assuming your aim is at least average, and in addition to that, they are lightweight, very portable and easily concealable.

That's why I adore my suppressor-equipped Ruger Mark IV so much―its practicality is just perfect for me.

In any case, I'm rambling.


To my call, the girl jolted her head towards me. It appears I went unnoticed until now due to the intense focus on her fight with the dummy.

"I saw your battle just now," I spoke as I walked towards her, "You seem to be doing well with the training."

Stopping just in front of her, I bent my knees and looked into her eyes, placing a hand on her head. "Good job. Now, come with me to find your sister. She'll be in the Field Area, right?" To which, she tilted her head silently. Seeing through the girl's confusion, I reminded her.

"―I said I'd give you two anything you wished for if you performed well at the Festival, didn't I?"

It was time to fulfil that promise.

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